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Design and Fabrication

of Mechanical Cassava
MCD 644
Mechanical Project

Josephine B A00224059
Imraz Kishor A00224594
Aaron Ika A00206413
Viniana Satakala

 Overview: The traditional manual grating process is laborious, time-consuming, and

hampers efficient processing. The Mechanical Cassava Grater is an innovative solution
designed to simplify the process of grating cassava, reducing time and effort required
for manual grating

 Objective: The project aims to develop a machine that can efficiently grate cassava
turning it into fine pulp, improving the overall efficiency of cassava processing.
Importance of Cassava Grating Machine

Challenges in Manual Grating Advantages

 Labor-Intensive: Traditional  Efficiency Boost: Automates the
methods involve manual grating, grating process, significantly
requiring significant manpower. reducing processing time.
 Time-Consuming: The process is  Labor Savings: Minimizes the need
time-intensive, impacting overall for extensive manual labor, freeing
production efficiency. up resources for other tasks.
 Inconsistencies: Manual grating  Consistent Quality: Ensures
can lead to variations in cassava uniformity in grated cassava,
texture and quality. meeting industry standards.
Key Features

 High-speed grating- The swift operation significantly shortens the time needed to grate a given
quantity of cassava, enhancing overall processing efficiency.

 Efficiency in grating- high-speed grating capabilities, significantly accelerating the cassava processing

 Safety features-Operator Protection: Incorporates safety features to safeguard operators during

machine operation.
 Emergency Shut-off: Instantly halts the machine in case of any anomalies or safety concerns.

 Easy maintenance-Simplifies the maintenance process with easily accessible components for routine
checks and repairs.
Working Mechanism

 Overview :
 Feeding Stage: Cassava roots are introduced
into the machine for processing.
 High-Speed Grating: The machine employs a
rapid grating mechanism to shred cassava
into fine particles.
 Collection Point: Grated cassava is gathered
for subsequent processing or packaging.
Grating Head: Engine of Efficiency

 the grating head, constructed from

perforated sheet metal, is a key
player in the efficiency and success
of the cassava grating machine. Its
design and material choice
contribute to the machine's ability
to deliver consistent, high-speed,
and reliable cassava grating, making
it an essential element in the
cassava processing workflow.
Motor- The Heart of the Operation

 The 240V\50HZ, 1.5KW motor in the

cassava grating machine is a powerhouse
designed for efficiency, stability, and
durability. Its compatibility with standard
power sources and focus on safety make it
a reliable and essential element in driving
the grating process, contributing to the
overall success of cassava processing

Power Consumption (in Watt-hours)=Power (in Watts)×Time (in hours)


 Increased productivity

 Cost-effectiveness

 Reduction in manual labor

 Consistent quality of grated cassava

 User-Friendly Design

 Maintenance and Care


 Small-Scale Processing Units:

• Rural Enterprises: Ideal for small-scale businesses in rural areas, the machine provides
an efficient solution for local cassava processing.

 Versatility in Cassava-Based Product Manufacturing:

• Cassava Flour Production
• Food Processing
• Brewing and Fermentation
Computer Aided Design
Side section view
Complete assembly Motor
Back cover motor Motor cover

Rotor Stator
Front and back cover
Grater and keyway
Frame (Base) & Top Board
Grater Head (Orthographic View)
Complete motor assembly (drawing)
Fabrication Process

marking out and cutting material for motor support

Completion of motor support

Result/Benefit Description
Reduces manual labour and speeds up
Increased Efficiency
Consistent grating results for better
Improved Product Quality
Streamlines the cassava processing
Time and Cost Savings
Increases overall cassava processing
Enhanced Output


× Power dependency
× Noise and vibrations
× Cassava size variations

We recommend :

 Manual operation ( pedal – powered)

 Install anti-vibration dampers.

 Pre - sorting

 The cassava grating machine has the potential for diverse use. The grater
head can be replaced with a cutting head.

Cutting head

 The machine can be designed to accommodate pedal/manual operation to

reduce dependency on electricity.
 Potential for installation of automation

 The development of an effective mechanical cassava grater carries significant

implications for industries relying on cassava as a crucial raw material. This
machine, designed for efficient grating, stands to boost productivity, decrease
labour costs, minimize waste, and enhance worker safety. Its impact extends
beyond mere efficiency, offering a practical solution that can positively
influence various aspects of cassava processing for industries dependent on
this essential crop.

 Adejumo S. O., Construction and Evaluation of an Engine Operated Bur, 1994.

 [2] Mill Project Report Submitted to the Department of Agricultural
Engineering, Federal ,College of Agriculture, Ibadan, pp.1-5.
 [3] Hicks T. G., Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations, 3rd editions,
 [4] Ndaliman M. B., Design and Construction of a Pedal Operated Cassava
Grinder, Unpublished Manuscript, 2006.
 [5] Oyesola G. O., Technology Processing Cassava and Utilization, Advisory
Leaflet No. 3 ,Cassava and Garri Storage, NCAM, Kwara State, Nigeria, 1981.

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