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•Revenue is a result when sales exceed the
cost to produce goods or render the
•Revenue is recognized when earned,
whether paid in cash or charged to the
account of the customer. Other terms
related to revenue includes Sales and
Service Income.
•Sales is used especially when
the nature of business is
merchandising or retail, while
Service Income is used to
record revenues earned by
rendering services
1. The economic condition of the country. When
the economy grows, its growth is experienced by
the consumers. Consumers are more likely to
buy products and services.
•The entrepreneur must be able to identify the
overall health of the economy in order to make
informed estimates. A healthy economy makes
good business.
•2. The competing businesses or
competitors. Observe how your competitors
are doing business. Since you share the
same market with them, information about
the number of products sold daily or the
number of items they are carrying will give
you idea as to how much your competitors
are selling.
3. Changes happening in the community. Changes’
happening in the environment such as customer
demographic, lifestyle and buying behavior gives the
entrepreneur a better perspective about the market.
• The entrepreneur should always be keen in adapting
to these changes in order to sustain the business.
• For example, teens usually follow popular celebrities
especially in their fashion trend. Being able to
anticipate these changes allows the entrepreneur to
maximize sales potential.
• 4. The internal aspect of the business. Another factor that
affects forecasting revenues in the business itself. Plant
capacity often plays a very important role in forecasting.
• For example, a “Puto” maker can only make 250 pieces of puto
every day; therefore he/she can only sell as much as 250
pieces of puto every day. The number of products
manufactured and made depends on the capacity of the plant,
availability of raw materials and labour and also the number of
salespersons determines the amount of revenues earned by
an entrepreneur.
Table 1 shows the projected daily revenue of Ms. Nista’s online selling
business. Computations regarding the projected revenue is presented
in letters in upper case A, B, C, D, and E.
• The numbers in the last table are very attractive,
having revenues that are increasing in numbers is a
good sign that a business is growing. However, an
entrepreneur should not be overwhelmed on these
revenues as these are just gross revenue, this is not
the final amount of profit or income an entrepreneur
will get at the end of every period. Take note that the
amount of net revenue is still subjected to the
expenses incurred in the operation of business.

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