Cl-12 HHW 2024-25

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Assessment Based Holiday Homework

Class: 12
Session: 2024-25

After the engagement in classroom activities, here we come with lots of

interesting and constructive activities and assignments as a Holiday Homework so that
you can enjoy your summer holidays creatively.

It is also the time of the year when we can do things which we are unable to do
during the regular routine days.

• Read some good books and reflect. Also, enhance your language and
communication skills.
• “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body”. Do exercise or yoga daily. Indulge
in some activities or games to channelize your energy.
• Watch different informative channels like: ‘Discovery’, ‘The National
Geographic’ etc. and enhance your knowledge.
• Do all the daily chores yourself, and fix a specific time for studies.
• Decorate your room creatively and explore your artistic side.
• Take care of yourself and family members and share the domestic activities
to help elders.
• Watch your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, images etc. without any judgement
of good or bad. This continues witnessing / watching will
bring awareness and order within yourself.
• Be thankful towards god and count your blessings.
Subject: English –The Global Language of Communication.

Household item for sale
You propose to sell your flat as you are going abroad. Draft an advertisement for it to be published in
the classified columns of “The Times of India”, New Delhi (50 words).

2. Write Speech on the following topics:

a)“To use the latest technology in the right way, is in the hands of the youth today.” Write
a speech in 150-200 words discouraging the misuse of technological products like
cellphones, computers etc. and highlighting the need to use them to promote harmony and
goodwill in the society.

b)“OUR GOOD EARTH” an environmental awareness magazine has launched a marathon-

“Clean Your City” Campaign. Write a speech to be read out in the morning assembly urging
students to participate in the campaign in 150-200 words.

[To be Typed and Sent as Pdf File to WhatsApp Number 6000562864; Name
document as (Class section) (your Name). For eg, Cl 12 A Ravi Srivastava]
You have to prepare your Resume for the purpose of applying for the post of Office
Bearer in the Students’ Guild. The posts available are:
 Head Boy/Girl
 Captain of House
 Sports Captain (Boys/Girls)
 Club Heads

Recently you went to your native place (village) to visit your grandparents.
You saw that
some children of age group 5-14 yrs who should have been in school remained at
home or kept
loitering the streets. Write a letter in 150-200 words to the editor of the news daily, analyzing
the problems and offering solutions to it.Subject: Biology

General instructions: Attempt all questions and

diagram inbiology note book/A4 sheets:
1 Define monoecious and dioecious condition of plant and animals. Give three
examples ofeach.
2 Draw well labelled diagram of following-
a-Blastula b- Sperm c- Mature embryosac d- Pollen grain
e- anatropus ovule f- Microsporangium showing four wall
3 Observe at least five flowers and record your observation under the
following headings-1-Type of anther 2-calyx 3- gynoecium 4-
4 Differentiate between seasonal breeder and continuous breeder.
5 Explain the process of spermatogenesis.
6Differentiate between the oestrus and menstrual cycle. Cite an
example for each type.
7Are parthenocarpy and apomixis different phenomena? Discuss
their benefits.
8 The generative cell of a two celled pollen divide in the pollen tube but not
in the threecelled pollen. Give reasons.
9 Starting with the zygote draw the diagram of the different stages of embryo
developmentin a dicot.
10 From where the parturition signal arise-mother or foetus ? Mention the
main hormone involved in parturition.
11 What is difference between primary oocyte and a secondary oocyte?
12Give a schematic labelled diagram to represent oogenesis
(without description).13- How does zona pellucida of ovum help in
preventing polyspermy?
14 Mention the importance of LH and FSH hormone in human male
and female.
15 What are the events that takes place in the ovary and uterus during follicular phase of
menstrual cycle?
Subject: Chemistry

1. Complete the investigatory project work. Topic has been sent in the class group.
2. Write all Salt analysis Practical (0 to 6 group), Functional Group Practicals (Alcohol,
Phenol, Aldehyde, ketone, Carboxylic acid and Amines), Chromatography and Content
Based practical in your practical note book.
Modules of all above practical will be sent in the class group.

