3 Topics Remaining
3 Topics Remaining
3 Topics Remaining
Information security
• The need for computer security arose during world war II(1939-1945)
when the first mainframe computer was developed and used to aid
computations for communication code breaking message from enemy
using cryptographic device like Enigma.
• During these early days, information security was a straight forward
composed of physical security and simple document classification
scheme(which document needs to be public and which must be private
ad encrypted).
• One of the first documented security problem occurred in the early
1960s , when a system administrator was working on a MOTD(message
of the day public file) while other administrator was editing the
• A software glitch(bug)mixed these files and entire password was
printed to each print of public file.
Information security
• During the cold war many more mainframe computers were brought
online to accomplish more complex and sophisticated tasks.
• These required less complex process of communication than mailing
magnetic tapes between computer centers(because there was no
personal computer so we had to transfer or mail whole disk to share
• In response to this need, Department of Defense's Advanced Research
Project Agency (ARPA) began examining the feasibility of a redundant,
networked communication system to support military’s exchange of
• In 1968 Dr. Larry Roberts developed APRANET.
• ARPA evolved into what we know as the internet, and Roberts become
its founder.
Information security
• Accuracy
• Authenticity
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Availability
• Personally identified information (PII)
• Possession (who own data?)
• Utility (value or importance of data)
Information security
• Threat: any circumstance or event that has the potential to adversely impact
organizational operations, assets, or individuals through an information system
via unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure and modification of information .
types of threats:
1. Malware attack: Malware is a type of software designed to harm or exploit any
device, network, or system. Malware can be used to steal sensitive information,
damage systems, or gain unauthorized access to networks. Kuch download ya
USB lagany se atta ha
2. Social engineering attacks: Social engineering attacks are designed to
manipulate people to get their sensitive information or performing actions that
are not in their best interest.
Examples include phishing, pretexting, baiting, and tailgating.
3. Software supply chain attacks: Software supply chain attacks involve
exploiting vulnerabilities in third-party software or hardware components that
are used in an organization’s systems. Attackers can use these vulnerabilities to
gain unauthorized access to systems or steal sensitive information. Hackers get
advantage of weaknesses in software.
Information security
Types of Threats
Threat Model
Information security
• Cryptography comes from Greek words kryptos, meaning “hidden”
and graphein meaning “to write” and involves making and using cods
to secure message.
• Cryptanalysis involves cracking or breaking encrypted message back
into it's unencrypted form.
• Cryptography uses mathematical algorithms.
• Cryptography is not the knowledge of algorithms to encrypt data but it
involves keys added to original data to secure it.
• A cipher is a systematic method used to transform plaintext
(readable text) into ciphertext (encoded text) to protect its
confidentiality during transmission or storage.
• A cipher refers to the algorithm or process used to encrypt data.
• It defines how plaintext is transformed into ciphertext.
Information security
• Bit stream cipher: method of encrypting data one bit at a time.
• Block cipher: method of encrypting data divided into blocks one block at a
time. These blocks are encrypted and also decrypted in blocks.
• Encryption (aka ciphering) is the actual process of converting data using a
specific cipher.
• It involves taking plaintext and applying the chosen cipher to produce
• Encryption ensures that sensitive information remains confidential during
transmission or storage.
• Data can’t be decrypted unless one has a decryption key.
• Link encryption: a series of encryption and decryption between several
systems in which each system gets data decrypts it and sends it to the next
by re-encrypting it.
• This process continues until the message reaches it’s destination.
Information security
Symmetric Encryption:
• same key is used for both encryption and decryption.
• Also known as conventional or single key encryption.
• Algorithm for decryption is also reverse used for encryption.
• Advantages:
• Less complex
• Easy to implement
• Easy to understand
• Disadvantage:
• If the key is stolen data can be decrypted easily.
• Two types of attacks can be occurred (passive(lose of confidentiality)
and active(lose of integrity) attacks).
Information security
Symmetric Encryption:
In an active attack, Modification in information takes While in a passive attack, Modification in the
place. information does not take place.
Due to active attacks, the execution system is always While due to passive attack, there is no harm to the
damaged. system.
