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Index case-infant

1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Address
5. Nearest health facility
6. Presenting complaints
7. History of present illness
8. Past history of illness
9. Family history of illness
10. Family record/Social history
a. Type of family
b. Family size with family tree
c. Religion and ethnicity
d. Education of father
e. Education of mother
f. Income
g. Cultural pattern in relation to feeding practices of
a child / mother

• vegetarianism is given to a place of honor in

Hindu society
• men eat first and women last and poorly
• Hindu women take food left over by their
• some foods are not taken during pregnancy (egg,
meat, fish, milk, leafy vegetables )
• children is not put to breast during the first 3
days of birth
11. Housing condition

a. Adequate for members/overcrowding(total

floor area..)
b. Cross ventilation
c. Lighting
d. Toilet facilities
e. Source of drinking water
f. Disposal of waste
g. Animal/pet
12. Maternal history

a.Antenatal care/immunization against

tetanus/iron and folic acid/complication during

b. h/o abortion/stillbirth

c. delivery- home/institution/complication
13. Baby
a.Birth weight
b.Colostrums/exclusive breastfeeding
c.weaning practices
d. Immunization
e. Developmental milestones- with respect to
movement and posture, vision and manipulation,
hearing and speech, social behavior
14. Nutritional history of mother and child
a. Habit: Vegetarian/non vegeterian and for a child-
breast fed/ otherwise in detail
b. Assessment of dietary intake
(mother and child)
-retrospective inquiries about the nature and quantity of
foods eaten during the previous 24 or 48 hours
-calculation of intake (grams)of food in terms of cereals,
pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat,eggs,etc
c. Diet survey findings-present
i.Daily calorie intake
ii. Daily protein intake
(compare with reference level and remark as poor
or adequate or high)

Expression of deficit:
%deficit= (deficit/requirement) x 100
15.Family planning

a. Know the possibilities to prevent pregnancy

(husband and wife)
b. Awareness of any methods (husband and
c. Willing to practice(husband and wife)
d. Practicing any method (husband and/or wife)
16. Physical examination/observation

1. General appearance- normal built/thin

2. Personal cleanliness- Nails/ dress
3. Body measurement (physical growth)
a. Weight
b. Length-measured in lying down
position preferably on special
measuring board
Classification of PEM according to IAP
1. Wt > 80% of expected for age- Normal
2. Wt :71-80% of expected for age-Grade I
3. Wt:61-70% of expected for age- Grade II
4. Wt:51-60% of expected for age-GradeIII
5. Wt: Less than or equal to 50% of expected for age-
Grade IV
(alphabet K is postfixed in presence of edema.)
Criteria for hospital treatment( admission):
I. Weighing less than 60% for age with a. edema, b.severe
dehydration, c. severe diarrhea, d. hypothermia, e. systemic
infection, f. jaundice, g. bleeding, h. age less than 1 yr or h.
persistent loss of appetite
II. With severe wasting or edematous undernutrition
c. Head circumference

- under 2years age; should be measured

-occipitofrontal circumference

-birth(35cm),3month(40cm), 1yr(45cm),2

-hydrocephalus is suspected when the rate

of growth of the head is greater than
normal for the sex, age and size of infant
d. Chest circumference
-measured at the level of nipples, midway between
inspiration and expiration
-at birth;3cm less than head circumference
-1yr; equal to head circumference and exceeds
e. Arm circumference
-ages 1 –5years
-estimates the body’s muscle mass
-more than 13.5cm (satisfactory nutritional status)
-12.5 to 13.5cm (mild-moderate malnutrition)
-below 12.5cm ( severe malnutrition)
4.Body temperature
5. Hair- normal/lack of
luster/dispigmentation/thin or sparse
6.Face- Diffuse pigmentation/moon face
7.Eyes- conjunctiva (normal, dry, pale, icterus)
-cornea ( hazy or opaque)
8.Lips- normal, angular stomatitis, hare lips, cleft
9. Tongue- normal, pale, fissured
10. Gums-normal, bleeding
11. Teeth
-eruption of teeth in the upper jaw and lower jaw
-caries and other dental abnormalities

12. Glands-
thyroid enlargement/parotid enlargement

13. Oedema
14. Rachitic changes-bow legs, beading of the
15. Respiratory system
-thoracic cage retraction in respiration
-Respiratory rate
-Added breath sound
16. Cardiovascular system
-location of apex beat
-cardiac murmur
-arterial pulse
17. G.I. System
-distension, abnormal masses, enlarged
18. Ears- hearing, discharge, accessory auricle
19. External genitalia
-any abnormalities
-male; hypospadius, undescended testes, hydrocele
-female; fused labia, enlarged clitoris
20. Limbs and joints- any deformities
21. Neuro-behavioural activities
-neck retraction
-hyperextension/hyperreflexion of limbs
-Tendon reflexes
22. Provisional diagnosis


-Environment ( food, housing, water,


-socio- economic;education,poverty,family
23. Investigation to be done:

Blood glucose, blood smear and

microscopy, hemoglobin, urine
examination and culture, stool(ova and
parasites), serum albumin, HIV test,
24. Management

a. Clinical management according to

presenting illness.
b. Involving environmental
improvement; Health education,
nutritional education
c. Involving socio-economic condition;
promotion of education and literacy,
income generation activities

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