Power School
Power School
Power School
• Marketing efforts, such as advertising, partnerships, or referrals, will successfully attract users to your
• Effective customer acquisition strategies will result in a growing user base.
Competitive Landscape
Market Presence
KV Core
Top producer
Source: https://www.g2.com/categories/real-estate-crm#grid
Competitor Analysis
Provided the nature of the problem which is primarily usability, skipped steps, blocked users,
and workflow errors, the potential solutions are prioritized based on the impact a particular
feature that it would bring in the platform and how much effort is required to implement that
• High impact and Low effort(Quick wins)
• Tutorials - They can be integrated with minimal dev work and can dramatically improve user understanding
• High impact and High effort(Big projects)
• UX revamp - A total overhaul of the interface will have significant user impact, but it's a resource-intensive
• Role base access – While role base access is about to bring high impacts by reducing blocked users problem,
it will require significant effort to implement
• Validation and Error messages - Setting up a comprehensive validation system that doesn't annoy users can
be intricate.
• Low impact and Low effort(Fill-ins)
• Template library - While these can provide a starting point for users and improve efficiency, they might not
cater to all specific needs.
Idea prioritization and outlining continued…
First Iteration:
Role base access – Setting granular
permissions will reduces the chances of Validation and Error messages -
UX Revamp - Feature will tackle the
unintentional blockages by streamlining Features will act as a safety net, guiding
root cause, which is the difficulty and
who can edit what, especially in larger users away from potential mistakes and
lack of intuitiveness users are facing. A
teams. ensuring that workflows are
user-friendly design can significantly
constructed correctly. This reduces the
improve user engagement and reduce
likelihood of skipped steps and non-
errors coming from confusion.
Next Iteration:
Template library - Feature will help Tool tips- Tool tips will provide
speed up the workflow creation and contextual information to the users
reduce workflow errors. User can while workflow configuration. This will
deploy default templates or reuse enhance the user journey and will
previous successful workflows to avoid provide guidance to users when any
errors and frustration. element(s) are not understood properly.
Trade offs
• User activation rate - Monitor the percentage of new users who actively
create, publish, and edit workflows
• Support ticket volume - Reduction in tickets related to workflow creation
or errors
• Task completion rate - Track the rate at which users successfully create,
publish, or edit workflows without encountering errors
• Error Rate – Track number of errors encountered and compare the
frequency & type of errors encountered
• Net Promoter Score (NPS) – Compare NPS scores over time between new
and old implementation
• User Engagement – Number of policies published is increased per customer
Validation criteria and process
Alpha testing Internal staff should be able to use the • Assemble a team of internal users to test the new features in a
redesigned system without encountering controlled environment
critical errors • Collect feedback through structured questionnaires, observing user
interactions, and one-on-one interviews
Beta testing A select group of external users can • Roll out the changes to a small subset of the user base
successfully complete tasks without • Gather quantitative data in terms of task completion rates and error
encountering major issues encountered
A/B testing Latest implementation outperform the • Expose users to either the old or new system.
previous version in key metrics (task • Compare performance metrics to determine which version is more
completion, error rate, and user effective.
Scenario testing The tool can handle complex, real-world • Create a series of hypothetical but realistic workflow scenarios based
workflow scenarios without causing on user research.
errors or user frustration. • Have users attempt to execute these scenarios, noting any difficulties or