Session 9 Trade Union Act, 1926
Session 9 Trade Union Act, 1926
Session 9 Trade Union Act, 1926
Hence, the two should not be placed in one category. The associations of
professional members also differ fundamentally from employees unions.
Professional associations include self employed as well as the employees where as
Trade Unions consist only of the people who are employed by others.
In India the term Trade Union refers besides employee’s organizations to employers
association also. Similarly in Britain, even the associations of professional people such
as Artists Federation or Musicians Unions are also recognized as Trade Unions.
Thus Trade Unions are a major component of the modern industrial
relation system. A Trade Union of workers is an organization formed by
workers to protect their interests. i.e. improve their working conditions etc.
All Trade Unions have objectives or goals to achieve, which are contained
in their constitution and each has its own strategy to reach those goals.
Trade Unions are now considered a sub-system which seeks to serve the
specific sub-groups interest and also considers itself a part of the
organization, in terms of the latter’s viability and contribution to the
growth of the community of which it is a part.
The main objectives of Trade Unions
To secure for workers fairer wages in the light of cost of living and
the prevailing standards of living.
To demand the management to provide all the basic facilities
such as lighting and ventilation, sanitation, rest rooms, safety
equipment's while discharging hazardous duties, drinking water,
refreshment, minimum working hours, leave and rest, holidays
with pay, job satisfaction ,social security benefits and other welfare
To win recognition for workers that they are equal partners with
management in the task of production.
To assure the workers a share in the increased profitability of
industry through payment of adequate bonus.
To ensure security of employment by resisting retrenchment.