Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled
never travelled
a poem about love—specifically, the kind of love that has the power to utterly unravel (and
re-ravel) a person, even if they can't quite figure out why. The speaker is experiencing a love
unlike anything he's ever felt before, described as a place to which he's “never travelled.”
The speaker doesn’t quite understand the hold that his beloved has on him, yet surrenders to
it willingly, simply reveling in the intensity of his feelings. In this way, the poem suggests
that love is something that goes beyond rational understanding—that it's a force more
powerful than reason itself.
The speaker of "somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond" repeatedly calls attention
to the fact his beloved is very delicate. The speaker is attracted to this "intense fragility,"
something that, rather paradoxically, holds immense power over the speaker. In fact, it is
this fragility that has the ability to quickly unravel all the speaker's defenses and coax him
out of his shell. That is, his beloved's delicate nature seems to make the speaker himself
more loving and emotionally vulnerable. In this way, the poem illustrates the transformative
power of gentle, delicate love, which it implies can lead people to be their most tender,
unguarded selves.
Tone Structure Rhyme Scheme
The poet writes in a The poem is in free verse; Though the poem has no
that is, it does not have a formal rhyme scheme, the
serious and mystified
particular rhyme scheme. author still used a few
tone as underscored in
rhyming device in his writing
his words that revealed
It also lacks a specific meter, (free verse)
his deep regard and
love for his muse. but it is still organized
He used assonance - the repetition of the same vowel sounds (a technique used in
unifying the otherwise unrhymed stanzas)
Personification was also used in the phrase “your eyes have their silence”
The elements like awe and amazement form the major theme of this
poem. Here we experience magical transformations, its hyperbole
and glee. Here love is awesome and we admire so many aspects
Theme of Love
Towards the end of this poem, we come to know that the speaker is
in love. It is quite surprising for the readers because there is sudden
change in the mood of the speaker. The speaker is found to be so
happy and pleasant. He loves, and is loved. This feeling gives him the
sense that nothing is impossible in this wonderful world.
Structure, Form and Meter
It becomes obvious quite quickly that Cummings chose to write this
poem, almost, in free verse. But, the fourth and ninth lines of each
stanza rhyme as well as the fifth and eighth lines. The meter is also
roughly structured. The lines are almost all iambic, meaning that each
line has syllables that follow a pattern of unstressed and one stressed.
But, there are moments where this changes. There are also anapestic
feet in which two unstressed syllables are followed by a stressed
Structure, Form and Meter
In each stanza, the first, fourth, and ninth lines are rhymed. In the
second stanza, for example, ‘although’, ‘grow’, and ‘so’ rhyme. Then,
the fifth and eighth lines are rhymed, like the first stanza - ‘guess’, and
‘yes’. Each stanza follows this rhyming pattern.
Literary Devices
• Enjambment * a formal device used concerned with where the poet chooses to
cut off a line. If a line is enjambed, then the line ends before the conclusion of a
phrase. for example, the transition between lines one and two of the first stanza.
6. Splendiferous- splendid
• Over the course of the story, Sol takes up farming and suffers a cyclical series of failures:
chickens eat his crops, skunks eat his chickens, and so on. Finally, Sol himself dies and his
corpse goes underground to "start a worm farm.“
• Life's a series of challenges, then we die and become worm food—and the cycle starts over
Failure, Despair and Hope
• The title of "nobody loses all the time" could be read as the poem's central message—if it
weren't drenched in irony. The poem's main character, Uncle Sol, is a "born failure" who
crashes and burns in every endeavor he tries—and finally loses everything he's got, including
his life. Meanwhile, he never pursues the one thing he's good at: singing. Yet by the poem’s
end, Sol's story also reflects some of the optimism of the title, even if the optimism is the
speaker's rather than Sol's own. The speaker compares Sol's death to a new undertaking
("starting a worm farm"), as if to imply that hope springs eternal even in the grave. And if
Sol enjoyed entertaining people, his story is certainly entertaining! The poem as a whole
seems to hint that life can consist of chronic "losing"—but that there are grounds for hope,
and humor, even in unlucky lives.
• The poem's first and last stanzas contain one line each, while the middle six
stanzas contain six lines each. This symmetrical structure lends a hint of order to an
otherwise freewheeling and unpredictable piece. The first gives a thematic
introduction to the poem.
• the last line/stanza serves as a kind of punchline. (Old Sol, the failed farmer, has
started a successful venture after all: a "worm farm," in the grave.)
• In terms of line length, the poem veers all over the place, ranging from one to 17
syllables per line.
• As a free verse poem, "nobody loses all the time" contains no regular
meter. Its line and stanza lengths vary wildly; for example, line
37 contains only one syllable, whereas line 6 contains 17. This
unpredictability contributes to the poem's offbeat, madcap quality.
Literary Devices
• Figurative Language
Irony – from start to finish of the story
- a born failure
-auspicious occasion of his decease (wonderful funeral after
committing suicide)
- started a worm farm
Enjambment – the lack of punctuation in the poem causes the poem
to run continuously reflecting the style of storytelling. It might also
reinforce the idea that the speaker is uneducated.
Literary Devices
• Figurative Language
Hyperbolic Simile– cried like The Missouri
Allusion – Uncle Sol’s name might be an indirect reference to King
Solomon who, in the Biblical Times was considered as Wise.
Comparison of the Poems
Style of Writing (Form, Meter, Rhyme)
-e.e. cummings usually wrote in free verse with no particular
rhyme scheme (part of his being idiosyncratic)
1. Love - Love may be the most obvious themes E.E. Cummings describes in his poetry.
A few of his poems simply contain love in the title, while others discuss the effect of
love on himself.
2. Nature - Undertones of nature and mentions of such also appear frequently in his
poems. Cummings states, in no uncertain terms, that the world is taking the heat
for the busy lives of mankind.
3. Roles of Society - Society is often portrayed as the antagonist in E.E. Cumming's
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