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Chapter 8-Advanced Interaction Modeling

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Chapter 8

Advanced Interaction
Use case Relationships
 Complex use cases can be built from smaller pieces with the
include, extend, and generalization relationships.
 Include Relationship
 The include relationship incorporates one use case within the
behavior sequence of another use case.
 An included use case is like a subroutine-it represents
behavior that would otherwise have to be described
 The UML notation for an include relationship is a dashed
arrow from the source (including) use case to the
target(included) use case.
 The keyword <<include>> annotates the arrow.
 Figure shows an example from an online stock brokerage system.
Part of establishing a secure session is validating the user
 The stock brokerage system validates the password for each stock
trade. Use cases secure session and make trade both include use
case validate password.
 A use case can also be inserted within a textual description with
the notation include use-case-name.
 An included use case is inserted at a specific location within the
behavior sequence of the larger use case, just as a subroutine is
called from a specific location within another subroutine.
•We should not use include relationships to structure fine details of
•The purpose of use case modeling is to identify the functionality
of the system and the general flow of control among the system.
•Factoring a use case into pieces is appropriate when the pieces
represent significant behavior units.
 Extend Relationship
 The extend relationship adds incremental behavior to a use
case. It is like an include relationship looked at from the
opposite direction, in which extension adds itself to the base,
rather than the base explicitly incorporating the extension.
 It represents the frequent situation in which some initial
capability is defined, and later features are added modularly.
 The include and extend relationships both add behavior to a
base use case.
 For Ex: a stock brokerage system might have the base use
case trade stocks, which permits a customer to purchase
stocks for cash on hand in the account.
 The extension use case margin trading would add the ability to
make a loan to purchase stocks when the account does not
contain enough cash.
 It is possible to buy stocks for cash, but if there is insufficient
cash, then the system offers to proceed with the transaction after
verifying that the customer is willing to make a margin purchase.
 The additional behavior is inserted at the point where the purchase
cost is checked against the account balance.
 Figure shows the base use case trade stocks for a stock brokerage
system. The UML notation for an extend relationship is a dashed
arrow from the extension use case to the base use case.
 The keyword <<extend>> annotates the arrow. The base use case
permits simple purchases and sales of a stock at the market price.
 The system adds three capabilities: buying a stock on margin,
selling a stock short, and placing a limit on the transaction price.
 The use case trade options also has an extension for placing a
limit on the transaction price.
 The extend relationship connects an extension use case to a base
use case. The extension use case often is a fragment- that is, it
cannot appear alone as a behavior sequence.
 The base use case, however must be a valid use case in the
absence of any extensions.
 The extend relationship can specify an insert location within the
behavior sequence of the base use case; the location can be a
single step in the base sequence or a range of steps.
 The behavior sequence of the extension use case occurs at the
given point in the sequence.
 In most cases, an extend relationship has a condition attached. The
extension behavior occurs only if the condition is true when
control reaches the insert location.
 Generalization
 Generalization can show specific variations on a general use case,
analogous to generalization among classes. A parent use case
represents a general behavior sequence.
 Child use cases specialize the parent by inserting additional steps
or by defining steps.
 The UML indicates generalization by an arrow with its tail on
the use case and a triangular arrowhead on the parent use case,
the same notation that is used for classes.
 For Ex: an online stock brokerage system might specilize the
general use case make trade into the child use cases trade bonds,
trade stocks, and trade options.
 The parent use case contains steps that are performed for any kind
of trade, such as entering the trading password.
 Each child use case contains the additional steps particular to a
specific kind of trade, such as entering the expiration date of an
 A parent use case may be abstract or concrete- an abstract use
case cannot be used directly. As with the class model, we can
consider only abstract parents and forego concrete classes.
 Use cases also exhibit polymorphism- a child use case can freely
substitute for a parent use case, for example, as an inclusion in
another use case.
 In one respect, generalization is more complicated than class
generalization. A subclass adds attributes to the parent class, but
their order is unimportant.
 A child use case adds behavior steps, but they must appear in the
proper locations within the behavior sequence of the parent.
