The D - and F - Block Elements
The D - and F - Block Elements
The D - and F - Block Elements
• These elements have their properties which are intermediate between those
of s and p block elements.
The general electronic configuration of outer orbitals of these elements is (n-1)d 1-10 ns1-2.
General Properties of the Transition Elements
• Physical Properties
• Metallic properties:
Nearly all the transition elements display typical metallic properties
such as high tensile strength, ductility, malleability, high thermal and
electrical conductivity and metallic lustre.
The transition metals (with the exception of Zn, Cd and Hg) are very
much hard and have low volatility.
Melting and Boiling points
• Due to an increase in nuclear charge which accompanies the filling of the inner d-orbitals,
there is an increase in ionization enthalpy along each series of the transition elements from
left to right. However, many small variations occur. Although the first ionization enthalpy,
• in general, increases, the magnitude of the increase in the second and third ionization
enthalpies for the successive elements, in general, is much higher. In 3d series, 1st I.E of zinc
is ,however, very high because of fully filled (n-1) d10 ns2 configuration.
• There is a fall in 2nd I.E from Cr to Mn and from Cu to Zn because after the removal of first
electron, Cr and Cu acquire a stable configuration(d5 and d10) and the removal of 2nd
electron is very difficult.
• 3rd I.E of Mn is very high because the 3rd electron has to be removed from the stable half
filled 3d orbital.
Oxidation States (O.S)
• Transition metals show variable oxidation states due to tendency of (n-1)d
and ns electrons to take part in bond formation, since there is a very little
difference in the energies of these orbitals.
• Except for scandium and zinc, all the other elements show more than one
oxidation state. Scandium, due to the availability of very few electrons for
bonding, does not show variable oxidation states.
• On the other hand, zinc, due to the presence of too many d electrons, has fewer orbitals
available for bonding, and thus, does not exhibit variable O.S.
• The elements from titanium to zinc, with the exception of copper, show a minimum
O.S of +2. Copper shows a minimum oxidation state of +1 (+2 O.S is due to the loss
of two ns2 electrons.
• Mostly ionic bonds are formed in +2 and +3 oxidation states. In compounds of higher
O.S, the bonds formed are mostly covalent since they are formed by sharing of d-
electrons. For example all the bonds between manganese and oxygen are covalent in
MnO4- (permanganate ion).
• The elements which show the greatest number of oxidation state occur in or near the
middle of the series. For example, Mn shows all the O.S from +2 to +7.
• The maximum O.S is given by the sum of the s and d electrons for the first five
elements. Ex: Sc, Ti, V, Cr and Mn exhibit maximum O.S of +3, +4, +5, +6 and +7.
The maximum O.S of reasonable stability in the first transition series is equal to the
sum of s and d electrons up to Mn followed by an abrupt decrease in the stability of
higher O.S.
• The variability of O.S of transition elements, which is due to incompletely filled d-
orbitals arises in such a way that successive oxidation states differ by unity, example V II,
VIII, VIV, VV. This is unlike non-transition elements where O.S normally differs by two
units example PbII, PbIV.
• In a group of d- block elements, the higher O.S are more stable for heavier elements for
example, in group 6, Mo(VI) and W(VI) are found to be more stable then Cr(VI). For this
reason, Cr(VI) in the form of dichromate is a stronger oxidizing agent in acidic medium
whereas MoO3 and WO3 or not.
• Low oxidation states are found when a complex compound has ligands capable of pi –
acceptor character in addition to the sigma – bonding. For example, in Ni(C0) 4 and
Fe(CO)5 , the oxidation state of nickel and iron is zero.
Trends in the stability of Higher Oxidation States
not F-. Cu(II) halides are known except the iodide. In this case Cu 2+ oxidises I- to
I 2.
• The highest oxidation state in the oxides is same as that of group number upto group 7(Sc 2O3 and
• Beyond group 7, the maximum oxidation is +3 (Fe 2O3), although in the ferrates (FeO4)2- forward in
the alkaline medium, Fe has oxidation state of +6. But these readily decomposed to Fe 2O3 and O2.
• Besides the oxides, higher oxidation states are found in the oxocations and oxoanions eg. V(V) in
VO+, V(IV) in VO2+, Ti(IV) in TiO2+, Mn(VII) in MnO4- .
• The stability of oxygen to stabilize these high oxidation states exceeds that of fluorine. The
highest MN fluoride is MNF4 whereas the highest oxide is MN207.
• The stability of oxygen to stabilise high oxidation states exceeds that of
fluorine. The highest Mn fluoride is MnF4 whereas the highest oxide is
Mn207. The ability of oxygen to form multiple bonds to metals explains its
Electrode Potential
The oxidative and reductive strengths of a variety of substances can be compared
using standard electrode potentials. Apparent anomalies can be explained by the
fact that electrode potentials are measured in aqueous solution, which allows for
strong intermolecular electrostatic interactions, and not in the gas phase.
• A very low value for E0 (Sc3+/Sc2+) reflects the stability of Sc3+ ion which has a
noble gas configuration. (shown in table 8.2)
• The highest value for Zn is on account of very high stability of Zn2+ ion with
d10 configuration. It is difficult to remove an electron from it to change it into +3
• The comparatively high value of E0 (Mn3+/Mn2+) shows that Mn2+ is very stable
which is on account of stable d5 configuration of Mn2+.
• The comparatively low value of E0 (Fe3+/Fe2+) is on account of extra stability of
Fe3+ (d5), i.e., low third ionization enthalpy of Fe.
• The comparatively low value for V is on account of the stability of V 2+ ion due to
its half-filled t2g3 configuration.
