Lecture # 18 - New

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Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Tanveer Ahmed Siddiqui

Department of Computer Science

COMSATS University, Islamabad

Lecture No 1-4

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Design and
Analysis of an

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Two main issues related to algorithms

 How we design an algorithms?

 Selection of appropriate designing technique.
 What sequence of steps one typically goes through?
 The description of algorithm at an abstract level by means
of a pseudo language
 Why we analyze an algorithm?
 To estimate how long a program will run.
 To estimate the largest input that can reasonably be
given to the program.
 To compare the efficiency of different algorithms.
 To help focus on the parts of code that are executed
the largest number of times.
 To choose an algorithm for an application.
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Algorithm Design and Analysis Process

Understand the problem

Decide on : algorithm
design techniques etc.

Design an algorithm

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Understand the problem

design techniques etc.

Design an algorithm

Prove correctness

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Understand the problem

Decide on : algorithm
design techniques etc.

Design an algorithm

Prove correctness

Analyze efficiency etc.

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Understand the problem

Decide on : algorithm
design techniques etc.

Design an algorithm

Prove correctness

Analyze efficiency etc

Code the algorithm
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Analysis of Algorithm

Lecture No 5

Fundamentals of the Analysis of

Algorithm Efficiency

(Analysis Framework.)

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Reading Material

Read Chapter 2
Fundamentals of the Analysis
of Algorithm Efficiency

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Today Covered

After completing this lecture, you will be able to

What does analysis of Algorithm mean?
Why we analyze an algorithm?
How to analyze an algorithm
 Experimental Studies/Naïve Approach
 Theoretical/ Mathematical Analysis
 Explain how to choose the operations that are
counted and why others are not

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Why performance analysis?

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Why is it important?
 There are many algorithms that can solve a
given problem.
 Suppose we are given two algorithms for a
task; how do we find out which one is better?
 Computer programmers are often concerned
with two questions:
 How much time does an algorithm need to
 How much memory does an algorithm need for its

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Why is it important?
 Suppose there is a list of n numbers, and we want
to arrange them in ascending order. We design
following two algorithms for solving this problem

 Which algorithm is best? Sort_A or Sort_B

 Answer: Analyze the algorithm
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What does analysis of algorithm means?

 What is meant by Algorithm Analysis?

 Analysis of algorithms is the determination of the
amount of time and space resources required
to execute it.

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Analysis of Algorithm
 How do we compare the time efficiency of two
algorithms that solve the same problem?
 Naïve Approach/Experimental Studies.
 Implement these algorithms in a programming
language (e.g. JAVA) and run them to compare their
time requirements.
 Theoretical/ Mathematical Analysis
 Employ mathematical techniques that analyze
algorithms independently of specific implementations,
computers, or data.
 Scientific method applied to the analysis
of algorithms

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Experimental Studies

 Write a program
implementing the
 Run the program with
inputs of varying size and
 Use a method like
System.currentTimeMillis() to
get an accurate measure
of the actual running
 Plot the results

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Testing operation times on your system
import java.util.*;
public class PerformanceEvaluation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i=0; double d = 1.618;
SimpleObject o = new SimpleObject();
final int numLoops = 1000000;
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();;
for (i=0 ; i<numLoops ; i++){
// put here a command to be timed
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long duration = endTime - startTime;
double iterationTime = (double)duration / numLoops;
System.out.println("duration: "+duration);
System.out.println("sec/iter: "+iterationTime);
class SimpleObject {
private int x=0;
public void m() { x++; }

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Issues in experimental Approach
 Comparing the programs (instead of algorithms)
has difficulties.
 Programming language (e.g. MATLAB vs JAVA)
 The compiler you use(e.g. jdk1.1.8 vs jdk1.3.1)
 The OS on your computer( e.g. Window vs LINUX)
 Computer hardware(e.g. PII, 333MHz vs PIII, 500MHz)
 Programmer ability/ Programmer effectiveness
 Maybe other things: temperature outside; other
programs on your computer; …
 How to overcome these issues?
 i.e how we measure efficiency of an algorithm instead
of a program?
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Complexity Analysis
 How we measure efficiency of an algorithm
instead of a program?
 Determine the computational complexity of
 Usually, this involves determining a function that
 relates the size of an algorithm's input to the number of
steps it takes (its time complexity).
 T(n) , C(n)
 relates the number of storage locations it uses (its space
 Note: In this subject we only focus on time complexity.
 Now how we determine time complexity
function, T(n)?
Department of Computer Science
Complexity Analysis
 Now how we determine time complexity
function, T(n)?
 We can calculate time complexity in two ways,
 first one being frequency count and the other
asymptotic notations.
 Frequency Count
 Since the number of operations is related to the
execution time, so will determine an equation that
relates the number of operations that a particular
algorithm performs to the size of the input.
 Frequency count specifies the number of times a
statement is to be executed

Department of Computer Science

Complexity Analysis
 Frequency Count
 Frequency count specifies the number of times a
statement is to be executed.