 This is similar to overriding a method that is inherited by a
subclass, in which new statements may be inserted at various
locations in the parent’s method.
 The simplest solution is to simply list the entire behavior
sequence of the child use case, including the steps inherited
from the parent.
 A more general approach is to assign symbolic locations within
the parent’s sequence and to indicate where additions and
replacements go.
 In general a child may revise behavior subsequences at several
different points in the parent’s sequence.
 Combinations of Use case Relationships
 A single diagram may combine several kinds of use case
 Figure below shows a use case diagram from a stock brokerage
system. The secure session use case includes the behavior of the
validate password, make trade and manage account use cases.
 Make trade is an abstract parent with the children-trade bonds,
trade stocks and trade options.
 Use case make trade also includes the behavior of validate
password. The brokerage system validates the password once per
session and additionally for every trade.
 The use case margin trading extends both trade bonds and trade
stocks-a customer may purchase stocks and bonds on margin, but
not options
 Use case limit order extends abstract use case make trade- limit
orders apply to trading bonds, and options.
 Customer actor connects only to the secure session use case. The
brokerage system invokes all the other use cases indirectly by
inclusion, specialization, or extension.
 The Securities exchange actor connects to the make trade use
 This actor does not initiate a use case but it is invoked during
 Guidelines for use case relationships
 Use case generalization: If a use case comes in several
variations, model the common behavior with an abstract use
case and then specialize each of the variations.
 Do not use generalization simply to share a behavior
fragment; use include relationship for that purpose.
 Use case inclusion: If a use case includes a well-defined
behavior fragment that is likely to be useful in other situations,
define a use case for the behavior fragment and include it in
the original use case.
 In most cases, we should not think of the included use case as
a meaningful activity but not as an end in itself.
 For Ex: validating a password is meaningful to users but has a
purpose only within a broader context.
 Use case extension: If we can define a meaningful use case with
optional features, then model the base behavior as a use case
and add features with the extend relationship.
 This permits the system to be tested an debugged without the
extensions, which can be added later.
 Use the extend relationship when a system might be deployed in
different configurations, some with the additional features and
some without them.
 Include vs extend relationship: The include relationship and
the extend relationship can both factor behavior into smaller
 The include relationship, implies that the included behavior is a
necessary part of a configured system
 Extend relationship implies that a system without the added
behavior would be meaningful.
Procedural Sequence Models
 Sequence diagrams containing independent objects, all of
which are active concurrently.
 An object remains active after sending a message and can
respond to other messages without waiting for a response.
 Sequence Diagrams with Passive objects
 A passive object is not activated until it has been called. Once
the execution of an operation completes and control returns to
the caller, the passive object becomes inactive.
 Fig below computes the commission for a stock brokerage
transaction. The transaction object receives a request to
compute its commission.
 It obtains the customer’s service level from the customer table,
then asks the rate table to compute the commission based on the
service level, after which it returns the commission value to the
 The UML shows the period of time for an object’s execution as a
thin rectangle . This is called activation or focus of control.
 An activation shows the time period during which a call of a
method is being processed, including the time when the called
method has invoked another operation.
 The period of time where an object exists but is not active is
shown as a dashed line.
 The entire period during which the object exists is called the
lifeline, as it shows the lifetime of the object.
 Sequence Diagrams with Transient Objects
 In fig below ObjectA is an active object that initiates an operation.
Because it is active, its activation rectangle spans the entire time.
 ObjectB is a passive object that exists during the entire time
shown in the diagram, but it is not active for the whole time.
 The UML shows its existence by the dashed line(the lifeline) that
covers the entire time period. ObjectB’s lifeline broadens into an
activation rectangle when it is processing a call.
 During part of the time, it performs a recursive operation, as
shown by the doubled activation rectangle between the call by
ObjectC on operationE and the return of the result value.
 ObjectC is created and destroyed during the time shown on the
diagram, so its lifeline does not span the whole diagram.
 The notation for a call is an arrow from the calling activation to
the activation created by the call. The tail of the arrow is
somewhere along the rectangle of the calling activation.
 The arrowhead aligns with the top of the rectangle of the newly
created activation, because the call creates the activation. The
filled arrowhead indicates a call.
