Lect 1

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Introduction to


What is Project

A project is an endeavor or initiative with a

defined beginning and end, typically undertaken to
achieve a specific goal, solve a problem, create a
product, or deliver a service. It involves a unique
set of activities, resources, and constraints that are
coordinated and managed to achieve the desired
objectives within the specified scope, time, and
Projects are responsible for the
Projects are building blocks in
Projects are ad hoc endeavors newest and most improved
the design and execution of
with a clear life cycle products, services, and
carried out through a set of organizational strategies
organizational processes.
interdependent activities-
a clear objective-end product or nonrepetitive activities that need
deliverable, schedule, and budget to be
accomplished in a certain
The traditional management
sequence Projects provide a philosophy Project management entails functions of planning,
and strategy for the crossing functional and organizing, motivation,
management of change. organizational boundaries directing, and control apply to
project management.

utilizes various resources to carry

has a specific time frame or finite
out the activities- different
life span and involves a degree of e principal outcomes of a
people, organizations, equipment, Projects are terminated upon
uncertainty project are the satisfaction of
materials, and facilities customer requirements within
successful completion of
performance objectives or
the constraints of technical,
earlier in their life cycle
cost, and schedule objectives.
Process and
Importance of Project
The projects are crucial in helping an organization achieve its strategic goals. Some key factors for the
success of the projects included:
• Experienced Project Managers & Professional Project Team Leaders
• Methodic Approach (clear, reliable, and efficient, follow the trends and techniques of the framework
you have chosen)
• Proper Planning
• Adhere to the Best Practices
• Monitoring & Control
• Use a Professional Software
• Effective Communication
• Work with Committed People
• Careful Management of Risks
• Strong Closure of Project (satisfaction of client)
Public Sector Projects & Programs

Sr. No Categories Projects and Programs

1 Construction of Public Infrastructure 1. Highways and Roads

2. Bridges and Flyovers
3. Airports and Ports

2 Public Health Initiatives 1. Healthcare Facilities

2. Immunization and Disease Control Programs

3 Education and Skills Development 1. Construction of Schools and Universities

2. Skill Development Programs

4 Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation 1. Social Housing Projects

2. Cash Transfer Programs

5 Environmental Sustainability and Renewable Energy 1. Renewable Energy Projects

2. Waste Management Programs

6 Government Digital Transformation 1. E-Government Services

2. Cybersecurity Initiatives

7 Urban Development and Smart Cities 1. Smart City Initiatives

Private Sector Projects & Programs
Sr. No Categories Projects and Programs

1 Construction and Real Estate Development 1. Residential Housing Projects

2. Commercial Real Estate

2 Infrastructure and Energy Sector 1. Power Plants Project

2. Telecommunications Infrastructure Project
3 Telecommunications Infrastructure 1. Software Development Projects
2. E-Commerce Platforms
4 Manufacturing and Production 1. Automobile Manufacturing
2. Consumer Goods Manufacturing
5 Healthcare and Biotechnology 1. Pharmaceutical Research and Development
2. Healthcare Facility Expansion
6 Transportation and Logistics 1. Shipping and Ports
2. Transportation Networks
7 Finance and Banking 1. Digital Banking Platforms
2. Investment and Financial Services
P r o j e c t
l a n c i n g
B a
t r a i n t

The successful accomplishment of

the project objective could be
constrained by many factors,
including scope, quality, schedule,
budget, resources, risks, customer
satisfaction, and stakeholder
The cost of some of the materials is more than originally estimated.

Inclement weather causes a delay

C I R C U M S TA N Additional redesign and modifications to a new sophisticated medical
instrument are required to get it to meet performance specifications and
CES AND government testing requirements.

PROJECT Delivery of a critical component for an aviation control system is delayed

Environmental contaminants are discovered when excavating for a new
building several months.

A key project team member with unique technical knowledge decides to

retire, which creates a gap in critical expertise.
Project Life Cycle
4 phases

1. Conceptualization:
• The development of the initial goal and technical specifications for a project,
• Scope of the work is determined, necessary resources (people, money, physical
plant) identified,
• Important organizational contributors or stakeholders signed on

• all detailed specifications, schematics, schedules, and other plans are developed.
• individual pieces of the project, often called work packages, are broken down
• individual assignments made
• process for completion clearly delineated
Project Life Cycle
3. Execution:
• During execution, the actual “work” of the project is performed, the system
developed, or the product created and fabricated.
• It is during the execution phase that the bulk of project team labor is
• As Figure shows, project costs (in man hours) ramp up rapidly during this

• It occurs when the completed project is transferred to the customer,
• its resources reassigned, and the project formally closed out.
• As specific activities are completed, the project shrinks in scope and costs
decline rapidly
Implications of Project life cycle