3. Answer the following board sample question in classwork copy.

1. What is an antifreeze?
2. Define discharge potential?
3. Define cell constant?
4. Define over voltage?
5. What are azeotropes? Give an example?
6. What type of deviations are shown by the following solutions?
(i) Carbon disulphide and acetone (ii) Phenol and aniline.
7. Two liquids X and Y boil at 1100C and 1300C respectively. Which one of the
followinghas higher vapour pressure at 500C?
8. Define the following terms: (i) Ideal solution, (ii) Molarity (M) ?
9. Give the cell notation of a galvanic cell?
10. What is a primary cell? Give an example?
11. Write the name of the cell which is generally used in hearing aids. Write
the reactionstaking place at the anode and the cathode of the cell?
12. Write the name of the cell which is generally used in transistors. Write
the reactions takingplace at the anode and the cathode of the cell?

Subject: Physics

1 Solve all NCERT questions of topics/chapter Covered by date 18 May 2024.

2Attempt below mentioned highlighted activity in your activity file. (three from
each sections)

SECTION A (Activities)

1. To measure the resistance and impedance of an inductor with or without iron core.

2. To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) and check continuity of a given circuit
using multimeter.

3. To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches, a fuse and a
power source.

4. To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit.

5. To study the variation in potential drop with length of a wire for a steady current.

6. To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery, resistor/rheostat,
key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not connected in proper order and
correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram.

SECTION B (Activities)

1. To identify a diode, an LED, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed collection of such items.

2. Use of multimeter to see the unidirectional flow of current in case of a diode and an LED
check whether a given electronic component (e.g., diode) is in working order.

3. To study effect of intensity of light (by varying distance of the source) on an LDR.

4. To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquely on a

glass slab.
5. To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit.

6.To study the nature and size of the image formed by a (i) convex lens, or

(ii) concave mirror, on a screen by using a candle and a screen (for different

distances of the candle from the lens/mirror).

7.To obtain a lens combination with the specified focal length by using two

lenses from the given set of lenses.

3- Suggested Investigatory Projects-(attempt only one working project with brief discussion
on milky file)

8. To study various factors on which the internal resistance/EMF of a cell depends.

9.To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a
variation in

(a)the power of the incandescent lamp, used to 'illuminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps
at a fixed distance).

(b) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to 'illuminate' the LDR.

3. To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an equi-
convex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle.

Subject: Mathematics

1. Solve the questions of the miscellaneous exercise of Ch 1. Relation and functions, Ch3.Matrices
and Ch4.Determinant from NCERT Exemplar in fair copy.

2. Make a list of all the formulae of the chapters of class 11thand 12th studied till now and learn.

3. Write at least four applications of Mathematics in our daily life in file pages or in copy.
(Minimum one paragraph each)

Subject: Economics

Book 1: Macroeconomics.

Chapter 1: Some Basic concepts of Macroeconomics.

Read with understanding about aggregates of Economic system.Types of Goods produced in the
Economy .Four sectors of the Economy .Real flow and Money flow. Circular flow of Income.

Complete Questions and Answers in Notebook.

Chapter 2: National Income and Related Aggregates.

Read all aggregates of National Income with Understanding including Net Indirect taxes , NFIA and it’s
components and it’s types along with its impact.

Complete Questions and Answers in Notebook.

Chapter 3: Methods of Calculating National Income.

Read about all 3 Methods Value Added Method, Income Method, Expenditure Method. Solve Questions
related to all 3 Methods in Notebook in Textbook.

Project Work:

Economics Project Guidelines

While selecting your concept of the project, a few basic factors are to be kept in mind:

1. Be well aware of what you are doing

2. Proper presentation along with relevant content is mandatory for project file.
3. Do not exaggerate. It is important to manifest everything associated with that topic. A topic on
demand might lead you to behavioral economics, however, that is not important. Focus on
the specific features and do not make it too long
4. Take Proper Guidelines from your Subject Teacher

Here are some of the best Economics Project ideas for the Class 12 students:

 Imperfect competition and Market failure.