 The UML shows a return by a dashed arrow from the bottom of
the called activation to the calling activation. Not all return have
result values- for example, the return from objectC to objectB.
 An activation, therefore, has a call arrow coming into its top and a
return arrow leaving its bottom. In between, it may have arrows to
and from subroutine activations that it calls.
 We can suppress return arrows, because their location is implicit
at the bottom of the activation, but for clarity it is better to show
 If an object does not exist at the beginning of a sequence
diagram, then it must be created during the sequence diagram.
 The UML shows creation by placing the object symbol at the
head of the arrow for the call that creates the object.
 For Ex: the createC call creates objectC. The new object may or
may not retain control after it is created.
 In the example, ObjectC does retain control, as shown by the
activation rectangle that begins immediately below the object
 A large ‘X’ marks the end of the life of an object that is destroyed
during the sequence diagram. The ‘X’ is placed at the head of the
call arrow that destroys the object.
 If the object destroys itself and returns control to another object,
the ‘X’ is placed at the tail of the return arrow. Here, objectC
destroys itself and returns control to objectB.
 The lifeline of the object does not extend before its creation or
after its destruction.
 The UML shows a call to a second method on the same object
with an arrow from the activation rectangle to the top of an
additional rectangle superimposed on the first.
 For Ex: the second call to operationE on objectB is a recursive call
nested within the first call to operationE. The second rectangle is
shifted horizontally slightly so that both rectangles can be seen.
 Guidelines for Procedural Sequence Models
 Active vs Passive: Differentiate between active and passive
 Most objects are passive and lack their own thread of control.
Active objects are always activated and have their own focus of
 Advanced features: Advanced features can show the
implementation of sequence diagrams.
 Be selective in using these advanced features. Only show
implementation details for difficult or especially important
sequence diagrams.
Special Constructs for Activity
 Sending and Receiving Signals
 Consider a workstation that is turned on. It goes through a
boot sequence and then requests that the user log in.
 After entry of a name and password, the workstation queries
the network to validate the user. Upon validation, the
workstation then finishes its startup process. Fig below shows
the corresponding activity diagram.
 The UML shows the sending of a signal as a convex pentagon.
When the preceding activity completes, the signal is sent, then
the next activity is started.
 The UML shows the receiving of a signal as a concave pentagon.
When the preceding activity completes, the receipt construct waits
until the signal is received, then the next activity starts.
 Swimlanes
 In a business model, it is often useful to know which human
organization is responsible for an activity. Sales, finance,
marketing, and purchasing are examples of organizations.
 When the design of the system is complete, the activity will be
assigned to a person, but at a high level it is sufficient to
partition the activities among organizations.
 We can show such a partitioning with an activity diagram to a
swimming pool.
 Placing an activity within a particular swimlane indicates that
is performed by a person or persons with in the organizations.
 Lines across swimlane boundaries indicate interactions among
different organizations, which must usually be treated with
more care than interactions within an organization.
 Fig shows a simple example for serving an airplane. The flight
attendants must clean a trash, the ground crew must add fuel,
and catering must load food and drink before a plane is
serviced and ready for its next flight.
 Object Flows
 Sometimes it is helpful to see the relationships between an
operation and the objects that are its argument values or results.
 An activity diagram can show objects that are inputs to or outputs
from the activities.
 An input or output arrow implies a control flow, therefore it is
unnecessary to draw a control flow arrow where there is an object
 Frequently the same object goes through several states during the
execution of an activity diagram.
 The same object may be an input or an output from several
activities, but on closer examination an activity usually produces
or uses an object in a particular state.
 The UML shows an object value in a particular state by placing
the state name in square brackets following the object name.
 If the object have state names, the activity diagram shows both
the flow of control and the progression of an object from state
to state as activities act on it.
 In figure an airplane goes through several states as it leaves the
gate, flies, and then lands again.
 An activity diagram showing object flows among different
object states has most of the advantages of a data flow diagram
without most of their disadvantages.
 In particular, it unifies data flow and control flow, whereas data
flow diagrams often separate them.

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