Lecture 5,7-Heart Failure
Lecture 5,7-Heart Failure
Lecture 5,7-Heart Failure
-Restricted filling
-Myocyte loss
Causes of left ventricular
• Volume over load: Regurgitate valve
High output status
• Pressure overload: Systemic hypertension
Outflow obstruction
• Loss of muscles: Post MI, Chronic ischemia
Connective tissue diseases
Infection, Poisons
Neurohormonal changes
Cellular changes
Hemodynamic changes
diastolic dysfunction
Neurohormonal changes
N/H changes Favorable effect Unfavor. effect
Common in children
Physical signs (cont.)
Fourth heart Sound (S4)
- Usually at the end of diastole
- Exact mechanism is not known
Could be due to contraction of
atrium against stiff ventricle
Pericardial diseases
Liver diseases
Nephrotic syndrome
Protein losing enteropathy
Laboratory Findings
Chronic renal insuffiency, electrolytes
Pre-renal azotemia
Old MI or recent MI
Some forms of Cardiomyopathy are
tachycardia related
LBBB→may help in management
Chest X-ray
Salt restriction
Fluid restriction
Daily weight (tailor therapy)
Gradual exertion programs
Diuretic Therapy
The most effective symptomatic relief
Mild symptoms
Block Na reabsorbtion in loop of henle and distal
convoluted tubules
Thiazides are ineffective with GFR < 30 --/min
Diuretics (cont.)
Side Effects
Pre-renal azotemia
Skin rashes
↑ Uric Acid
Hepatic dysfunction
Diuretics (cont.)
More severe heart failure → loop
Lasix (20 – 320 mg QD), Furosemide
Bumex (Bumetanide 1-8mg)
Torsemide (20-200mg)
Mechanism of action: Inhibit chloride reabsortion in ascending limb of
loop of Henle results in natriuresis, kaliuresis and metabolic alkalosis
Adverse reaction:
pre-renal azotemia
Skin rash
K+ Sparing Agents
Triamterene & amiloride – acts on distal tubules
to ↓ K secretion
Spironolactone (Aldosterone inhibitor)
recent evidence suggests that it may improve
survival in CHF patients due to the effect on renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system with subsequent
effect on myocardial remodeling and fibrosis
Inhibitors of renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system
Reduction in symptoms of HF
Digitalis (cont.)
Mechanism of Action
+ve inotropic effect by ↑ intracellular Ca &
enhancing actin-myosin cross bride formation
(binds to the Na-K ATPase → inhibits Na
pump → ↑ intracellular Na → ↑ Na-Ca
Vagotonic effect
Arrhythmogenic effect
Digitalis Toxicity
Narrow therapeutic to toxic ratio
Atrial fibrillation
Artificial Heart
Cardiac Transplant
Survival rate
1 year 80% - 90%
5 years 70%
Annual mortality rate depends on patients
symptoms and LV function
5% in patients with mild symptoms and mild
↓ in LV function
30% to 50% in patient with advances LV
dysfunction and severe symptoms
40% – 50% of death is due to SCD