Body Fatness
The Facts About Body Fatness
Heredity Metabolism
You inherit your body type Your basal metabolism is
from your parents. Some the amount of energy your
people are born with tendency body uses just to keep you
to be lean, muscular, or fat. living. This energy is
People who do regular physical measured in units called
activity typically have a larger Calories. Some people
percentage of lean body have higher basal metabolism
weight. than others.
Factors Influencing Body Fatness
Maturation Early Fatness
As you grow older and the Children who are too fat develop
hormone levels in the body extra fat cells that make it more
begin to change. difficult to control fatness levels
During the teen years, female later in life. Keeping body fatness
hormones cause girls to develop levels within the good fitness zone
more body fatness than boys. during the childhood and teen years
Because of male hormones, will help keep body fat levels in
teenage boys have greater check throughout life.
muscle development than girls.
Factors Influencing Body Fatness
Diet Physical Activity
The amount of energy in Your body burns Calories for
foods is measured in energy. The more vigorous
Calories. activity you do, the more
Most males need more energy your body uses and the
Calories than females per more Calories you need. An inactive
day because they are larger person uses less energy each day
and have more muscle mass. than active person and therefore
needs to consume fewer Calories.
The Importance Of Body Fat
Fat is an insulator; it helps your body adapt to
heat and cold.
Fat acts as a shock absorber; it can help protect
your body organs and bones from injury.
Fat helps your body use vitamins effectively.
Fat is stored energy that is available when your
body needs it.
Fat, in reasonable amounts, helps you look your
best, thus increasing your feelings of well-being.
Body Fatness: How Much Is Good?