Lect#11-Risk-EPM-Spring 2024
Lect#11-Risk-EPM-Spring 2024
Lect#11-Risk-EPM-Spring 2024
What is Risk?
A probability
will go wrong!
What is Risk?
What is Risk?
• A risk is an uncertain potential condition or event that, if it
occurs and is not mitigated, may have negative or positive
impact on the project objectives.”
“An event that poses a potential threat or potential opportunity.”
• Not all risks are bad, and not all risks have negative impacts. Some risks
are actually opportunities in disguise.
• For example, agreeing to take on and complete a new project is a risk,
since one of the definitions of a project is creating a unique product or
service, the project itself is a risk that’s taken on to exploit an opportunity.
Positive Risks & Negative Risks
1.Risk categories
Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS):
The RBS is a hierarchical structure of potential risk sources. Just as the WBS
forms the basis for many aspects of the project management process, so the
RBS can be used to structure and guide the risk management process.
Risk Planning
Tool - RBS
Risk Planning Tool - RBS
Qualitative Risk Identification – Tools & Techniques
• The Delphi technique is a way to get opinions and ideas from experts.
• This is another technique that uses a facilitator, but instead of gathering
team members in a room, they send questionnaires to experts asking
about important project risks.
• They take those answers and circulates them all to the experts—but each
expert is kept anonymous so that they can give honest feedback.
• Uses repeated rounds of questioning and written responses and avoids
the biasing effects possible in oral methods, such as brainstorming
Qualitative Risk Identification – Tools & Techniques
Interviews are a really important part of identifying risk. Try to find everyone
who might have an opinion and ask them about what could cause trouble on
the project. The sponsor or client will think about the project in a very
different way than the project team.
Qualitative Risk Identification – Tools & Techniques
SWOT Analysis
• SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
can also be used during risk identification
• Helps identify the broad negative and positive risks that apply to a
Risk Identification– Output
Risk Register
• The main output of the risk identification process is a list of identified risks
and other information needed to begin creating a risk register
–A document that contains the results of various risk management
processes and that is often displayed in a table or spreadsheet format
–A tool for documenting potential risk events and related information
Risk Register Contents
Risk Register (Probability Impact Matrix)
• Assess probability and impact of each risk
– Probability scale: values from “very unlikely” to “almost certainty”
– Impact Scale: “very low,” “low,” “moderate,” “high,” and “very high,”
– can assign numerical probability and impact on a linear scale (e.g., 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
or nonlinear scale (e.g., 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8)
Positive Risk
Negative Risk
Risk Response Planning- Negative Risks
There are four basic strategies for handling negative risks:
1. Avoid:
The best thing that you can do with a risk is avoid it—if you can
prevent it from happening, it definitely won’t hurt your project.
2. Mitigate:
If you can’t avoid the risk, you can mitigate it. This means taking
some sort of action that will cause it to do as little damage to your
project as possible.
Risk Response Planning- Negative Risks
There are four basic strategies for handling negative risks:
One effective way to deal with a risk is to pay someone else to
accept it for you. The most common way to do this is to buy
When you can’t avoid, mitigate, or transfer a risk, then you
have to accept it. But even when you accept a risk, at least
you’ve looked at the alternatives and you know what will
happen if it occurs.
Risk Response Planning- Positive Risks
There are four basic strategies for handling positive risks:
1.Exploit :
This is when you do everything you can to make sure that you take advantage of an opportunity. You
could assign your best resources to it. Or you could allocate more than enough funds to be sure that
you get the most out of it.
2.Share :
Sometimes it’s harder to take advantage of an opportunity on your own. Then you might call in
another company to share in it with you.
3.Enhance :
This is when you try to make the opportunity more probable by influencing its triggers. If getting a
picture of a rare bird is important, then you might bring more food that it’s attracted to.
Just like accepting a negative risk, sometimes an opportunity just falls in your lap. The best thing to
do in that case is to just accept it!
What is Risk Mitigation?
• Risk Mitigation must not be confused with the Planning component. Mitigation
actions are proactive to prevent a risk from occurring and impacting the project or
reducing the impact of the risk. Plans are prepared for execution after a risk occurs,
becomes a problem and starts to impact the project.
• Risks can be mitigated not only by eliminating the risk but also by reducing their
degree of Occurrence and/or lessen the Impact to the project.
What is Risk Mitigation?
Accordingly Risk Mitigation can be broken down into three components:
1.Risk Elimination
2.Risk Reduction
3.Risk Deflection
What is Risk Mitigation?
1.Risk Elimination:
Aggressive, proactive risk mitigation for top priority(1) risks is essential to achieve the full benefits of
Risk Management. For these critical risks it is ideal if the risks can be eliminated entirely as they will
have the greatest negative impact to the project.
Risk Elimination requires carrying out the necessary action(s) to completely remove the identified
issue or problem from the project.
3. Risk Deflection:
Transfer the risk (in part or whole) to another party (already discusses in prev slides)
Class Activity