In an active attack, Victim gets informed about the While in a passive attack, Victim does not get
attack. informed about the attack
Information security
Symmetric Encryption:
• Components:
1. Plain text
2. Secret key
3. Encryption algorithm (work based on key)
4. Cipher text to transmit
5. Decryption algorithm
• Main points:
1. The algorithm must be strong
2. The key must be known to both sender and receiver
Information security
• Block Ciphers:
• Block ciphers divide the plaintext into fixed-size blocks (e.g., 64 or 128
bits) and then encrypt each block separately.
• Key and algo. Is applied to each block.
• Message(cipher text) is also sent in blocks.
• Common block cipher algorithms are:
• AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): A widely used symmetric
encryption algorithm.
• DES (Data Encryption Standard): An older standard, now considered
less secure. Text is in 64 bits key size is 56
• 3DES (Triple DES): An enhanced version of DES.
Information security
0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
00 14 4 13 1 2 15 11 8 3 10 6 12 5 9 0 7
01 0 15 7 4 14 2 13 1 10 6 12 11 6 5 3 8
10 4 1 14 8 13 6 2 11 15 12 9 7 3 10 5 0
11 15 12 8 2 4 9 1 7 5 11 3 14 10 0 6 13
Information security
Asymmetric Encryption:
•Asymmetric encryption: aka public-key encryption, is a powerful
cryptographic technique that plays a crucial role in securing digital
•Key Pair: two distinct keys are used:
•Public Key: This key is openly shared and used for encryption.
•Private Key: Kept secret by the recipient, it is used for decryption.
•The public key can encrypt data, but only the corresponding private key
can decrypt it.
•How It Works:
•When someone wants to send an encrypted message to another party:
•They use the recipient’s public key to encrypt the message.
•The recipient then uses their private key to decrypt and read the message.
•This process ensures confidentiality and authenticity.
Information security
Asymmetric Encryption:
1. Plain text
2. Encryption algorithm
3. Public key (for encryption)
4. Private key (for decryption)
5. Cipher text
6. Decryption algorithm
1. Enhanced Security: higher level of security.
2. Authentication: Public keys can verify the sender’s identity.
3. Key Distribution: Asymmetric encryption simplifies secure key
Information security
Asymmetric Encryption:
•Public key of both sender and receiver may be different but private key
must be same.
•Sender uses public key of receiver to generate the cipher text.
•Receiver uses it’s own private key to decrypt data.
•More complexity
•RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is a widely accepted asymmetric encryption
• In asymmetric cryptography, two different keys are used: a public key for
encryption and a private key for decryption.
•Let’s explore how RSA works:
Information security
•Key Generation:
1. Choose two prime numbers, p and q.
2. Calculate n = p*q.
3. Compute f(n) = (p-1)(q-1).
4. Select a value e such that gcd(f(n), e) = 1 (where 1 < e < f(n)). It means
there must not be any common factor in e and f(n)
5. Determine d such that ed mod f(n) = 1 OR ed = 1+ k f(n)
k = constant khus se put krna ha point mn value nhi anni chahiye bss
6. The private key is represented as {d, n}, and the public key as {e, n}.
e=public key
d=private key
•To encrypt a message M, use the formula: C = Me mod n.
•To decrypt the ciphertext C, the receiver uses: M = Cd mod n.
Information security
• Secure communication
• Digital signature
• Data encryption
• Key management
•Let’s assume you calculated your keys as follows:
• p = 17 and q = 7.
• Compute n = 17 \times 7 = 119.
• Determine f(n) = (17-1)(7-1) = 96.
• Choose e = 11 (since gcd(96, 11) = 1).
• Calculate d = 35.
•Your keys are:
• Private key: {35, 119}
• Public key: {11, 119}
Information security
Information security
•Verifying the users identity.
• Building blocks that enable secure communication, ensuring both data
integrity and origin.
•Authenticator is value used to authenticate message.
•Authentication function produces this authenticator.
