Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1
Practical Research 1
Research 1
The Research Title
The research title summarizes the main
idea or ideas of your study. A good title
contains the fewest possible words needed
to adequately describe the content and/or
purpose of your research paper.
(University of Southern California, 2017)
The Research Title
According to Maxine Hairson and Michael Keene, a
good title has several functions:
1. It predicts content
2. It catches the reader’s interest
3. It reflects the tone or slant of the piece of writing
4. Contains keywords that will make it easy to access
by computer search
The Background of Research
One of the preliminary steps to completing a research is
the background study for it. The background study
includes a review of the area being researched, current
information surrounding the issue, previous study, and
relevant history on the issue. (Heaest Seattle Medua, LLC,
1. Single sentence
2. Include the purpose of the study
3. Include the central phenomenon
4. Use qualitative words
5. Note the participants
6. State the research title
Research Questions – 3
Fulfill the following criteria:
Popular Magazine
3. Article in Journal
4. Article in Newspaper
5. An Editorial
6. Online books