Chemical Reactivity and E0 Values
• The transition metals vary widely in their chemical reactivity. Some of them are highly
electropositive and dissolve in mineral acids whereas a few of them are ‘noble’, i.e., they do not
react with simple acids.
Chemical reactivity of transition metals are related to their E0 values:
• The metals of the first transition series (except copper) are relatively more reactive than the
other series. Thus, they are oxidized by H+ ions though the actual rate is slow, e.g., Ti and V are
passive to dilute non-oxidizing acids at room temperature.
• Less negative E0 values for M2+/M along the series indicate a decreasing tendency to form
divalent cations.
• More negative E0 values than expected for Mn, Ni and Zn show greater stability for Mn2+,
Ni2+ and Zn2+.
• E0 values for the redox couple M3+/M2+ indicate that Mn3+ and Co3+ ions are the strongest
oxidizing agents in aqueous solution whereas Ti2+, V2+ and Cr2+ are strongest reducing agents and
can liberate hydrogen from a dilute acid, e.g.,
• Substances which contain species (Atoms/ions/molecules) with unpaired electrons in
their orbitals – PARAMAGNETIC.
• PRAMAGNETIC SUBSTANCES are weakly attracted by the magnetic field. Strongly
attracted called FERROMAGNETIC.
• Substances which do not contain any unpaired electrons and are repelled my magnetic
• Transition metals usually contains unpaired electrons – so it is paramagnetic.
• Paramagnetic behavior increases with increase in unpaired electron.
• Para magnetism expressed in terms of Magnetic moment., it is related to no. of unpaired electrons.
• The magnetic moments calculated from the ‘spin-only’ formula and those derived experimentally.
Magnetic moment μ = √ n(n+2) BM
• Magnetic moment of an electron is due to its spin angular momentum and orbital
angular momentum
• Magnetic moment of transition elements is due to spin angular momentum only, The orbital
momentum is quenched
Formation of Coloured Ions
• When an electron from a lower energy d orbital is excited to a higher
energy d orbital, the energy of excitation corresponds to the frequency
of light absorbed.
• This frequency generally lies in the visible region. The colour observed
corresponds to the complementary colour of the light absorbed.
• The frequency of the light absorbed is determined by the nature of the
ligand. (CFT)
• Zn 2+ / Cd 2+ - all d orbitals are fully filled
• Ti 4+ - all d orbitals are vacant so, no d – d transition occurs. Therefore
they do not absorb radiations. So they are colourless.
Formation of Complex Compounds
• Metal ions bind to a number of anions or neutral molecules giving complex compounds
• For example-[Fe(CN)6]3–, [Fe(CN)6]4–, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ and [PtCl4]2– .
• The transition metals form a large number of complex compounds. This is due to
• Comparatively smaller sizes of the metal ions,
• Their high ionic charges and
• The availability of d orbitals for bond formation.
Formation of Interstitial Compounds
• Interstitial compounds are those which are formed when small atoms like
H, C or N are trapped inside the crystal lattices of metals.
• They are usually non stoichiometric •example, TiC, Mn4N, Fe3H, VH0.56 and
• Properties
(i) They have high melting points, higher than those of pure metals.
(ii) They are very hard, some borides approach diamond in hardness.
(iii) They retain metallic conductivity.
(iv) They are chemically inert.
Alloy Formation
• Alloys are a homogeneous solid solution in which the atoms of one
metal are randomly distributed among the other.
• Condition for formation of alloy- the atoms of alloying metals should
have their radii within 15 percent of each other.
• Because of similar radii and other characteristics of transition metals,
• The alloys so formed are hard and have often high melting points
• ferrous alloys: chromium, vanadium, tungsten, molybdenum and
manganese are used for the production of a variety of steels and
stainless steel.
• Alloys of transition metals with non transition metals such as brass
(copper-zinc) and bronze (copper-tin),
• The transition metals and their compounds are known for their catalytic
• This activity is ascribed to
• their ability to adopt multiple oxidation states and
• to form complexes.
• 2 I- + S2O82-I2 +2 SO42-
• 2 Fe3+ + 2 I- 2 Fe2+ + I2
• 2 Fe2+ + S2O82- 2 Fe3+ + 2 SO42-
• The elements in which the additional electrons enters (n-2)f orbitals are called
inner transition elements. The valence shell electronic configuration of these
elements can be represented as
• (n – 2)f0-14(n – 1)d0-1ns2.
• The lanthanoids resemble one another more closely than do the members of
ordinary transition elements in any series. They have only one stable
oxidation state +3.
• 4f inner transition metals are known as lanthanides because they come
immediately after lanthanum and 5f inner transition metals are known as
actinoids because they come immediately after actinium.
• Electronic configuration:
Atoms of these elements have electronic
Configurations with 6s2 common but with variable
occupancy of 4f level.
Oxidation States
Lanthanoid contraction:
The steady decrease in atomic and ionic radii of lanthanoids with increase
in atomic number is called lanthanoid-contraction. The decrease in
atomic radii is not quite regular as it is regular in M3+ ions.
Cause of lanthanoid-contraction: This contraction is attributed to the
imperfect shielding of one electron by another in the same sub-shell.
However, the shielding of one 4 f electron by another is less than one d
electron by another with the increase in nuclear charge along the series.
There is fairly regular decrease in the sizes with increasing atomic
Consequences of lanthanoid contraction
• Lanthanoid Contraction causes the radii of the members of the third
transition series to be very similar to those of the corresponding
members of the second series.
• The almost identical radii of Zr (160 pm) and Hf (159 pm), a consequence
of the lanthanoid contraction, account for their occurrence together in
nature and for the difficulty faced in their separation.