Introduction To Chemical Engineering: B. Dharani O210404 E-1
Introduction To Chemical Engineering: B. Dharani O210404 E-1
Introduction To Chemical Engineering: B. Dharani O210404 E-1
B. Dharani
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Introduction History of Great inventions Modern Conclusion
to Chemical and innovations development and
Chemical Engineering in Chemical future outlook
Engineering Engineering
Process Engineer
Desings the processes that are used to turn raw materials
into useful Products
Jobs in
Pharmaceutical engineer
Chemical Ensure the quality and safety of pharma-related equipment
1888: 1984:
George Davis provides the blueprint
Alexander An accidental toxic gas
for a new profession as he presents a
series of 12 lectures on Chemical release by Union
Engineering at the Manchester,
Fleming observes the Carbide kills over 2000 in
England. effect Penicillin has on Bhopal, India.
1930s to 1940s:
1892: Systematic analysis of chemical
Pennsylvania reactors
Explore-They explore mass
begins its Chemical transfer, temperature
Engineering variations, flow patterns,
curriculum. and multiple steady states .
Early Developments
• Industrial Revolution (18th century): The Industrial Revolution marked a significant turning point
for chemical engineering. It brought about mechanization, mass production, and advances in various
industries, including textiles, metallurgy, and chemical manufacturing.
• Chemical Processes: In the 19th century, chemical processes such as the Leblanc process for soda ash
production and the Haber-Bosch process for ammonia synthesis played pivotal roles in the
development of the chemical industry.
• Process Safety: The early 20th century saw notable industrial accidents, prompting increased focus on
process safety. The Texas City disaster of 1947 and the Flix borough disaster of 1974, among others,
led to advancements in safety protocols, regulations, and the development of process safety engineering
as a distinct discipline within chemical engineering.
• Education and Professionalization: Institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) and the University of Manchester were among the first to offer formal education in chemical
engineering in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The establishment of professional organizations
like the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) in 1908 further contributed to the
recognition and advancement of chemical engineering as a profession.
7 Introduction to Chemical En 29/03/24
Great inventions and innovations in Chemical Engineering
• From designing sustainable processes and developing advanced materials to optimizing energy production and
ensuring environmental protection, chemical engineers are instrumental in addressing some of the most pressing
challenges of our time. The field continues to evolve with the integration of digital technologies, such as artificial
intelligence, machine learning, and process automation, leading to more efficient and data-driven approaches to
• Looking ahead, the future of chemical engineering holds immense promise, with opportunities for further
innovation in areas such as biotechnology, renewable energy, personalized medicine, and the circular economy. By
embracing these opportunities and leveraging emerging technologies, chemical engineers are poised to make
significant contributions to building a more sustainable, resilient, and prosperous society for generations to come.