Health Vs Disease
Health Vs Disease
Health Vs Disease
Spectrum of Causes
Disease & Death
Disease Classification
1. Genetic – Inheritance
2. Body constitution
4. Environmental exposures
6. Dietary
IHD 6.3
Cerebrovas dis 4.4
Lower RTI 4.3
Diarrhoea dis 2.9
Perinatal 2.4
COPD 2.2
TB 2.0
Measles 1.0
Road accidents 1.0
Lung Cancer 0.9
Murray & Lopez 1997
Projected Causes of DALYs (in 2020)
1. Smoking √ √ √ √
2. Alcohol √ ? √ ?
3. Nutrition √ √ √ √
4. Physical inactivity √ √ √ √
5. Obesity √ √ √ √
6. High B.P. √ √ - -
7. Bl. Glucose √ √ √
8. Bl. Lipids √ √ √
c. Prolong life
1. Living standards
5. Physical activity
6. Personal habits
7. Presence of disabilities
Diet and Nutrition
1. Respiratory Diseases
Ch. Obst Pulm Disease
Br. Asthma aggravation
Lung infections / TB
Interstitial Diseases
Decreased exercise capacity
Respiratory Cancers
2. Ischaemic heart disease
3. Cerebrovasc dis. / Stroke
4. Cancers: Lung, Mouth, Larynx, Food-pipe,
Stomach, Bladder, Kidneys
5. Effects during pregnancy
6. Peripheral vessel disease
7. Miscellaneous
Non-chewing Tobacco
1. Local effects
Leukoplakia of cheeks
Cancers of mouth, cheeks, tongue, jaws, food-pipe
A. Acute
1. Alcohol intoxication
2. Accidents/Injuries
B. Chronic
1. Cirrhosis of liver
2. Fatty liver
3. Ch. Pancreatitis
4. Cardiomyopathy
5. Encephalopathy/Early dementia
Healthy Life-Style