MGMT29013 A3 Briefing

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Assessment 3 Briefing

Assessment Overview

1. Essay
– Individual, written assessment; 25% of unit
– Due Week 5 Friday (11 August 2023) 11:59 pm
2. Reflective Report
– Individual, written assessment; 25% of unit
– Due Week 8 Friday (08 Sept 2023) 11:59 pm AEST
3. Portfolio
– Individual, multimedia/written assessment; 50% of
– Due Week 12 Friday (06 Oct 2023) 11:59 pm AEST

Assessment 3: Portfolio

• Your task:
– Throughout the term, you will be exposed to various
activities relating to professional practice and career
– These activities allow you to develop a range of ‘artefacts’
(e.g. written or infographic CV, brief reflections, personal pitch video, cover letter) –
these can be various types, e.g. Word documents, PPT,
hyperlinks, etc.
– You will compile ten (10) of these artefacts into a portfolio –
– You will produce a short overview introduction (700 words
+/- 10%) that will function as the introduction to your
portfolio – this will be written AT THE END OF TERM

Assessment 3: Portfolio

• Attention: we have a list of acceptable artefacts

(see later) – only artefacts that are on this list will
be accepted for marking
• Some of the artefacts on the list are compulsory
for all students; the remaining artefacts from the
list are to be considered a pool, from which you
need to choose artefacts to include in your
• The portfolio will be submitted as a WORD
document via Moodle (we have a template for

Assessment 3: Portfolio

• Overview introduction: this will be placed at the

start of the portfolio (see template)
• The overview introduction should start with a
VERY BRIEF overview of your background (be
specific here), and your short- to medium-term
career aspirations
• The majority of the overview introduction
consists of a comment on each of your artefacts
that should outline each artefact's relevance to
your personal career development.

Assessment 3: Portfolio
• The portfolio artefacts should be compiled THROUGHOUT the
term, but the overview introduction should be developed towards
the end of term
• The portfolio will contain some documents that you create yourself
(e.g. reflective statements, CVs, cover letter); these need to be
provided in Word format within the portfolio – screenshots of these
documents are not permissible.
• The portfolio can also contain multimedia artefacts (e.g. YouTube
links; screenshots of LinkedIn page; PowerPoint slide); depending
on what the artefact is, screenshots may be permissible (check with
your tutor). However, note that it is your responsibility to ensure
access to any online artefacts through working and accessible
hyperlinks. Any broken links or inaccessible artefacts will not be
able to attract marks.
• The overview introduction is 700 words +/- 10% but the remainder
of the portfolio does not have a word or page limit.
Assessment 3: Portfolio

• Demonstration of the Word document template

Assessment 3: Portfolio

• Demonstration of the list of acceptable artefacts

Word document

Assessment 3: Portfolio

• Assessment criteria:
– Overview introduction clearly demonstrates relevance
of included artefacts for the student’s personal situation
– Ability to apply professional practice and career
development skills demonstrated through accurate and
complete artefacts (70%; all artefacts are weighted
equally at 7% per artefact)
– Professional presentation of portfolio (15%)
Late submission and academic misconduct
penalties will be applied in accordance with the
university policies.
Assessment 3: Portfolio – Marking Rubric


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