CH 6 Developing IMC To Build Brand Equity
CH 6 Developing IMC To Build Brand Equity
CH 6 Developing IMC To Build Brand Equity
. Environment
The New Media
. • Traditional advertising media such as TV, radio,
magazines, and newspapers seem to be losing
their grip on consumers.
• Marketers pour/ transfer $18 billion into
Internet advertising in 2005. While Web
advertising jumped 20% during this time,
spending for TV ads remained flat.
Simple Test for
Marketing Communications
Current Desired
Brand Brand
Knowledge Knowledge
Marketing Communications
. Options
.• Advertising
• Promotions
• Event marketing and sponsorship
• Public relations and publicity
• Personal selling
. • A powerful means of creating strong,
favorable, and unique brand associations and
eliciting positive judgments and feelings
• Controversial because its specific effects are
often difficult to quantify and predict
• Nevertheless, a number of studies using very
different approaches have shown the
potential power of advertising on brand sales.
Ideal Ad Campaign Guidelines
The ideal ad campaign would ensure that:
. • Short-term incentives to encourage trial or usage of a
product or service
• Marketers can target sales promotions at either the
trade or end consumers
• Consumer promotions
– Consumer promotions are designed to change the choices,
quantity, or timing of consumers’ product purchases.
• Trade promotions
– Trade promotions are often financial incentives or
discounts given to retailers, distributors, and other
members of the trade to stock, display, and in other ways
facilitate the sale of a product.
Event Marketing. and Sponsorship
. • Event marketing is public sponsorship of
events or activities related to sports, art,
entertainment, or social causes.
• Event sponsorship provides a different kind
of communication option for marketers. By
becoming part of a special and personally
relevant moment in consumers’ lives,
sponsors can broaden and deepen their
relationship with their target market.
. and Publicity
Public Relations
. • Public relations and publicity relate to a
variety of programs and are designed to
promote or protect a company’s image or its
individual products.
• Buzz Marketing:
Cultivating opinion leaders and getting them to
spread information about a product/service to
others in their community
. Selling
. • Personal selling is face-to-face interaction with one
or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of
making sales
• The keys to better selling
– Rethink training
– Get everyone involved
– Inspire from the top
– Change the motivation
– Forge electronic links
– Talk to your customers
Role of Integrated Marketing Communications
. brand equity
(IMC) in building
•. The “voice” of the brand
• A means by which it can establish a dialogue
and build relationships with consumers
• Allow marketers to inform, persuade, provide
incentives, and remind consumers directly or
• Can contribute to brand equity by establishing
the brand in memory and linking strong,
favorable, and unique associations to it
. Programs
Developing IMC
• Mixing communication options
– Evaluate all possible communication options
available to create knowledge structures according
to effectiveness criteria as well as cost
– Different communication options have different
strengths and can accomplish different objectives.
– Determine the optimal mix
. IMC Programs
Criteria for Evaluating
•. Coverage: What proportion of the target
audience is reached by each communication
option employed? How much overlap exists
among options?
• Cost: What is the per capita expense?
IMC Audience Communication Option Overlap
Communication Communication
Option A Option B
n c e
Communication Option C
Note: Circles represent the market segments reached by various communication options. 6.16
Shaded portions represent areas of overlap in communication options.
Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)
•. Contribution: The collective effect on brand
equity in terms of
– enhancing depth and breadth of awareness
– improving strength, favorability, and uniqueness of
brand associations
• Commonality: The extent to which common
information conveyed by different
communication options share (Common
Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)
• Complementarity: The extent to which different
. associations and linkages are emphasized
across communication options (promotion
with advertising)
• Versatility: The extent to which information
contained in a communication option works
with different types of consumers (robust and
effective for different groups of consumers)
• Different communications history
• Different market segments
Marketing Communication Guidelines
• Be analytical: Use frameworks of consumer
. behavior and managerial decision making to
develop well-reasoned communication programs
• Be curious: Fully understand consumers by using
all forms of research and always be thinking of
how you can create added value for consumers
• Be single-minded: Focus message on well-
defined target markets (less can be more)
• Be integrative: Reinforce your message through
consistency and cuing across all communications
Marketing Communication Guidelines (Cont.)
• Be creative: State your message in a unique fashion;
.use alternative promotions and media to create
favorable, strong, and unique brand associations
• Be observant: Monitor competition, customers,
channel members, and employees through tracking
• Be realistic: Understand the complexities involved in
marketing communications
• Be patient: Take a long-term view of communi-cation
effectiveness to build and manage brand equity
Marketing Communication Guidelines (Cont.)
• Be creative: State your message in a unique fashion;
.use alternative promotions and media to create
favorable, strong, and unique brand associations
• Be observant: Monitor competition, customers,
channel members, and employees through tracking
• Be realistic: Understand the complexities involved in
marketing communications
• Be patient: Take a long-term view of communi-cation
effectiveness to build and manage brand equity