Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infection
Nurjahan Begum
Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology
Bacterial pathogenesis
Determinants of pathogenicity
Endotoxin, Exotoxin
Koch’s postulates
Basic terms frequently used in describing
aspects of pathogenesis
Infection: Multiplication of an infectious agent within the
body (Multiplication of the bacteria that are part of normal
flora of gastrointestinal tract, skin, etc, is generally not
considered an infection).
Hyaluronidase: Continue…..
Produced by Streptococci, Staphylococci & anaerobes.
It hydrolyses hyaluronic acid which is a ground substance
of connective tissue, thus helping in spreading of infection.
Produced by Streptococcus pyogenes.
Activate proteolytic enzyme of plasma which dissolves
coagulated plasma & probably aid in the rapid spread of
Streptokinase has been used in the treatment of acute MI to
dissolve fibrin clots.
Produced by Clostridium perfringens
Degrades collagen & promotes spread of infection.
Produced by Clostridium perfringenes
Hydrolyzes lecithin in the cell membrane, resulting in destruction
of the membrane and widespread cell death.
IgA1 protease:
Produced by Strep. pneumoniae, N. gonorrhoeae, N. meningitidis,
H. influenzae.
They split IgA1 & inactivate its antibody activity, thus hampering
mucosal immunity.
Antiphagocytic factors
Capsule: Prevent phagocytosis of bacteria by prevent C3b
deposition on the surface of bacteria. Also negative charges on
capsular polysaccharide repel the negatively charged
Protein A: Bind with the Fc portion of IgG at the complement
binding site. So prevent complement activation. No C3b is
produced & prevention of opsonization & phagocytosis.
M protein: Interfere with the deposition of complement
component C3b on to the Streptococcal cell surface. So,
activation of alternative complement pathway & opsonization
of Streptococcus is inhibited.
Pili: They prevent phagocytosis by antigenic variation.
Intracellular survival
A few mechanism that are suggested for intracellular survival
of bacteria include
Inhibition of fusion of phagosome with lysosome
Inhibition of acidification of the phagosome
Escape from phagosome into cytoplasm.
Facultative intracellular: Mycobacterium, legionella, listeria,
Obligate intracellular: Chlamydia, Rickettsia.
Antigenic heterogenicity
Some bacteria have ability to make frequent shift in
antigenic form thus help to evade immune system. e.g.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Toxin produced by bacteria are generally divided into
two groups:
a. Exotoxins
b. Endotoxins
Properties Exotoxin Endotoxin
Source Gram (+) ve & Gram (-)ve bacteria Cell wall of Gram (-)ve bacteria
Heat stable toxin Stimulate guanylate cyclase thus increase Watery diarrhoea
of E. coli concentration of cyclic GMP which inhibit
reabsorption of Na ion.
Shiga toxin B subunit bind to the ganglioside receptors Bacillary
of enterocyte. A subunit inhibit protein dysentery
synthesis by removing adenine base from
28S rRNA at position 4324 in the 60S unit
of human ribosome
Name of Mechanism of action Disease
Cholera ADP ribosylation of stimulatory coupling protein Cholera
toxin of (Gs protein) leading to stimulation of adenylate
Vibrio cyclase that increase cAMP, resulting in excretion
cholerae of chloride & H2O from cell & inhibition of Na