•Types of authentication:
1. Encryption (cipher text acts as authenticator)
2. Message Authentication Code (MAC): A function of the message and a
secret key that produces a fixed-length value serving as the
authenticator called MAC.
c(MK)=fixed length
where c=authentication function
Information security
EIGmal encryption:
o It is introduced by “Taher ElGamal”, an Egyptian cryptographer.
o It is based on a public-key cryptosystem.
o It is used in secure communication protocols, digital signatures, and
cryptographic voting systems.
o It includes : -> Key Generation -> Encryption -> Decryption
It is used to secure our Disadvantages
communication like online It is slower because it has
transactions, sensitive many modular
emails, etc. exponentiation operations.
It is used not only in It has large key sizes.
encryption but also in It uses more storage and
digital signatures. bandwidth.
It is a probabilistic It involves more
encryption technique. mathematical operations.
It is a versatile method. It is more complex.
Information security
Digital signature:
• A digital signature is a mathematical technique that validates the
authenticity and integrity of a message, software, or digital file.
• It uses public key cryptography and a hash function to create a unique
and secure signature that can be verified by the recipient.
• A digital signature can also provide non-repudiation, which means that
the sender cannot deny that they signed the message.
• Some of the applications of digital signatures are:
• Secure email: Digital signatures can be used to encrypt and sign
email messages, ensuring that only the intended recipient can
read them and that the sender’s identity is verified.
• Electronic transactions: Digital signatures can be used to sign
online contracts, invoices, receipts, and other documents,
providing legal validity and protection from fraud.
Information security
Digital signature:
• This was created in response to the rising need to verify information
transferred via electronic systems.
• Verify 4 things as:
• Authentication
• Non repudiation (u can’t deny that u do not done this because
your digital signature is used)
• Integrity
• Confidentiality (only u know your digital signature )
Algorithm steps:
Key generation
Digital Signature.pdf
Network security
• Network security is defined as the activity created to protect the integrity
of your network and data. It is like a shield protecting data.
• Any action intended to safeguard the integrity and usefulness of your
data and network is known as network security.
• Network security aims to protect networking infrastructure from threats
such as data theft, unauthorized access, and manipulation.
• It encompasses various practices and technologies that safeguard internal
networks against attacks and data breaches.
• The network security solutions protects various vulnerabilities of the
computer systems such as:
1. Users
2. Locations
3. Data
4. Devices
5. Applications
Types of Network security
• There are several types of network security through which we can make
our network more secure.
• Your network and data are shielded from breaches, invasions, and other
dangers by network security.
• Here below are some important types of network security:
1. Email Security
The most common danger vector for a security compromise is email gateways.
Hackers create intricate phishing campaigns using recipients’ personal
information and social engineering techniques to trick them and direct them
to malicious websites. To stop critical data from being lost, an email security
program restricts outgoing messages and stops incoming threats.
2. Firewalls
Your trusted internal network and untrusted external networks, like the
Internet, are separated by firewalls. They control traffic by enforcing a set of
predetermined rules. A firewall may consist of software, hardware, or both.
Types of Network security
3. Network Segmentation
Network segmentation is a powerful architectural approach that
divides a computer network into smaller, isolated segments or
subnets. Each segment acts as its own mini-network, allowing
network administrators to control the flow of traffic between
these segments based on granular policies.
4. Access Control
Access control mechanisms regulate who can access specific
resources within the network. It ensures that only authorized
users can interact with network devices, applications, and data.
5. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs):
VPNs create secure, encrypted tunnels for data transmission over
public networks. They ensure confidentiality and integrity of data
between remote locations.
Types of Network security
3. Software Firewall
A software firewall is any firewall that is set up locally or on a
cloud server. When it comes to controlling the inflow and
outflow of data packets and limiting the number of networks
that can be linked to a single device, they may be the most
advantageous. But the problem with software firewall is they
are time-consuming.
4. Hardware Firewall
They also go by the name “firewalls based on physical
appliances.” It guarantees that the malicious data is
halted/prevented before it reaches the network endpoint that is
in danger.
Types of Firewall
1. Complexity
2. Limited Visibility
3. False sense of security
4. Limited adaptability
5. Performance impact
6. Limited scalability
7. Limited VPN support
8. Cost
Intrusion detection system
1. Signature-based Method:
• detects the attacks on the basis of the specific patterns called
• Signature is pattern searching in data packet to check if
attacker puts some malicious content in data.
