Loan in Out Process

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Loan In/Receiving Process

Store/ 1. The responsible personnel from the unit store have submitted an Inventory Demand Sheet to Mr. Abi
Abdullah Al Masud, Manager of the Dyes Chemical Planning and Coordination department, for review.
Planning/ Demand Raised
2. After reviewing and updating the Demand Sheet, Mr. Abi Abdullah Al masud, Manager signed it and by Store Person
Production/ forwarded it to Mr. Anil Kumar Roy, Assistant General Manager, in the Store department.
Operation 3. Mr. Anil also reviewed the demand sheet through verbal conversation with Mr. Monzur Murshed Rubel,
General Manager of Production. After finalizing the demand, Mr. Anil raised the Purchase Requisition
(PR) in Oracle.
4. Upon raising the PR, it was recommended and approved by Mr. AFM Sadequl Islam, General Manager of
the Store, and Mr. Monzur Murshed Rubel, General Manager of Production. The final PR approval was
provided by Mr. Md. Abdur Raquib, CEO of Operations.
Procurement 5. After approved the PR Mr. Mohammad Shakirul Kabir, Deputy Manager of Procurement raised and
Mr. Naasehun Ameen DGM of Procurement approved the PO. if any any item procured by LC, that LC LC Statement
statement mailed to the Store.
Store/ 6. If any required item does not arrive within the required lead time/need time, the Store and Production
Production personnel inform verbally of the urgency for the required item, especially if it is needed urgently for
production purposes.
7. In the event of delays due to reasons such as unavailability of bonds, delays in Letter of Credit
Procurement processing, or any other issues, the procurement team searches for alternative sourcing from different
suppliers to ensure product availability. In emergency situations, they may procure a minimum quantity
of items on loan to support the urgent production process. Typically, procurement informs the store
about this verbally.
Store 8. Upon the arrival of loaned items in the complex, the concerned store processes Goods Received Note
(GRN) or records it according to the supplier's loan Challan. Loan Reciving
Loan Out/Return/Delivery Process

MTL Loan
• Requirements are sent to Delivery Record (Reverse Pdf)
Procurement (Verbally or Mail)

Procurement • Requirements are communicated to the store via verbal instructions or email

• The store department verifies the availability of the required stock. If the stock is available, the
Store requirements are forwarded to the production department for approval.

Production • Production department given approval

 Store delivered the chemical to supplier by challan & Gate pass


Oracle A copy of the loan challan is sent to the data entry operator by
Posting the store personnel for Oracle posting after the stock has
been issued.

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