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Dr. Sumihar Pasaribu, M.Biomed

Departemen Biokimia FK-UMI Medan

What Is Cancer?

 Cancer is a large group

of diseases (over 200)
characterized by
uncontrolled growth and
spread of abnormal

*American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2005

Normal Cells Vs. Cancer Cells
 Cancer cells:
 Lose control over growth
and multiplication

 Do not self-destruct when

they become worn out or

 Crowd out healthy cells

Growth of Cancer Cells
 Cancer cells reproduce
every 2-6 weeks.
2-6 weeks
 Size of cancer cells:
 One million cancer
2-6 weeks cells = head of a pin

 One billion cancer

cells = a small grape

 230 = 1,073,741,824
= 1 billion cells

2-6 weeks
Signs and Symptoms of Cancer
 Change in bowel habits or bladder functions
 Sores that do not heal
 Unusual bleeding or discharge
 Lumps or thickening of breast or other parts of
the body
 Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
 Recent change in wart or mole
 Persistent coughing or hoarseness
Types of Cancers

 Carcinomas (cells
that cover internal and
external body surfaces) Leukemia
(Blood Cells)
Breast (Lymph nodes &tissues)


Prostate Sarcomas
(Men) Cells in supportive
tissues – bones &
What Causes Cancer?

Family History

What Causes Cancer?
 External Factors – chemicals, radiation,
viruses, and lifestyle
 Internal Factors – hormones, immune
conditions, and inherited mutations
 Theories
 Cellular change/mutation theories
 Carcinogens

 Oncogenes/ protooncogenes
Factors Believed to Contribute to Global
Causes of Cancer

Figure 16.2
Cancer pathogenesis

 Oncogenes
 myc, ras, src, abl, bcl2
 Tumor suppressor genes
 p53, Rb, APC, MEN1, NF1
 MicroRNA
 Transcriptome control
The path to cancer

 Clonal proliferation
 Starts from a single cell
 Expansion in steps
 Pre-malignant states
 Polyp, MDS, MGUS
 Serial accumulation of mutations
 Clonal evolution
 Resistance
“Hallmarks of cancer”

 Self-sufficiency in growth signals

 Insensitivity to anti-growth signals
 Evading apoptosis
 Limitless reproductive potential
 Sustained angiogenesis
 Tissue invasion and metastases
 Genomic instability
Hanahan & Weinberg, 2000
Tissue and tumor architecture

Dingli & Pacheco, 2008

Cancer stem cells

 Present in most (all) tumors

 Small fraction of population
 No universal marker
 Often resistant to therapy
 May be important target of therapy
 Cancer initiating cells in mice
Genomic instability

 Is it necessary?
 Normal vs abnormal mutation rate
 2 current views
 Chromosomal instability
 Gross translocations, loss and gain of
chromosome parts
 Mutator phenotype
 Repair genes
 Xeroderma pigmentosum
 MMR etc
Cytogenetic abnormalities

 Translocations
 Balanced
 Reciprocal

 Aneuploidy
 Pseudodiploid
 Hyperdiploid

 Complex

 Random loss or gain

Limitless reproductive potential

 Hayflick hypothesis
 Limited number of doublings
 Telomere maintenance
 Telomerase

 Not all tumor cells have this potential

 Tumor stem cells
Self-sufficiency in growth

• Autocrine loops
• Over-expression of
• Receptor is always
• Downstream
Insensitivity to antigrowth signals
Evading apoptosis
 External triggers
 Intracellular triggers
 Death receptors
 Caspases
 Sensors (8, 9)
 Executioners (3)
Sustained angiogenesis
 FGF1/2

 Thrombospondin
 Thalidomide
 Avastin
Tissue invasion and metastases
Tumor burden - Staging

 Tumor
 Size, capsule invasion
 Nodes
 Involved, how many?
 Metastases
 Present/absent

 “Unknown primary”

 CT scan

 Staging
 Response
Prognostic scoring systems

 Host vs Disease

 Disease burden
 Disease biology
 Co-morbid conditions
 Performance status
Good News!

Other Ways to Reduce

the Risks of Developing
How Far Have We Come ?
Five year survival
 1913 - 10%

 2003 - 66%

 Advances in cancer
research continue
The Fight Will Continue
Because…in 2007
 Cancer is the second
leading cause of death in
Utah and the nation

 7660* Utahns diagnosed

 2690* Utahns will die

 7 Utahns die of cancer

every day

*American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts and Figures 2007

Avoid Smoking or Chewing

 Cigarette smoking is the

leading cause of preventable
death in the US
 Second hand smoke affects
Fruits and Vegetables
Decrease Cancer Risks
 Cancer rates could
decline by up to
20% if everyone
consumed 5 fruits and
vegetables a day!*
 Cancer fighting
 Antioxidants
 Dietary fiber
 Carotenoids
*American Institute for Cancer Research, 1998.
 Flavenoids
Limit Alcohol to No More Than

 Men – 2 drinks per


 Women - 1 drink per

Reduce Your Skin Exposure to
the Sun
 Limit time outside,
between 10 a.m. & 4 p.m.
 Wear protective clothing.
Use wide-brimmed hats
and sunglasses.
 Prevent sunburns,
especially for children
under 18. Use
waterproof sunscreen of
SPF 15 or higher.
Reapply as directed.
 Avoid tanning beds.
Be Active…Often
 Exercise for 30 minutes or
more at least 4 days a
The number of lives that could be
saved each year if we ate a healthy
diet and exercised regularly

The number of lives that could be
saved each year with no tobacco

American Cancer Society


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