• The detected patterns in the IDS are known as signatures.
• Signature-based IDS can easily detect the attacks whose
pattern (signature) already exists in the system but it is quite
difficult to detect new malware attacks as their pattern
(signature) is not known.
Detection Method of IDS
2.Anomaly-based Method:
• detect unknown malware attacks as new malware is
developed rapidly.
• The machine learning-based method has a better-generalized
property in comparison to signature-based IDS as these
models can be trained according to the applications and
hardware configurations.
Benefits of IDS
1. Detects malicious activity
2. Improves network performance
3. Compliance requirements
4. Provides insights
Comparison of IDS with Firewalls:
1. Confidentiality
2. Integrity
3. Availability
4. Authenticity
5. Non reputation
Important questions
Types of session hijacking?
3.Hybrid Hijacking :
The combination of Active Session Hijacking and Passive Session Hijacking is
referred to as Hybrid Hijacking. In this the attackers monitors the
communication channel (the network traffic), whenever they find the issue,
they take over the control on the web session and fulfill their malicious
Important questions
Processes of session hijacking?
1. Locating a target
2. Finding an active session
3. Sequence number prediction
4. Taking a user offline
5. Taking over a session (aissa session bna dena jb na server
respond kr ra ha na request ja rai ha )
Important questions
Attacks on TCP?
Attacks on TCP:
1. SYN flooding
2. IP spoofing
3. Sequencing number attack
4. TCP session hijacking
5. RST and FIN
6. Ping O Death
The process by which it can be identified that the user, which wants to
access the network resources, valid or not by asking some credentials
such as username and password.
Common methods are to put authentication on console port, AUX port,
or vty lines.
As network administrators, we can control how a user is authenticated if
someone wants to access the network.
Some of these methods include using the local database of that device
(router) or sending authentication requests to an external server like the
ACS server.
To specify the method to be used for authentication, a default or
customized authentication method list is used.
Authentication Authorization
It is done before the authorization While this process is done after the
process. authentication process.
It needs usually the user’s login details. While it needs the user’s privilege or
security levels.
1. External Threats
External threat is the term used for referring to the likes of hackers, the criminals
operating on the internet and also the state’s sponsored entities. This may allow
them to use weak points in software in order to steal confidential information and
even break into systems, thus stopping their functioning or sending viruses.
Common external threats include:
I. Malware: Malware such as viruses, worms and ransomware may enter through
vulnerable software.
II. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: In essence, these attacks are
characterized by flooding of a system or a network with traffic and making it
inaccessible for users who need to make genuine requests.
III. Phishing: Therefore, attackers use deceitful ways of making people reveal their
confidential data like login credentials and other finances.
IV. Data Breaches: One may lose vital data like personal information or financial
transactions, which can then be used by unwanted individuals.
Software security
2. Internal Threats
These internal threats result from people within one organization, whether
inadvertently or purposely.
They may include:
I. Insider Threats: Such privileged people such as employees or others who have
access to the software may use it against the organization and steal data.
II. Importance of Software Security Data Protection: Since most software are
based on such confidential data like personal or financial information. Failure of
securing software results into data breach, identity theft and monetary losses.
III. Regulatory Compliance: There are many countries across the globe with rigid
data protection laws, which cut across industries and governments as well.
Failure to comply may lead to legal liabilities and loss of reputation.
IV. Intellectual Property Protection: In many cases, this software constitutes
crucial intellectual property. It is important to guard it from those that may use it
without permission and lose money.
Issues Related to Software Security
There are numerous issues and challenges associated with software security.Some
common issues include:
I. Complexity of Software: Finding and fixing security holes as software gets
more complicated.
II. Lack of Awareness: Consequently, multiple developers and organisations are
unknowingly running undersecure programs.
Tools for Software Security
1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Responsibility: Developers and code reviewers.
Description: SAST tools look into the source code of various applications for
vulnerabilities as they are being developed. Some of the SAST tools are such as
Fortify, Checkmarx and Veracode.
2. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
Responsibility: Security teams and testers.
Description: This is done by using DAST tools that target active programs by
mimicking realistic exploits. Some of the widely used DAST tools are Burp Suite,
OWASP ZAP, and Nessus.
Software security
2. Software Vulnerability:
A software error happen in development or configuration such as the execution of it
can violate the security policy.
For examples:
• Lack of input validation
• Unverified uploads
• Cross-site scripting
• Unencrypted data, etc.
3. Network Vulnerability:
A weakness happen in network which can be hardware or software.
For examples:
• Unprotected communication
• Malware or malicious software (e.g.:Viruses, Keyloggers, Worms, etc)
• Social engineering attacks
• Misconfigured firewalls
4: Procedural Vulnerability:
A weakness happen in an organization operational methods.
For examples:
• Password procedure – Password should follow the standard password policy.
• Training procedure – Employees must know which actions should be taken and
what to do to handle the security. Employees must never be asked for user
credentials online. Make the employees know social engineering and phishing
5: Injection
Injection vulnerabilities occur when an attacker uses a query or command to insert
untrusted data into the interpreter via SQL, OS, NoSQL, or LDAP injection. The data
that is injected through this attack vector makes the application do something it is
not designed for. Not all applications are vulnerable to this attack, only the
applications that accept parameters as input are vulnerable to injection attacks.
Injection attacks can be prevented by
• Using safer API which avoids the use of the interpreter
• Using parameterized queries when coding
• Segregating commands from data to avoid exposure to attacks
6: Broken Authentication
Broken Authentication is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to use manual or automatic
methods to try to gain control over any account they want in a system. In worse conditions, they
could also gain complete control over the system. This vulnerability is also more dangerous
because websites with broken authentication vulnerabilities are very common on the web.
Broken authentication normally occurs when applications incorrectly execute functions related
to session management allowing intruders to compromise passwords, security keys, or session
Broken authentication attacks can be prevented by
• Implementing multi-factor authentication
• Protecting user credentials
• Sending passwords over encrypted connections
7: Broken Access Controls
This vulnerability occurs when there is broken access to resources, it means there are some
improperly configured missing restrictions on authenticated users which allows them to access
unauthorized functionality or data like access to others accounts, confidential documents, etc.
For this attack, attackers take the help of session management and try to access data from the
unexpired session tokens, which gives them access to many valid IDs and passwords.
Broken access control attacks can be prevented by
• Deleting accounts that are no longer needed or are not active
• Shutting down unnecessary services to reduce the burden on servers
• Using penetration testing
8: Security Misconfiguration
It is estimated that up to 95% of cloud breaches are the result of human errors and this
fact leads us to the next vulnerability called security misconfiguration. This vulnerability
refers to the improper implementation of security intended to keep application data
safe. As we know that developer’s work is basically to work on the functionality of
websites and not on security and this flaw allows hackers to keep track of the
configuration of the security and find new possible ways to enter websites. The most
common reason for this vulnerability is not patching or upgrading systems, frameworks,
and components.
Security misconfiguration attacks can be prevented by
• Using Dynamic application security testing (DAST)
• Disabling the use of default passwords
• Keeping an eye on cloud resources, applications, and servers
Protection from Vulnerabilities
4. Firewall Configuration:
1. Configure firewalls properly to monitor network traffic.
2. Misconfigured firewalls can leave gaps in security.
5. Least Privilege and User Controls:
1. Enforce secure access by implementing least privilege principles.
2. Limit user permissions to essential functions.
3. Properly manage user controls to prevent unauthorized access
o Malware, short for malicious software, refers to any intrusive software developed
by cybercriminals (often called hackers) to steal data and damage or destroy
computers and computer systems.
o Cybercriminals typically use it to extract data they can use against victims to their
advantage in order to profit financially.
o Financial information, medical records, personal emails, and passwords are just a
few examples of the types of information that could be compromised.
o Malware is a program designed to gain access to computer systems, generally for the
benefit of some third party, without the user’s permission.
