Ans 7 Local Anaesthetic Agent
Ans 7 Local Anaesthetic Agent
Ans 7 Local Anaesthetic Agent
Local anaesthetic agents:
Systemic toxicity:
Absorption from the site of injection
depends on the blood flow- the higher the blood
flow, the more rapid is the increase in plasma
concentration and the greater the resultant peak.
Deferential sensory and motor blockade:
Cocaine has no role in modern anaesthetics
practice. It is used in ear, nose and throat surgery for
its vasoconstrictor action.
This is an excellent topical agent of low
toxicity. It dose not ionize and its use is limited to
topical application.
Its mode of action cannot be explained
according to the theory.
Benxocain diffuse into the cell membrane, but
not into the cytoplasm and either causes the
membrane potential as the same away like other
The incidence of allergic problems, its short
shelf – life and brief duration of action of procaine
have resulted in its infrequent clinical use at the
present time.
The addition of a vasoconstrictor to a
solution of local anaesthetic drug slows the rate of
absorption, reduce toxicity, prolongs duration and
may result in a more profound block.
They are absolutely contraindicated for
injection close to end-arteries. And intravenous
regional anaesthesia because of the ischemia.
There is a high risk that the use of
vasoconstrictor may increase the risk of permanent
neurological deficit by nerve tissue ischemia.
Many anaesthetist feel that –
vasoconstrictors should not be used unless there is a
alternative method of prolong duration of action
with less toxicity in the specific clinical situation.
Adrenaline (epinephrine) is the most potent
agent. It produce its own systemic toxicity and
should be used with particular care.