Tabu Search

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Tabu Search

Subset of Slides from

Lei Li, HongRui Liu, Roberto Lu
Edited by J. Wiebe

• Glover, F. 1986. Future Paths for Integer

Programming and Links to Artificial Intelligence.
Computers and Operations Research. Vol. 13,
pp. 533-549.

• Hansen, P. 1986. The Steepest Ascent Mildest

Descent Heuristic for Combinatorial
Programming. Congress on Numerical Methods
in Combinatorial Optimization, Capri, Italy.

Tabu Search Strategy
• 3 main strategies [7]:
– Forbidding strategy: control what enters the
tabu list
– Freeing strategy: control what exits the tabu
list and when
– Short-term strategy: manage interplay
between the forbidding strategy and freeing
strategy to select trial solutions

Parameters of Tabu Search [5]
• Local search procedure
• Neighborhood structure
• Aspiration conditions
• Form of tabu moves
• Addition of a tabu move
• Maximum size of tabu list
• Stopping rule

Basic Ingredients of Tabu Search
• A chief way to exploit memory in tabu search is to classify a subset of the
moves in a neighborhood as forbidden (or tabu) [1].

• A neighborhood is constructed to identify adjacent solutions that can be

reached from current solution [8].

• The classification depends on the history of the search, and particularly on

the recency or frequency that certain move or solution components, called
attributes, have participated in generating past solutions [1].

• A tabu list records forbidden moves, which are referred to as tabu moves

• Tabu restrictions are subject to an important exception. When a tabu move

has a sufficiently attractive evaluation where it would result in a solution
better than any visited so far, then its tabu classification may be overridden.
A condition that allows such an override to occur is called an aspiration

Basic Tabu Search Algorithm [4]
• Step 1: Choose an initial solution i in S. Set i* = i and k=0.

• Step 2: Set k=k+1 and generate a subset V* of solution in N(i,k) such

that neither one of the Tabu conditions is violated or at least one of the
aspiration conditions holds.

• Step 3: Choose a best j in V* and set i=j.

• Step 4: If f(i) < f(i*) then set i* = i.

• Step 5: Update Tabu and aspiration conditions.

• Step 6: If a stopping condition is met then stop. Else go to Step 2.

Tabu Search Stopping Conditions
Some immediate stopping conditions could be the following [4]:

1. N(i, K+1) = 0. (no feasible solution in the neighborhood of solution i)

2. K is larger than the maximum number of iterations allowed.
3. The number of iterations since the last improvement of i* is larger
than a specified number.
4. Evidence can be given that an optimum solution has been obtained.

Flowchart of a Standard Tabu
Search Algorithm [7]

Initial solution Create a candidate

Evaluate solutions
(i in S) list of solutions

Update Tabu & No

Stopping conditions Choose the best
Aspiration satisfied ? admissible solution


Final solution

Example [5]
– Minimum spanning tree problem with constraints.
– Objective: Connects all nodes with minimum costs

20 30 20 30

10 5 10 5
25 25
15 40 15 40

An optimal solution without

considering constraints

Constraints 1: Link AD can be included only if link DE also is included. (penalty:100)

Constraints 2: At most one of the three links – AD, CD, and AB – can be included.
(Penalty of 100 if selected two of the three, 200 if all three are selected.)
Iteration 1 A sample;
Add Delete Cost
There are
Cost=50+200 (constraint other BE CE 75+200=275
penalties) possibilities
BE AC 70+200=270
B BE AB 60+100=160
20 30
CD AD 60+100=160
10 5 CD AC 65+300=365
DE CE 85+100=185
DE AC 80+100=180
Delete 15 40 Add
D DE AD 75+0=75

New cost = 75 (iteration 2)

( new best so far solution)

Constraints 1: Link AD can be included only if link DE also is included. (penalty:100)

Constraints 2: At most one of the three links – AD, CD, and AB – can be included.
(Penalty of 100 if selected two of the three, 200 if all three are selected.)
Tabu list: DE Add Delete Cost

