Module 2 - Part I
Module 2 - Part I
Module 2 - Part I
Adjacency Matrix for Undirected Weighted Graph
XML and standard format
Basic Network Structure and Properties
Subnetworks Subnetwork Types
● Singleton: nodes
that have no edges
● Dyad: at two nodes
and their
● Triad: a group of
three nodes
● All nodes in a group are connected to one another. When this happens, it
is called a clique.
Egocentric networks
● This is a network we pull out by selecting a node and all of its
● used to understand nodes and their role in the network.
● an important tool for network analysis
Egocentric networks
only D’s neighbors and their
Node D and its edges
connections, it is called a 1.5-
to its neighbors., this is
degree egocentric network,
called a degree-1
egocentric network.
PF is a bridge
1. Answer the following questions about this graph.