Why Do Cybercriminals Use Malware?
o Cybercriminals use malware, which includes all forms of malicious software
including viruses, for a variety of purposes.
o Using deception to induce a victim to provide personal information for identity
theft. Theft of customer credit card information or other financial information
o Taking over several computers and using them to launch denial-of-service attacks
against other networks
o Using infected computers to mine for crypto currencies like bitcoin.
Types of Malware
5. Adware – It displays unwanted ads and pop-ups on the computer. It comes along
with software downloads and packages. It generates revenue for the software
distributer by displaying ads.
6. Spyware – Its purpose is to steal private information from a computer system for a
third party. Spyware collects information and sends it to the hacker.
7. Logic Bombs – A logic bomb is a malicious program that uses a trigger to activate
the malicious code. The logic bomb remains non-functioning until that trigger event
happens. Once triggered, a logic bomb implements a malicious code that causes
harm to a computer. Cyber security specialists recently discovered logic bombs that
attack and destroy the hardware components in a workstation or server including the
cooling fans, hard drives, and power supplies. The logic bomb overdrives these
devices until they overheat or fail.
8. Rootkits – A rootkit modifies the OS to make a backdoor. Attackers then use the
backdoor to access the computer distantly. Most rootkits take advantage of software
vulnerabilities to modify system files.
9. Backdoors – The purpose of the backdoor is to grant cyber criminals future access
to the system even if the organization fixes the original vulnerability used to attack
the system.
Types of Malware
•Policy is a set of rules that dictates the acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
•Standards are more detailed statements of what must be done to comply
with policy
Policy formation and enforcement
• Importance of policy:
Policy formation
• Process that involves identifying and creating a set of policy alternatives to address a
specific problem.
• During this phase, decision-makers develop normative solutions that guide
subsequent actions.
• Key components of policy formulation include:
• Objectives: Defining the ideal situation to be achieved when the problem is solved.
• Means of Action: Identifying the methods or strategies to achieve the objectives.
• Responsibility: Determining the actors responsible for implementing the chosen
• Advantages of Policy Formation:
1. Structured Decision-Making
2. Problem Solving
3. Guidance for Implementation
• Disadvantages of Policy Formation:
1. Limited Perspective
2. Complexity
3. Resistance to Change
Policy formation
1. Establish Objectives:
Begin by defining the purpose and goals of your information
security policy. What are you trying to achieve? Consider factors like risk reduction,
compliance, and protection of sensitive data.
2. Identify Relevant Regulations:
Understand the corporate, industry, and government regulations that impact
your organization. These regulations will shape the content of your policy.
3. Customize the Policy:
Tailor the policy to your organization’s specific needs, risk profile, and business
environment. Avoid a one-size-fits-all approach.
4. Align with Organizational Needs:
Ensure that the policy aligns with your organization’s overall strategy, culture, and
operational requirements.
5. Inventory Systems, Processes, and Data:
Identify all the systems, processes, and data that the policy will cover. This step
helps you understand the scope of your policy.
6. Risk Identification:
Assess the risks associated with your systems, data, and workflows. Consider both
internal and external threats
Policy enforcement
• Policy enforcement refers to the process of ensuring compliance with security
policies, procedures, and standards.
• It involves enforcing access controls, monitoring system usage, and ensuring that
devices and software are updated and patched to prevent security breaches.
Advantages of Policy Enforcement:
1. Security Enhancement
2. Consistency
3. Risk Mitigation
4. Auditing and Accountability
Disadvantages of Policy Enforcement:
5. Rigidity
6. Complexity and Overhead
7. Resistance and User Frustration
8. False Positives and Negatives
Policy enforcement
1. Policy Definition: Clearly articulate the rules, expectations, and approach for
maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. The policy should
cover areas like access control, data management, and acceptable use.
2. Application and Implementation:
Translate policy requirements into practical actions. Implement controls,
procedures, and technical measures to enforce the policy.
3. Management and Monitoring:
Regularly review and update the policy as needed. Monitor compliance, track
incidents, and adjust controls based on changing threats or business needs.
4. Automated Execution:
Use technology to automate policy enforcement where possible. For example,
access control lists, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems can enforce policy