Input size

T(n) ≈ cop × C(n)

# of times op.
Running time
Execution time for is executed

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UPSHOT: Complexity Analysis
 Complexity analysis is useful for the following two
 To decide the efficiency of the given algorithm.
 To compare algorithms for deciding the effective solutions
for a given problem.
 Advantages of computational complexity :
 Uses a high-level description of the algorithm instead of
an implementation
 Characterizes running time as a function of the input size,
 e.g T(n) , C(n)
 Takes into account all possible inputs.
 Allows us to evaluate the speed of an algorithm
independent of the hardware/software environment.
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Department of Computer Science

The Execution Time of Algorithms

 Count the number of times each of an algorithm’s

operations is executed.
 Each operation in an algorithm (or a program) has a
 count = count + 1;  take a certain amount of time, but it is constant

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The Execution Time of Algorithms

 Consecutive Statements: Just add the running times

of those consecutive statements.
 A sequence of operations:

count = count + 1; Cost: c1

sum = sum + count; Cost: c2

 Total Cost = c1 + c2

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The Execution Time of Algorithms

Example: Simple If-Statement

Cost Times
if (n < 0) c1 1
absval = -n c2 1
absval = n; c3 1

Total Cost = c1 + max(c2,c3)

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Computing running time of Algorithms

Example: Simple Loop

Cost Times
i = 1; c1 1
sum = 0; c2 1
while (i <= n) { c3 n+1
i = i + 1; c4 n
sum = sum + i; c5 n
Total Cost = c1 + c2 + (n+1)*c3 + n*c4 + n*c5
Total Cost = c1 + c2 + n*c3 + c3 + n*c4 + n*c5
Total Cost = n*c3 + n*c4 + n*c5 + c1 + c2 + c3
Total Cost = n(c3+c4+c5)+ c1 + c2 +c3
Total Cost = An + B
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( A =c3+c4+c5 B= c1 + c2 +c3) 28
Computing running time of Algorithms

Example: Simple Loop

i = 1; c1 1
sum = 0; c2 1
while (i <= n) { c3 n+1
i = i + 1; c4 n

sum = sum + i; c5 n
Total Cost = An + B (This equation of straight line: y = mx + c)
 The time required for this algorithm is directly
proportional to n

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The Computing running time of Algorithm

Example: Nested Loop

Cost Times
i=1; c1 1
sum = 0; c2 1
while (i <= n) { c3 n+1
j=1; c4 n
while (j <= n) { c5
sum = sum + i; c6 n*n
j = j + 1; c7 n*n
i = i +1; c8 n
Total Cost = c1 + c2 + (n+1)*c3 + n*c4
Total Cost = An2 + Bn + C
 The
Department time required
of Computer Science for this algorithm is proportional to n2 30
The Computing running time of Algorithm
Cost Times
i=1; c1 1
sum = 0; c2 1
while (i <= n) { c3 n+1
j=1; c4 n
while (j <= n) { c5
sum = sum + i; c6 n*n
j = j + 1; c7 n*n
i = i +1; c8 n
Total Cost = An2 + Bn + C
 The time required for this algorithm is proportional to n2

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General Rules for Estimation: SUMMARY

 Up Shot
 Consecutive Statements: Just add the running times
of those consecutive statements.
 If/Else: Never more than the running time of the test
plus the larger of running times of S1 and S2.
 Loops: The running time of a loop is at most the
running time of the statements inside of that loop times
the number of iterations.
 Nested Loops: Running time of a nested loop
containing a statement in the inner most loop is the
running time of statement multiplied by the product of
the sized of all loops.

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Example: Linear Search

INPUT: a sequence of n numbers, key to search for.

OUTPUT: true if key occurs in the sequence, false otherwise.

T(n) = c1 + c2*n + c3(n-1) + c4+c5+c6

 How to find cost(i.e. value of c1 to c2 etc.?

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Model of Computation (Assumptions)
 In order to determine cost of each instruction, we assume
that the algorithm is running on a standard generic single-
processor machine, called a Random Access
 RAM is abstract computing model which is assumed to be
an idealized machine
 Infinitely large random-access memory
 Instructions execute sequentially
 Every instruction/operation in the machine's
memory takes unit time for execution.
 Example of basic operations include
 Assigning a value to a variable
 Arithmetic operation (+, - , × , /) on integers
 Performing any comparison e.g. a < b
 Boolean operations
 Accessing an element of an array.
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Units for Measuring Running Time

 T(n) = c1 + c2*n + c3(n-1) + c4+c5+c6

According to RAM model(assumption),
 c = c =c = c =c = c =1
1 2 3 4 5 6
 T(n) = 1 + n+ n -1 +1+1+1
 T(n) = 2n +3

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Complexity Analysis

 Is counting every operation that is performed by

an algorithm useful?
 Let us discuss this with the help of the following
 Suppose we have an algorithm that counts the
number of different characters in a file. An
algorithm for that might look like the following:

Department of Computer Science

Complexity Analysis: what to count

 Is counting every operation that is performed by

an algorithm useful?
 Let us discuss this with the help of the following
 Suppose we have an algorithm that counts the
number of different characters in a file. An
algorithm for that might look like the following:

