Module 2 - Part I

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Social Network Structure, Measures &

● Basics of Social Network Structure - Nodes, Edges & Tie
● Describing the Networks Measures - Degree Distribution, Density,
● Connectivity, Centralization, Tie Strength & Trust
● Network Visualization - Graph Layout, Visualizing Network features,
● Scale Issues.
● Social Media Network Analytics - Common Network Terms, Common
● Social Media Network Types, Types of Networks, Common Network
● Terminologies, Network Analytics Tools.
Basics of social network structure
● Social network structure refers to the patterns of relationships and connections among a
group of people or organizations.
● Studying social network structure helps us understand how information, resources, and
support flow within a group, and how this flow impacts the behavior and outcomes of
individuals and organizations.
● Social network analysis is a research methodology that uses mathematical and statistical
techniques to analyze and visualize social network data.
● By studying social network structure, we can gain insights into the structure and dynamics
of social systems, and how these systems influence the behavior and outcomes of individuals
and organizations within them.
Node in Social Media Network
A node refers to an individual, organization, or group that is represented by a point
in the network.

A node is connected to other nodes by lines or edges, which represent relationships

or connections between the nodes.

These connections can be based on various factors, such as friendships, familial

relationships, shared interests, or professional connections.
Node in Social Media Network

The five co-stars of Apollo 13. Each is represented as a

node in the network. The edges connect actors who were in movies together.
Undirected Graph

A weighted graph where weights are indicated both as

Edges indicate at least one movie that numbers and by the thickness of the edge. In this graph,
the actors have been in together, not weight indicates how many movies the actors have been in
including Apollo 13. together.
Directed Graphs
Representing Networks : Text Based Visualizations
● Adjacency Lists
An adjacency list, also called an edge list. Each edge in the network is indicated by
list- ing the pair of nodes that are connected. For example, the adjacency list for the
Apollo 13 network is as follows:
○ Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton
○ Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise
○ Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon
○ Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise
○ Gary Sinise, Kevin Bacon
○ Gary Sinise, Ed Harris
Representing Networks : Text Based Visualizations
● Adjacency Lists
Adjacency lists can also include additional information about the edges
○ Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, 1
○ Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, 4
○ Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, 1
○ Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise, 1
○ Gary Sinise, Kevin Bacon, 1
○ Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, 1
Adjacency Matrix
Adjacency Matrix for directed graph

Adjacency Matrix for Undirected Weighted Graph

XML and standard format
Basic Network Structure and Properties
Subnetworks Subnetwork Types

● Singleton: nodes
that have no edges
● Dyad: at two nodes
and their
● Triad: a group of
three nodes
● All nodes in a group are connected to one another. When this happens, it
is called a clique.
Egocentric networks
● This is a network we pull out by selecting a node and all of its
● used to understand nodes and their role in the network.
● an important tool for network analysis
Egocentric networks
only D’s neighbors and their
Node D and its edges
connections, it is called a 1.5-
to its neighbors., this is
degree egocentric network,
called a degree-1
egocentric network.

all of D’s neighbors,

their connections to
one another, and all of
their neighbors is the 2-
degree egocentric
Paths and Connectedness
● A path is a series of nodes that can be traversed following edges between them.
● To determine the length of a path, we count the number of edges in it. The path
from M to C has a length of 4 (M->P, P->F, F->O, and O->C).
Shortest Path
● There are two shortest paths from Node F to Node E: FAE and FBE.
Shortest paths will be an important measure we consider in network
analysis and are sometimes called geodesic distances
● Paths are used to determine a graph property called connectedness. Two
nodes in a graph are called connected if there is a path between them in the
● An entire graph is called connected if all pairs of nodes are connected.
● Strongly connected graphs - every vertex is reachable from every other
● Weakly connected - If a path cannot be found between all pairs of nodes
using the direction of the edges, but paths can be found if the directed edges
are treated as undirected, then the graph is called weakly connected.
Bridges and hubs
● Connected Components -If a graph is not connected, it may have
subgraphs that are connected. These are called connected components.
The fig shows three-node connected component, a two-node connected
component, and a singleton
● A bridge is an edge that connects two otherwise separate groups of
nodes in the network. Formally, a bridge is an edge that, if removed, will
increase the number of connected components in a graph.
● Hub - The term is used to refer to the most connected nodes in the
network. E.g. Node P would be a hub because it has many connections to
other nodes.
Bridges and hubs

Node P would be a hub

PF is a bridge
1. Answer the following questions about this graph.

a. How many nodes are in the network?

Exercise b. How many edges are in the network?

c. Is this graph directed or undirected

d. Create an adjacency list for this graph.

e. Create an adjacency matrix for this graph

f. What is the length of the shortest path from

node A to node F?

g. What is the largest clique in this network? How

many cliques of that size are there?

h. How many connected components are there in

this network?

i. Draw the 1.5 ego network for node E (without

including node E in the graph). How many
singletons are in the ego network?

j. Are there any hubs in the network? If so, which

node(s) and why is it a hub?

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