Iteration 2 Cost=75 AD DE* Tabu move

AD CE 85+100=185
AD AC 80+100=180
B BE CE 100+0=100
20 30 BE AC 95+0=95
BE AB 85+0=85
A 10 C 5 E CD DE* 60+100=160
25 CD CE 95+100=195
15 40 Tabu
* A tabu move will be considered only if it would
result in a better solution than the best trial
solution found previously (Aspiration Condition)
Iteration 3 new cost = 85

Constraints 1: Link AD can be included only if link DE also is included. (penalty:100)

Constraints 2: At most one of the three links – AD, CD, and AB – can be included.
(Penalty of 100 if selected two of the three, 200 if all three are selected.)
Tabu list: DE & BE Add Delete Cost
Iteration 3 Cost=85 AB BE* Tabu move
AB CE 100+0=100
B AB AC 95+0=95
20 30 AD DE* 60+100=160
AD CE 95+0=95
10 5
A C E AD AC 90+0=90
25 Add CD DE* 70+0=70
15 40 Tabu 105+0=105
Delete * A tabu move will be considered only if it would
result in a better solution than the best trial
solution found previously (Aspiration Condition)
Iteration 4 new cost = 70 Override tabu status

Constraints 1: Link AD can be included only if link DE also is included. (penalty:100)

Constraints 2: At most one of the three links – AD, CD, and AB – can be included.
(Penalty of 100 if selected two of the three, 200 if all three are selected.)

B Optimal Solution
20 30
Cost = 70
10 5
A C E Additional iterations only find
inferior solutions
15 40

• Long term memory • How often have
• We’ll see how this solution elements
information is used in been used during the
a minute search so far?
• Which moves lead to
local optima?

• When search not • Restart: avoid beginning
near known local optima
going well; e.g., (stored in LTM!)
haven’t found an • Modify objective function for
a fixed number of iterations
improving neighbor in – Penalize frequently
performed moves or moving
some iterations to oft visited solutions (LTM!)
– Change absolute constraints
• New best solutions to large penalties
become rare – Note: both of these could be
used throughout the search;
the 2nd one was in our

• Intensify search in • Revisit one of the best
promising regions solutions so far (LTM!)
and shrink Tabu list for
small number of
• When to intensify vs. iterations
diversify: interesting; • Temporarily change the
further topic we will objective function to
reward solutions with
not cover “good” components
based on performance
in search so far

Pros and Cons
• Pros:
– Allows non-improving solution to be accepted in order to escape
from a local optimum (true too for GA, SimAnn, AntColOpt)
– The use of Tabu list (helps avoid cycles and move reversal)
– Can be applied to both discrete and continuous solution spaces
– For larger and more difficult problems (scheduling, quadratic
assignment and vehicle routing), tabu search obtains solutions
that rival and often surpass the best solutions previously found
by other approaches [1].

• Cons:
– Too many parameters to be determined
– Number of iterations could be very large
– Global optimum may not be found, depends on parameter
settings (also true of GA, SimAnn, AntColOpt)

[1] Glover, F., Kelly, J. P., and Laguna, M. 1995. Genetic Algorithms and Tabu Search:
Hybrids for Optimization. Computers and Operations Research. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp.
111 – 134.
[2] Glover, F. and Laguna, M. 1997. Tabu Search. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic
[3] Hanafi, S. 2001. On the Convergence of Tabu Search. Journal of Heuristics. Vol. 7,
pp. 47 – 58.
[4] Hertz, A., Taillard, E. and Werra, D. A Tutorial on Tabu Search. Accessed on April
14, 2005:
[5] Hillier, F.S. and Lieberman, G.J. 2005. Introduction to Operations Research. New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 8th Ed.
[6] Ji, M. and Tang, H. 2004. Global Optimizations and Tabu Search Based on Mamory.
Applied Mathematics and Computation. Vol. 159, pp. 449 – 457.
[7] Pham, D.T. and Karaboga, D. 2000. Intelligent Optimisation Techniques – Genetic
Algorithms, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing and Neural Networks. London:
[8] Reeves, C.R. 1993. Modern Heuristic Techniques for Combinatorial Problems. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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