1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Address
5. Nearest health facility
6. Presenting complaints
7. History of present illness
8. Past history of illness
9. Family history of illness
10. Family record/Social history
a. Type of family
b. Family size with family tree
c. Religion and ethnicity
d. Education of father
e. Education of mother
f. Income
g. Cultural pattern in relation to feeding practices of
a child / mother
b. h/o abortion/stillbirth
c. delivery- home/institution/complication
13. Baby
a.Birth weight
b.Colostrums/exclusive breastfeeding
c.weaning practices
d. Immunization
e. Developmental milestones- with respect to
movement and posture, vision and manipulation,
hearing and speech, social behavior
14. Nutritional history of mother and child
a. Habit: Vegetarian/non vegeterian and for a child-
breast fed/ otherwise in detail
b. Assessment of dietary intake
(mother and child)
-retrospective inquiries about the nature and quantity of
foods eaten during the previous 24 or 48 hours
-calculation of intake (grams)of food in terms of cereals,
pulses, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat,eggs,etc
c. Diet survey findings-present
i.Daily calorie intake
ii. Daily protein intake
(compare with reference level and remark as poor
or adequate or high)
Expression of deficit:
%deficit= (deficit/requirement) x 100
15.Family planning
-birth(35cm),3month(40cm), 1yr(45cm),2
12. Glands-
thyroid enlargement/parotid enlargement
13. Oedema
14. Rachitic changes-bow legs, beading of the
15. Respiratory system
-thoracic cage retraction in respiration
-Respiratory rate
-Added breath sound
16. Cardiovascular system
-location of apex beat
-cardiac murmur
-arterial pulse
17. G.I. System
-distension, abnormal masses, enlarged
18. Ears- hearing, discharge, accessory auricle
19. External genitalia
-any abnormalities
-male; hypospadius, undescended testes, hydrocele
-female; fused labia, enlarged clitoris
20. Limbs and joints- any deformities
21. Neuro-behavioural activities
-neck retraction
-hyperextension/hyperreflexion of limbs
-Tendon reflexes
22. Provisional diagnosis
-socio- economic;education,poverty,family
23. Investigation to be done: