Entrepreneurship Development Project Proposal

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Development Project
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Table of contents

01 Objectives

02 Resources

03 Budget

04 Solutions

05 Communication plan

06 Conclusion
How to create a project
Creating a project proposal can be done in five steps:

1. Define the project objectives and timeline

2. Identify resources needed to complete the project
3. Develop a budget for the project and estimate any
potential risks associated with it
4. Write down your proposed solution and provide
supporting documents or evidence that prove its
feasibility if necessary
5. Develop a communication plan to ensure key
stakeholders are kept informed of progress
throughout the entire process
of the project

Our aim The goal

An aim in a corporate context is Goals inside a company are
a goal or desired result that the usually specific and measurable,
organization seeks to achieve. with clearly defined deadlines
The aim should be clear and and outcomes. The company’s
achievable, and often serves as goals help focus the actions of
the basis for further planning the organization and ensure
actions inside the organization resources are used effectively
Human resources
The project team is responsible for the successful execution of the project. Our team
is composed of experienced professionals with the necessary skills and expertise to
complete the project on time and within budget

Financial resources
Our project budget is $100,000. This budget includes all expenses associated with
the project, including salaries and equipment. We have allocated these resources to
ensure that we are able to complete the project within budget

Physical resources
Our project requires a number of specialized pieces of equipment. We will be using
[insert equipment and their functions]. All equipment is in good working condition
and has been tested and calibrated prior to use
Sources of funding Personnel costs
Funding for a company can come from Personnel costs refer to the expenses
personal savings or investments, bank loans incurred in hiring, training and retaining
and other loan options, venture capital and staff for a company. This can include
angel investors, grants, competitions or salaries, bonuses, benefits and other
programs, crowdfunding… payroll-related costs

Equipment and materials Travel and miscellaneous

Equipment and materials costs refer to all Travel and miscellaneous costs refer to
the expenses related to the purchasing, expenses related to any travel-related
maintenance and upkeep of any physical activities, such as conferences, trainings or
items used in production or other business business trips. It may also include office
processes inside the company supplies, communications services, licenses
and other miscellaneous expenses
Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3
Implementing a new CRM Outsourcing specific Launching an e-commerce
(Customer Relationship business functions (such as platform to expand the
Management) system to accounting or IT) to a third- reach of the business and
improve customer data party provider to reduce increase online sales
management and costs and increase time
sales tracking efficiency

Solution 4 Solution 5 Solution 6

Developing a new product or Implementing a cost-saving Establishing strategic
service to diversify the initiative, such as energy- partnerships with other
business and increase efficient practices or process businesses to gain access to
revenue streams automation, to reduce new markets or
expenses innovative technologies
Net profit of the project

200 units
Break-even point

Market share in the industry
10 million
First-year revenue of the project
Project data

Benefits of using
Graphs in project proposals
offer visual organization,
enabling clear presentation
of information in a
structured format. They
enhance the visual appeal,
facilitate data comparison
and improve overall clarity
and professionalism of your
project proposal

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Project activities
Activity Start date End date Resource Cost Revenue
Market research 1/1/20XX 1/15/20XX $20,000
research firm
development 1/16/20XX 6/30/20XX R&D team $200,000

Beta testing 7/1/20XX 8/15/20XX Beta testers $10,000

Marketing Advertising
campaign 1/1/20XX 1/15/20XX $100,000

Product launch 1/16/20XX 6/30/20XX Sales team $50,000 $500,000

support 7/1/20XX 8/15/20XX Support team $50,000 $800,000
What to show in a
1. Product/website description: A brief overview of the
product/website, including its key features,
dimensions, and materials used
2. Features and benefits: A detailed explanation of the
product's/website's features and how they will
benefit the user
3. Technical specifications: A list of the
product's/website's technical specifications, such as
dimensions, weight, power requirements,
connectivity options and hosting platform
Project timeline

Conduct market Execute a marketing

research and analyze campaign to promote
the target audience to the product to the
identify opportunities target audience

Release the product or Continuously improve

Provide customer
service to the market the product based on
support to ensure
with a comprehensive customer feedback
customer satisfaction
launch plan and market trends
Project roadmap
1º Semester 2º Semester

Initiative Objective Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Market Increase brand awareness by

research 30% within the first year

Product Achieve a customer satisfaction

development rate of 90%

Marketing Increase revenue by 20% within

campaign the first year

Achieve a customer satisfaction

Product launch
rate of 90% within the first year

Reduce costs by 15% within the

Expansion first year by expanding the

Reach profitability within 18

months of launch
Photo showcase
A photo showcase can be a useful
addition to a business project proposal
as it can help to visually communicate
the concept or idea being proposed
Project expenses





Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
KPI dashboard
per unit
120 u/day 2h
Output per worker Time to complete a task
Labor 85% $50

Equipment 70% $100

Materials 95% $20

Rent 90% $1,000

Energy 80% $80

licenses 80% $200

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then
Advertising 60% $500 paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Do you have any questions?
+34 654 321 432

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by Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik

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Alternative resources
Here’s an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits the one of this template:


● Gradient glass morphism background

● 3d fluid shapes background
Did you like the resources in this template? Get them on these websites:
● Medium shot smiley business woman at desk
● Woman working on laptop high angle
● Close up people with donations
● People practicing social integration in workspace
● People practicing social integration in workspace

● Gradient portfolio template

Icon pack
● Icon Pack: Economic Development | Filled
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Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
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