Promoting Health Slideshow-4

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Public Health Area:

By Taryn Moehl

NURS5025 -
Promoting Health in Children’s Nursing Practice
Destination: From Home (next to the primary school)
The Health Walk to the local shops

Duration of walk: 15 mins

Route: Along the road on the pavement surrounded

by residential area, play park and football grounds,
primary school, fish and chips shop, off license,
convenience store, pharmacy, co-op

Focus chosen: Vaping


- 55% of 11-13 year olds reported buying e cigarettes in small shops (Gallagher, 2023)

- The quantity of 11-17 year olds reporting to be current users doubled from 3.3% in 2021
to 7.6% in 2023, while trying vaping at least once or twice is upt by 50% compared to
2022. (ASH, 2023)

- There is growing evidence that vapes are becoming a ‘gateway’ product to nicotine
addiction amongst young people (Banks, 2023)
Legislative action
Beattie’s Model of
- Law - selling vapes to under 18s is illegal
Health Promotion (1991) (

Community development

- Parent/Teacher meetings
- Schemes (Department of Health and
Social Care Media Centre, 2023)

Personal counselling

- Alternatives
- Role modelling

Health persuasion

- Schools - PSHE (Public Health England,

- TV adverts
Bronfenbrenner's Micro - system:
ecological framework
- If parents vape, children are more likely
to - it normalises vaping.

- If a child's peers vape, they are being

encouraged to vape as well - creating a
positive attitude towards vapes


- School culture does not reinforce healthy

behaviours to stop young people vaping.

- Friends of young people vape at school -

this creates peer influence.
ecological framework - Lack of stop vaping campaigns advertised in
(1979) local spaces

- Attractive advertising of vapes - different

flavours and colourful advertised in windows
of shops - attract young people. (ASH, 2023)

Macro - system

- Vaping is culturally accepted as better than

smoking - therefore creating a increasing
demand for them.

- Disposable vapes cause littering
- The nicotine from vapes contribute to
deforestation (McFarling, 2022)
Why preventing
vaping in children is

Find more information at:
The Stages of Change
Health Promotion Model (Prochaska & DiClemente, 1980s)

Social Cognitive Theory

(Bandura, 1989)

Cognitive factors:
- Personal factors
- Expectations
- Attitudes

Behevaioural factors
- Skills
- Self - efficacy

Environmental factors
Contemplation Stage: Resource promotes the pros of the
- Social norms
change - provides children with info about why they
- Influence of others should stop vaping
- Access in community
Relating Resource to Child Development
My resource is aimed at teenagers aged 13-18 years.

Cognitive development:
Piaget (1978) Stages of cognitive development: Language development:
- cognition develops in stages and each one of these stages
builds on accomplishments of previous stages Assumes that they are following Chomsky (2000)
- They are aware that actions have consequences theory that the LAD facilitates language and enables
Vygotsky (1978) - importance of scaffolding with the interaction of children to derive the rules of grammar from everyday
members of society
Knowledge is socially constructed

Psychological development:
Motor development: Motor development:
Erikson’s stages (1968)
Gross motor with increasing coordination - vaping side - Adolescence (12-19 years) - identity vs. confusion
effects may affect sport performance - complexity of life (merging ideas of logical,
Late childhood growth development (adolescent 13 years to sensory and aesthetic perception).
approx 18 years)
Evaluation of Vaping Resource

My resource is aimed at 13-18 year olds.

Pros of Vaping
Resource - Aimed at 13-18 year olds

- Sectioned paragraphs - easy to understand (readability

score 11-12 years),

- Bold lettering of headings- enforces the message of how

vaping is harmful

- States the facts - no patronising tone

- Use of colours to make certain words stand out

- Applies to current health issue

- Clear message - vapes are harmful

Cons of Vaping
- For the age group - could have used more images to catch

- The descriptive bit is a bit too small to read - not eye


- Long sentences - teenagers won't spend time reading the

whole resource
User Involvement - Questionnaire
A simple self questionnaire(Thom, 2007), distributed to 8 teenagers.
Quantitative data User Involvement-

Almost all the teenagers believed that

the resource reaches the target

2 in the 8 teenagers said that they

found the resource useful but only
scored it a 2 out of 3 because the older
teenagers already knew the knowledge.
“I didnt realise
“I now know what the that their were
side effects of vaping environmental
are” impacts to me
Do you know where to get
vaping” extra help from?

What did you learn?

Resources from bottom of
“It was very - ASH
“I didnt know that vaping
colourful so its - Talktofrank
was age - restricted”
easy to remember (PSHE)
the facts”
Thank you
for listening
- ASH (2023): Resources on Youth Vaping. Available at:

- ASH (2023) Headline Results ASH Smokefree GB Adults and youth survey results 2023. Available at:

- Bandura, A (1986) Social foundation of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- HAll

- Banks AM, E et al (2023) Electronic cigarettes and health outcomes, umbrella and systematic review of the global evidence. Available at:

- Beattie, A (1991) Knowledge and control in health promotion: a test case fro scoial policy and social theory. The sociology of health service,

- Bronfenbrenner, U.(1979) The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design.

- Chomsky, N. (2000) New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Department of Health and Social Care Media centre(2023), How we’re cutting smoking and stopping children vaping . Available at:

- DHSC Media Team(2023) How we’re cutting smoking and stopping children vaping. Avaliable at:

- Erikson, E.H. (1968) The human life cycle. In international encyclopedia of the social sciences (pp. 286-292)

- Gallagher, L (2023) Children increasingly exposed to e-cigarettes on display in shops. Available at:

- Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (2016) E-cigarettes: regulations for consumer products. Available at:

- McFarling, M (2022) The environmental impacts of vaping that the tobacco industry doesn’t want you to know.Available at:

- O’Brien, N & Department of Health and Social Care (2023) Crackdown on illegal sale of vapes. Available at:
- O’Brien, N & Department of Hwlth and Social Care (2023) No more free vapes for kids. Available at:

- Piaget, J.(1971) The Theory of stages in cognitive development. In D.R. Green, M.P Ford & G.B. Flamer, McGraw-Hill

- Prochaska, J. O., & DiClemente, C. C. (1983). Stages and processes of self-change of smoking: Toward an integrative model of change. Journal of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51(3), 390-395.

- Public Health England (2020) Vaping - KS3 form time activities. Available

- Truth Initiative (2021) A toxic, plastic problem: E-cigarette waste and the environment.

- Thom, B (2007) Role of the simple, self-designed questionnaire in Nursing Research. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing doi:

- Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: Development of Higher Psychological Processes, Harvard University Press, 86–87

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