Synthesis of Fatty Acid
Synthesis of Fatty Acid
Synthesis of Fatty Acid
• Acetyl Coenzyme A:
• Synthesis of Malonyl Coenzyme A:
• Fatty Acid Synthase Complex (FASC) Dimer:
• Steps in Biosynthesis of Saturated Fatty acids:
• Fatty Acid Elongation:
Acetyl Coenzyme A (CH3CO.CoA )
• Coenzyme A consists of and chain made up
of ADP, pantothenic acid, and
triethanolamine, with an H2S group on the
end which binds the acetate group of acetyl
• Acetyl CoA is produced in the matrix of the
mitochondria, but fatty acid biosynthesis
occurs in the Plastid.
• ACC is normally present as a tetrameric
protomer (inactive form). The active form
is the large polymer, which is favored by
citrate binding and inhibited by malonyl
and palmitoyl CoAs
Synthesis of Malonyl CoA
• In the first reaction which takes place in
the presence of acetyl-CoA carboxylase
(ACC) combine with CO2 to form malonyl-
CoA (3 Carbon containing acid).
• ATP provide energy; Mn++ and biotin are
required as co-factors.
Synthesis of Butyryl CoA
• Malonyl Co-A reacts with another molecule of CH3CO.CoA in the presence of Fatty acid
synthase (FAS) and NADPH2 to form Coenzyme-A derivative of butric acid (4 cabons).
• One moleculse of CO2, H2O and CoA are released with NADPH2 is oxidized in the reaction.
• Butyryl CoA, in the next step will combine with malonyl CoA to for CoA derivative of fatty acid
containing 6-C atoms.
• This process is repeated till Coenzyme-A derivative of long chain fatty acid (C16-C18) is
CH3CO.SCoA Enz Enz + Co.ASH
Chain Elongation Reaction
I. Malonyl Transfer
II. Condensation
III. Reduction
IV. Dehydration
V. Reduction
VI. Acyl transfer
Chain Elongation Reaction
Chain elongation start with the transfer of malonyl group from malonyl-CoA to second –SH group
of multienzyme complex.
In acyl transfer reaction the fatty acid residue is transferred back to the –SH group to which the acetyl
group was transferred in initiation reaction.
The cycle is repeated again and again with malonyl transfer, condensation etc. till the fatty acid residue
consists of upto 16-18 atoms. Each such turne elongate fatty acid chain by 2-C atoms.
Chain Elongation Reaction
Termination reaction
• When fatty acid residue has attend desired length the chain elongation stops at reaction v and
cycle is not repeated.
• The acyl group instead of being transferred to the –SH of the enzyme is transferred to –SH group
of Co-enzyme A (CoASH) molecule.
• Thus CoA derivate of fatty acid is produced which can then be used in fat synthesis. The enzyme
becomes free.