 Non-Performing Asset and Central Bank’s procedures to recover it

 Theories of the Long run supply curve (Not recommended if you aren’t thoroughly versed in
Macroeconomics basics)

 RBI’s policies to curb inflation and appreciate currency value.

 Central Bank’s functions with special reference to RBI

 Causes and Potential Solutions for Adverse Balance of payments.

 The shift of India’s growth parameters from agricultural to manufacturing and service sectors
over 50 years period.

 Theories of utility (Ordinal and cardinal Approach)

 Banking Sector Reforms

 The growth of India’s automobile sector in the last 20 years with special reference to FDI.

 Import Substitution v/s export promotion.

 Tax reforms and basic principles of taxation/Double taxation on Savings

 Impact of macroeconomic variables on values of currencies.

 Opportunity cost

 Price determination

 Production- Returns to a factor

 Demand and it’s determinants

 Monopolistic competition

 Poverty

 Infrastructure

 Rural Development

 Women Empowerment


 Demonetization

 National Income

 Human Development Index

 Evolution of Money

 Commercial Banks with special emphasis on Money Creation.

 Economic Challenges.

 Employment Generation and Challenges.

 Growth and Development.

 Food Supply

 Self Help Group

 Digital India – steps towards the future

 Make In India.

 Organic Farming – Back to the Nature.

 Waste management in India.

Note: Marks will be allotted on the following basis:

Relevance of the topic

Knowledge Content/Research Work.

Presentation Technique


Subject: Accountancy


 For content writing use Blue and Black Pen only. For Headings etc students are allowed to use
different colour Pen and sketches.
 Draw proper format of Books and Accounts.
 Use scale for drawing lines.
 All work must be in A4 size Paper.

Details of Homework

Chapter-1:- Fundamental of Partnership

 Read and learn Meaning, nature and characteristics of Partnership.

 Its registration, types of partners, partnership deed and its contents.
 Revision of Format of P&L appropriation A/c and its connection with P&L A/c and also the
difference between the two.
 Understand and revise Calculation of Interest on Drawing and interest on capital.
 Revise Journal entry for partner's capital and Current Account
 Recall how Calculation of Opening capital, closing capital and profit or loss made during the year
is done.
 Treatment of Interest on loan.
 Accounting treatment of Reserves and accumulated profit or loss and Goodwill given in the
balance sheet.
 Adjustment in closed accounts and guarantee of profit to the partners.
 Making manager a partner and various accounting treatment related to its capital, salary, profit
sharing etc. Passing single journal entry for it.
Some questions:
Solve Question no. : 18, 23, 34, 45, 46 , 47, 49, 50, 56, 57 from your Book.

Chapter – 2 :- Change in Profit sharing Ratio

 Practice calculation of Sacrificing and Gaining ratio.

 Revise formula and methods of calculating Goodwill of firm
 Revise formula and ways of finding out capital employed
 Revise the cases of reconstitution and the items to be treated in case of reconstitution of
partnership firm.
 Revise treatment of Goodwill, Reserves and revaluation in case of change in PSR.
Solve Question number :- 13,16,18, 26, 28 & 30 from your book.

Subject: Business Studies

Prepare notes of chapter:- Nature and Significance of Management

Topics to be covered :-

 Management meaning, concept and definition

 Features, objective and importance
 Management as science, arts and profession
 Coordination as an essence of management

Note:- Do atleast 5 case study type questions from the PDF forwarded in the class group.