When we evaluate projects in terms

The life cycle is signaled by the
of this life cycle model, we are
actual kickoff of project
given some clues regarding their
development, the development of
subsequent resource requirements;
plans and schedules, the
that is, we begin to ask whether we
performance of necessary work,
have sufficient personnel,
and the completion of the project
materials, and equipment to
and reassignment of personnel.
support the project.
Life cycle Model and its twofold

The life cycle model,

For example, when
then, serves the twofold
beginning to work on our Thus, as we plan the
function of project timing
term paper project we project’s life cycle we
(schedule) and project
may discover that it is acquire important
requirements (resources),
necessary to purchase a information regarding the
allowing team members
PC or hire someone to resources that we will
to better focus on what
help with researching the need.
and when resources are
Changing components of
Project and Project life cycle

The project life cycle is also a useful means of

visualizing the activities required and
challenges to be faced during the life of a
project. Figure indicates some of these
characteristics as they evolve during
completing a project. As you can see, five
components of a project may change over the
course of its life cycle.

Client interest: The level of enthusiasm or Project stake: The amount of corporate
concern expressed by the project’s investment in the project. The longer
intended customer. Clients can be either the life of the project, the greater the
internal or external to the organization. investment.
Changing Components of
Project and Project life

Resources: The commitment of financial, human, and technical

resources over the life of the project.

Creativity: The degree of innovation required by the project, especially

during certain development phases.

Uncertainty: The degree of risk associated with the project. Riskiness

here reflects the number of unknowns, including technical challenges that
the project is likely to face. Uncertainty is highest at the beginning because
many challenges have yet to be identified, let alone addressed
Project Life Cycles and Their
Determinants of Project Success

Time: Projects are constrained by a Budget. A second key constraint for

specified period during which they must all projects is a limited budget.
be completed. They are not supposed to
continue indefinitely. Thus, the first Projects must meet budgeted
constraint that governs project allowances to use resources as
management involves this basic efficiently as possible. Thus, the
requirement: The project should come in second limit on a project raises the
on or before its established schedule. question: was the project completed
within budget guidelines?
Determinants of Project Success

3. Performance: All projects are developed

to adhere to some initially determined
technical specifications.
Measuring performance, The project’s clients
Applying this third
then, means determining naturally expect that the
criterion is often referred
whether the finished project being developed on
to as conducting a quality
product operates according their behalf will work as
to specifications. expected.

This so-called triple constraint was once the standard by which

project performance was routinely assessed. Today, a fourth
criterion has been added to these three
Determinants of Project Success

4. Client acceptance. The principle of client

acceptance argues that projects are developed
with customers or clients in mind, and their
purpose is to satisfy customers’ needs. If client
acceptance is a key variable, then we must also
ask whether the completed project is acceptable
to the customer for whom it was intended.

Companies that strictly evaluate project success according to the original “triple constraint” may fail to
apply the most important test of all: the client’s satisfaction with the completed project
Dimensions of Project Success
It is not enough to assess a project according to its immediate success. We must also evaluate it in terms of its commercial
success as well as its potential for generating new Success Points and new opportunities in both Public and Privat sector
There are four relevant dimensions of success:

2, Impact on customer:
Meeting technical
1. Project efficiency:
specifications, addressing
Meeting budget and
customer needs, and creating
schedule expectations.
a project that satisfies the
client’s needs.

4. Preparing for the

3. Business Success: future: Determining
Determining whether the whether the project opened
project achieved significant new markets or new product
commercial success. lines or helped to develop
new technology.
Dimensions of Project Success

This approach challenges the conventional triple-constraint principle for assessing

project success.
Understanding Success Criteria
Project Management Maturity

Project management maturity models are used to allow organizations to

benchmark the best practices of successful project management firms.

Project management maturity models recognize that different

organizations are currently at different levels of sophistication in their
best practices for managing projects.

For example, it would be reasonable to expect organizations such as

Boeing (aircraft and defense systems) or Fluor (industrial construction) to
be much more advanced in how they manage projects, given their lengthy
histories of project initiatives, than companies that have only recently
developed an emphasis on project-based work.
Project Management Maturity

Maturity models provide the

necessary framework to-
• first, analyze and critically
evaluate current practices as
they pertain to managing
• Second, compare those
practices against those of chief
competitors or some general
industry standard; and,
• Third, define a systematic route
for improving these practices
S p i d e r We b D i a g r a m f o r M e a s u r i n g
Project Maturity
S p i d e r We b D i a g r a m w i t h E m b e d d e d
Organizational Evaluation
Following this example,
we may decide that in
terms of project team
personnel development or
project control systems
our practices are poor
relative to other
competitors and rate those
skills as 0. On the other
hand, perhaps our
scheduling processes are
top-notch, enabling us to
rate them as a 3

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