GlobalIneq. MarburgNov23 CMLiberato
GlobalIneq. MarburgNov23 CMLiberato
GlobalIneq. MarburgNov23 CMLiberato
Catarina M. Liberato | Visiting Teaching Assistant | | @CataMLiberato | Marburg, 14th of November 2023
Goals for Today
Poverty & Inequality
Different perspectives on
Multidimensional Approach
(Therborn 2013)
• Health/Mortality
• Existential degrees of freedom, dignity and respect
• Resources of income, wealth, education and power
What causes Inequality?
Standards of Poverty
Absolute Poverty Relative Poverty
Linked with the idea of basic needs - • A standard of poverty based on:
Maslow's 1943 hierarchy of needs • Deprivation of people’s living
A standard of poverty based on: conditions and amenities
• An income level • Conditions are customary in the
• Access to resources (food, clothing society in which they belong.
and shelter) • Brings the social dimension of poverty
Misses the social dimension of poverty to the discussion
Poverty & Inequality
Relative Poverty
The Politics of Poverty
• The World Bank assume a growing
responsibility for global poverty reduction
• Standards of extreme poverty calculated
at purchasing power parity (PPP) as an
income level of a $ a day
• United Nations’ use of human development
as a central approach to global poverty
• Human Development Reports
• Human Development Index (HDI) Sources: World Bank, UNDP
Source: HNDP/HDI
Global Inequality
Global Inequality
“The unequal interpersonal distribution of wealth and income measured at the global level.”
(Lockwood 2021, 422)
Global Inequality (1)
Lockwood’s (2021) Arguments
Global Inequality (2)
Lockwood (2021)
Measuring Global Inequality (1)
• Per capita GDP to calculate Gini coefficients
✅ Good for the analysis of the wealth
The most commonly used measure or income distribution in a country
Variation between
complete equality = 0 1 = complete inequality
Measuring Global Inequality (2)
Lockwood (2021)
• Per capita GDP to calculate Gini coefficients > method with shortcomings
• Why? It fails to account for:
• the income distribution within countries
• obscures a substantial source of variation in income and wealth
• weight countries on the basis of their population > which might not be appropriate
Measuring Global Inequality (3)
Preferable measure of global inequality is an interpersonal one:
What impact has globalisation had on global
patterns of poverty and inequality?
World-Systems Theory
World history + social change
Inter-regional & transnational division of labour
World economy is rooted in the capitalist system
Core | Peripheral | Semi-peripheral
Criticism of Globalisation
• Globalisation + biases within the world trading system
• Gap between the richest and the poorest countries has been increasing in recent decades
• As the rich get richer, the poor get poorer
• On the other hand, studies have argued that the world has generally become a more equal place (Kay
2004, Wolf 2005, Friedman 2006)
The rise of NICs
• Evidence that strategic integration in the world economy = rising GDP per capita
• Refusal to integrate = low growth or economic stagnation
Does economic globalisation promote prosperity and
opportunity for all?
Makes the rich richer but it also makes the poor less poor. • The crisis of globalisation has shown the emergence of new
entrenched patterns of inequality
International trade allows countries too specialise in the
production of goods or services in which they have a • Critical theorists have argued that the real winners are TNCs
comparative advantage. and the industrially advanced states
Developing world governments are keen to attract inward • Economic globalisation is a form of neo-colonialism
• It forces poor countries to open up their markets and allow
It is the most reliable mean of reducing poverty their resources to be plundered by rich states
Current Trends of GI
Can you think of a recent event that might
have had an effect on poverty levels
Case study 1
Do you think the Covid-19 pandemic had an
effect on poverty levels globally?
Activity 1 | Search online
World Bank Blogs: “Poverty is back to pre-COVID levels
globally, but not for low-income countries”
Source: Mahler et al. (2022)
Possible reasons for the
increase in poverty
Source: Mahler et al. (2022)
It could have been even worse… • In low-income countries, this is likely due
to the pandemic not hitting rural areas
• The fact that populous countries • If the pandemic had hit all people (where the poor predominantly live) as
experienced a decline in inequality within countries equally, its impact forcefully.
neutralised the increases in global on global inequality would have • In high-income countries, this is likely due
inequality and poverty. been even larger. to the extensive social protection programs
implemented in 2020.
Source: Mahler et al. (2022)
Why should we care about global
The importance of Global Inequality
Attitudes towards equality have been shaped by:
• Ideological orientation
• Support equality and social justice vs inequality is inevitable and is even beneficial
• Social Equality: P + C + PW
• Power = unequal word is unjust and exploitative, global justice requires reduction of AP
• Conflict = link between Ineq. & C > social disparities breed hostility and resentment
• Personal Well-being = link between Ineq. & PW
• human security and happiness are affected by the perception of people’s social position >
marginalisation and disempowerment
• this perception has also stimulated migratory flows
One can also argue that..
✦ The impact of globalisation on levels of poverty and inequality cannot be resolved through
empirical trends alone
✦ Globalisation will eventually ‘raise all boats’
✦ Globalisation is based on structural disparities that inevitably benefit some countries and
areas at the expense of others
Study Questions
1. Why has poverty increasingly been measured in terms of human development?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the development as a growth model?
3. Do poorer countries need an explicit strategy for development?
4. What does this imply for models of economic policy/governance?
5. Are developing countries truly developing?
6. Does development take place internally? How is it impacted by external factors?
7. Why is there so much disagreement about trends in global inequality?
8. To what extent can growing poverty be blamed on the advance of globalisation?
9. Why do developed states provide development assistance to poorer countries?
10. Does writing off developing world debt make both moral and economic good sense?
Let me know what you think
Catarina M. Liberato | Visiting Teaching Assistant | | @CataMLiberato | Marburg, 14th of November 2023