Subject :Hindi

सामान्य निर्देश

छात्र-छात्राएं निम्िलिखित परियोजिा कायय के वि A4 फाइि पेपि में ही किें ।

*परियोजिा कायय अिङ्कृ त एवं आकर्कय हो|

*प्रत्येक परियोजिा कायय 500-500 शब्दों में हो।

*परियोजिा कायय के लिए दो ववर्य ददए गए हैं| दोिो ववर्यो को एक ही फ़ाइि ् मे बिाये|

छात्र-छात्राएं मई माह तक पढाए गए समस्त पाठों को पढ़ें एवं कं ठस्थ कऱें। पररयोजिा कायय के लिए ववषय-
1. छात्र-छात्राएं ववशेर् िेिि - स्वरूप औि प्रकाि का ववस्ताि से वर्यि किे ।

2. आज उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृ नत का बोि - बािा हो गया है| ऐसी स्स्िनत मे ककस तकिीक या तौि तिीको का प्रयोग कििा चाहेगे

स्जससे ववक्री भी अच्छी हो औि उपभोक्ता ग ु मिाह भी ि हो|

(‘बाजाि दशयि’ पाठ को दृस्टिगत िि ते हु ए वर्यि किे )Physical Education

A ) Answer the following questions :

1. Briefly mention two advantages of Weight Training.

2. What is menstrual dysfunction?

3. Mention the two advantages of Harvard step test.

4. Explain the benefits of Pavanmuktasana.

5. Enlist the classification of sports injuries.

6. What are vitamins?

7. Mention any 01 cause of OCD.

8. Define functional disabilities.

9. What do you understand by Anemia?

10. Define First-Aid.

11. Name the test used for strength measurement.

12. Mention the various types of soft tissue injuries?

13. What is a good posture?

14. Write one physiological change due to ageing?

15. Suggest two exercises for correcting flat foot.

16. What is an abnormal curvature of spine at front termed as?

B) Draw a diagram of any one game of your choice on chart paper:
List of games are as: Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball & Kho Kho.
D) Do the revision of all chapters and modules which have been discussed in April & May.
Subject:- Computer Science

Minor Project of Basic functioning on Banking System using Dictionary and user defined
functions. (Chapter Title: Working with function)
Subject: Informatics Practices

Questions based on Computer Networking

Q1. What is a HUB? How it is different from Switch?
Q2. What are the basic differences between Switch, Hub and Router?
Q3. What do you mean by Network topology? Explain any 3 types of topologies.
Q4. Differentiate between different type of wireless medium of communication.
Subject: Applied Mathematics

Q1. Find five values of m satisfying 21≡181(mod m)

Q2. Find the remainder when (i) 2301 is divided by 7
(ii) 2151 is divided by 7
Q3. Find the digit in the unit’s place of 7249
Q4. Solve the following linear congruence
(i) 33x≡42(mod 17)
16) Q5. Find𝜑(1200),
Q6. Find the sum of all
divisors of 960 excluding
1 and itself.
Q7. Find the number of
divisors of the form
4n+2, n≥0 of the integer
Q8. In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea worth Rs. 60 a kg and Rs. 65 kg so that by selling
the mixture at Rs. 68.20 a kg may gain 10%?
Q9. In what ratio must, water be mixed with milk to gain 20% by selling the mixture at cost price?
Q10. In two alloys, the ratio of copper to zinc are 5:2 and 3:4. How many kg of the first alloy and that of
the second alloy should be melted together to obtain 28kg of a new alloy with equal amount of copper
and zinc?
Q11. A bottle is full of Dettol. One third of its is taken out and then an equal amount of water is poured
into the bottle to fill it. This operation is repeated four times. Find the final ratio of Dettol and water in
the bottle.
Q12. An 8 litre cylinder contains a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, the volume of oxygen being 16% of

total volume. A few litres of mixture are released and an equal amount of nitrogen is added. The process
is repeated twice. As a result, the oxygen content reduces to 9% of total volume. How many litres of
mixture is released each time?
Q14. A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 8 : x. When 33 litres of mixture and 3 litres of water
are mixed, the ratio of milk and water becomes 2:1, find the value of x.

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