Health Vs Disease

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Health Vs Disease

Life Style to Health


The Medical Concepts



Old age Disease

Life and Death

Cystic Fibrosis
Hypertension Pneumoconioses
Diabetes Asthma Emphysema Infections

Genetic --------------------------------- Environmental

Spectrum of Causes
Disease & Death
Disease Classification

1. Onset Acute – Chronic Subacute

2. Progress Rapid - Slow Moderate
3. Type Genetic – Environmental Mixed
4. Cause Infectious – Non infectious Unknown
5. Tmt Response Complete – Nil Partial
6. Spread Communicable – Noncommu Inheritable
7. Prognosis Reversible – Irreversible Life long
& outcome & curable & fatal & disability
Factors Responsible for Disease occurrence

1. Genetic – Inheritance

2. Body constitution

3. Ethnic, social and racial

4. Environmental exposures

5. Infections : Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites

6. Dietary

7. Life-style & habits

Causes of Death: Global Estimate in 1990
Group Developing Developed Total
countries countries

I. Infectious, Respir, 16.6 0.7 17.2

maternal & Perinatal
II. NCDs: Cancers, 18.7 9.4 28.1
CVD, others
III. Injuries 4.3 0.8 5.1
Total 39.6 10.9 50.5

Global Burden of Dis Study

Murray & Lopez 1997
Leading Causes of Death (1990)

 IHD 6.3
 Cerebrovas dis 4.4
 Lower RTI 4.3
 Diarrhoea dis 2.9
 Perinatal 2.4
 COPD 2.2
 TB 2.0
 Measles 1.0
 Road accidents 1.0
 Lung Cancer 0.9
Murray & Lopez 1997
Projected Causes of DALYs (in 2020)

Worldwide Developed Developing

Regions Regions
2. Unipolar major CVD RTA
depression UMD)
3. Road traffic accidents UMD IHD
4. Cerebrovasc. dis (CVD) Respir Ca COPD
6. LRTI Alcohol TB
7. TB Osteoarthritis LRTI
8. War injuries Dementia & CNS War injuries
9. Diarrhoeal dis COPD Diarrhoea
10. HIV Self inflicted HIV

(Murray & Lopez 1997)

Risk Factors common to major NCDs

Risk Factor Cardiovascular* Diabetes Cancer Respiratory**

1. Smoking √ √ √ √
2. Alcohol √ ? √ ?
3. Nutrition √ √ √ √
4. Physical inactivity √ √ √ √
5. Obesity √ √ √ √
6. High B.P. √ √ - -
7. Bl. Glucose √ √ √
8. Bl. Lipids √ √ √

*Include heart dis, hypertension, stroke

** Include COPD and asthma
The Health

‘Health is a state of physical,

mental and social well-being”
Objectives of a healthy life style

1. To achieve “good health”

2. To prevent disease, disability and premature death

3. In presence of disease and disability:

a. Maintain a good quality of life

b. Cope up with disability

c. Prolong life

d. Live (and die) with dignity

Constituents of Life Style

1. Living standards

2. Psychological and spiritual needs

3. Hobbies and entertainments

4. Diet and nutrition

5. Physical activity

6. Personal habits

7. Presence of disabilities
Diet and Nutrition

1. Balanced intake of food and food supplements

2. Prevention of obesity, hyperlipidaemias, IHD, CVD (etc.)

3. Prevention of cancers – Daily use of green veg/fruits

4. Control of a disease state: Hypertension, diabetes, others

5. Treatment of diseases: Gout, Coeliac diseases, GI Allergies (etc.)

Physical Activity

1. Maintenance of body’s muscle mass, joint mobility and organ function

2. Prevention of mental stress/strain

3. Increase exercise performance, respiratory function and endurance

4. Blood circulation to vital organs (Heart, brain, muscles etc.)

5. Treatment of neuromuscular and joint disorders; hypertension, diabetes

Personal Habits

 Tobacco : Smoking & nonsmoking forms

 Alcohol use
 Other substance abuse
Tobacco Use: Smoking

1. Respiratory Diseases
 Ch. Obst Pulm Disease
 Br. Asthma aggravation
 Lung infections / TB
 Interstitial Diseases
 Decreased exercise capacity
 Respiratory Cancers
2. Ischaemic heart disease
3. Cerebrovasc dis. / Stroke
4. Cancers: Lung, Mouth, Larynx, Food-pipe,
Stomach, Bladder, Kidneys
5. Effects during pregnancy
6. Peripheral vessel disease
7. Miscellaneous
Non-chewing Tobacco
1. Local effects
 Leukoplakia of cheeks
 Cancers of mouth, cheeks, tongue, jaws, food-pipe

2. Systemic effects (after absorption in blood)

Passive Smoking (ETS)

 Children Cancers
 Spouses COPD/Asthma
 Colleagues IHD/angina



A. Acute

1. Alcohol intoxication

2. Accidents/Injuries

B. Chronic

1. Cirrhosis of liver

2. Fatty liver

3. Ch. Pancreatitis

4. Cardiomyopathy

5. Encephalopathy/Early dementia

Healthy Life-Style

1. Total avoidance of Tobacco

2. Adequate physical activity/exercise

3. Daily use of fresh green vegetables and fruits

4. Avoiding fatty diets, sugars, alcohol, salts

5. Mental and spiritual reinforcement

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