Department of Computer Science

Complexity Analysis: what to count
 When we look at this algorithm, we see that
there are 256 iterations for the initialization
 If there are N characters in the input file, there
are N iterations for the second loop.
 So, the question becomes What do we count?.
 In this algorithm we have following operations:
 Assignments
 Conditional checks
 Increments

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Complexity Analysis: what to count
Operation Frequency count in for Frequency count in while Total
loop loop
Assignment 257 0 257
(1 for the loop variable and
256 for the counters)
Conditional 257 N+1 N+258
checks (257 checks that this variable (we will need to do a check
is within the loop bounds (the of the condition N + 1 times
extra one is when the loop the + 1 is for the last check
stops) when the file is empty)
Increment 256 N N+ 256
(Increments of the loop (we will increment N
variable) counters.)
 The total operation that algorithm performed: 2N +771
 The purpose of for loop in
this algorithm is to initialize
the counter. The total
operations performed in for
loop are: 770
Department of Computer Science
Complexity Analysis: what to count
 So, if we have 500 characters in the file, the
algorithm will do a total of 1771 operations, of
which 770 are associated with the initialization
 Now consider what happens as the value of N
gets large.
 If we have a file with 50,000 characters, the
algorithm will do a total of 100,771 operations, of
which there are still only 770 associated with the
initialization (less than 1% of the total work).
 The number of initialization operations has not
changed, but they become a much smaller
percentage of the total as N increases.
Department of Computer Science
Complexity Analysis: what to count
 The importance of the initialization is small
relative to the overall execution of this
In analysis terms, the cost of the initialization
becomes meaningless as the number of input values
 Deciding what to count involves two steps.
 The first is choosing the significant operation or
 The second is deciding which of those operations are
integral to the algorithm and which are overhead or
Department of Computer Science
Complexity Analysis: what to count
 Basic/Significant/Primitive Operation : the most
important operation of the algorithm, the
operation contributing the most to the total
running time.
 For example, the basic operation is usually the
most time-consuming operation in the
algorithm’s innermost loop.

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Basic Operations
 There are two classes of operations that are
typically chosen for the significant operation:
 Comparison
 Arithmetic
 Comparison operations include equal, not
equal, less than, greater than, less than or
equal, and greater than or equal.
 The comparison operators are all considered
equivalent and are counted in algorithms such
as searching and sorting

Department of Computer Science

Basic Operations
 We will count arithmetic operators in two
groups: additive and multiplicative.
 Additive Operators (usually called additions for
short) include addition, subtraction, increment,
and decrement.
 Multiplicative Operators (usually called
multiplications for short) include multiplication,
division, and modulus.
 These two groups are counted separately
because multiplications are considered to take
longer than additions.

Department of Computer Science

Basic Operations
 logarithms and geometric functions that are
used in algorithms would be another group.
 more time consuming than multiplications because
those are frequently calculated by a computer
through a power series.
 Shift operation, which is considered as fast as
an addition.
 There will be very few cases when this will be
significant, because multiplication or division by 2 is
commonly found in divide and conquer algorithms
that frequently have comparison as their significant

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Department of Computer Science

Basic Operations

 Basic operation/Primitive operation : the most

important operation of the algorithm, the
operation contributing the most to the total
running time.
Problem Basic operation

Searching for key in a list of n items Key comparison

Multiplication of two
Multiplication of two matrices

Checking primality of a given integer n Division

Visiting a vertex or
Typical graph problem
traversing an edge

Polynomial Evaluation multiplication

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Example 1:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Multiplication(*)

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Example 2:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Multiplication(*)

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Example 3:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Multiplication(+)

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Example 4:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Addition(+)

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Example 5:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Division(/)

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Example 6:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Comparison(>)

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Example 7:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Comparison(=) A[i] = A[j]

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Example 8:

 What is its basic operation/Primitive Operation?

 Multiplication(*)

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Growth Rate
 Let the frequency count of basic operation of an
algorithm is:
C(n) = n(n-1)/2
 How much fast C(n) grow if we double the input
Ignore cop,
 Solution Focus on
orders of

 Since we are interested in the running time for

large input sizes, we may talk about the rate of
growth or the order of growth of the running time.
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Growth Rate
 A rate is a ratio that compares two different
quantities which have different units.

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Department of Computer Science

What is Complexity?

 The level of difficulty in solving mathematically

posed problems as measured by
 The time
 (Time complexity)
 Number of steps or arithmetic operations
 (Computational complexity)
 Memory space required
 (Space complexity)
 What is Complexity function ?
 function that express these complexities
 We will focus on time complexity T(n):
 How to estimate the time required for an algorithm
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What does analysis of algorithm means?

 The analysis of algorithms is the process of finding

the computational complexity of algorithms—the
amount of time, storage, or other resources
needed to execute them.
 Usually, this involves determining a function:
 Count number of steps
 Count a particular operation
 T(input size) = frequency count of operation it takes*execution time of
the operation

 An algorithm is said to be efficient when this

function's values are small, or grow slowly
compared to a growth in the size of the input.

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