Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
By ID.No
1.Tewodiros Belete 0905265
2 Temam Ahmed 0905204
3.Alebel G/Egziabhier 0800404
Advisors: Abebaw T. and Yeshambel D.
03/13/ 2013 E.C
Cookie making ingredients
Cookies production practices
Scientific research on cookies
Scientific studies reported on composite flours for cookies
Scientific studies on the effect of processing methods on quality of cookies
Cookies are nutritive snacks produced from unpalatable dough that is transformed
into appetizing product through the application of heat in an ove
They are ready to eat, convenient and inexpensive food product, containing
digestive and dietary principles of vital importance
Cookies are a rich source of fat and carbohydrate, hence are energy giving food.
Cookie is a baked flour confectionery dried down to low moisture content, Cookies
are the most consumed and nutritious of most of the produced foods in the world
Cookies is mainly made from cereals (mainly wheat), sweeteners, shortenings and
leavening agents
Cookies can be made from maize, millet, cassava, taro, soya bean and pumpkin.
Wheat is the most widely used cereals for cookies making in that it provides
necessary gluten to the cookies structure
Cookies making ingredients
Baking powder
Cookies production practices
Processing of cookies include:
Sheeting and Cutting
Scientific research on cookies
The healthful properties of dietary fibers have caused an increase
consumption of high-fiber food products and encouraged food
scientists to search for new fiber sources as food ingredients
Among the world's major food crops, sweet potato produces the
highest amount of edible energy per day. Sweet potato consists of
about 70% carbohydrates of which the major portion is starch
The food industry is facing the challenge of developing new food products
with special health enhancing characteristics. Sources of these materials
come from a wide variety of plant consumable products
Scientific studies reported on composite
flours for cookies
Physical properties of the cookies
The diameter, thickness and spread ratio of cookies from soft wheat flour,
pumpkin pomace powder and carrot pomace powder ranged from 63.84-81.79
mm, 8.95-12.09 mm and 5.19-9.14 respectively, Decrement of diameter and
increment of thickness led to reduce the spread ratio values of cookie
supplemented with pumpkin pomace powder and carrot pomace powder
The diameter, thickness and spread ratio of cookies wheat flour, soy flour and
carrot powder ranged from 57.5-61.5 mm, 20-24 mm and 2.4-2.91 respectively,
Decrement of diameter and thickness and increment in spread ratio values of
cookie supplemented with soy flour and carrot powder
The increase in the level of sweet potato flour resulted in a linear decrease in
thickness and diameter of cookies
The diameter, thickness and spread ratio of cookies from wheat, oats, sorghum
and amaranth flour ranged from 3.64-3.86 cm, 1.15-1-33 cm and 2.9-3.17
respectively, Decrement of diameter and thickness and increment in spread ratio
values of cookie with increase in the supplementation
The diameter, thickness and spread ratio of cookies from wheat and taro flour ranged
from 4.06-4.8cm, 0.515-0.572cm and 7.887-8.533 respectively, Decrement of diameter,
thickness and spread ratio values of cookies with an increase in the amounts of the taro
flour proportion
Proximate composion of cookies
The moisture, protein, fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrate cookies from wheat
flour, soy flour and carrot powder ranged from 5.7-7.57, 10.81-21.6, 8.89-
15.83, 1.39-2.4, 0.7-1.23 and 54.44-70.84% respectively, The percentage
moisture content decreased, protein content increased and fat content
increased with increase in soy flour addition, Crude fiber content increased
as a result of carrot powder inclusion
The increase in ash content could be due to increase in soy flour and carrot
powder,Carbohydrate decreases as the amount of soy flour increased
The moisture content,ash content,fiber content and carbohydrate content of
cookies from wheat flour and sweet potato flour increased with the incremental
addition of sweet potato flour but its protein content decreased
The moisture, protein, fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrate of cookies wheat oats,
sorghum and amaranth flour ranged from 2.09-3.91, 5.46-6.5, 0.89-1.96, 0.94-
1.08, 62.9-67.48% respectively, An increase in the moisture content, the amount
of fat increased, ash content increased and crude fiber content increased with the
increase of substitution of composite flour
The contents of moisture, protein, fat, crude fiber, ash and carbohydrates of
cookies produced from wheat, banana and sesame flour were (%): 1.88, 10.65,
22.01, 1.01, 1.54 and 62.91respectively
The increase of fat was due to the incorporation sesame, decrease in protein
content was due to banana flour, crude fiber content increased due to
green banana flour
The moisture, protein, fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrate of cookies from
wheat and taro flour ranged from 1.871-2.153, 3.701-4.84, 13.350-
16.553, 0.77-1.674, 2.536-2.89 and 73.32-75.03% respectively, an
increase in the moisture content, protein content decreased, fat
decreased, crude fiber increased, ash content increased and
carbohydrate increased with an increase in taro flour
Sensory characteristics of cookies
o The color, flavor, crispness and overall acceptability value of cookies from wheat
and taro flour ranged from 6.493-7.343, 5.622-7.003, 2.917-3.77 and 3.725-7.278
o The crust color, texture taste and overall acceptability value of cookies from soft
wheat flour, pumpkin pomace powder and carrot pomace powder ranged from 3.1-
3.9, 2.6-4.5, 2.7-4.5, 2.4-4.5 respectively
o Appearance, flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability value of cookies from
wheat flour, soy flour and carrot powder ranged from 6.47-8.47, 6.47-8.2, 6-8.27,
6.2-7.73, 6.2-8.47 respectively
o The score obtained on all attributes odor, color, flavor of cookies produced from
wheat, banana and sesame flour was found between 5.00 and 6.42
Scientific studies on the effect of processing
methods on quality of cookies
Physical properties of cookies
Baking temperatures for cookies from wheat and taro flour,The diameter,
thickness and spread ratio of cookies from wheat and taro flour ranged from 4.49-
4.562 cm, 0.539-0.583 cm and 8.223-8.324 respectively
Baking temperature and time for cookies enriched with blueberry pomace, The
width, thickness and spread factor of cookies enriched with blueberry
pomaceranged from 51.29-51.6, 7.55-8.16 and 6.29-6.84mm respectively
Shortening replacement with flaxseed oil in cookies production, The diameter,
thickness and spread ratio of cookies ranged from 48.13-54.23mm, 12-12.6mm
and 4-4.3 respectively
Proximate composion of cookies
Baking temperature for cookies from wheat and taro flour. The moisture, protein,
fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrate of cookies from 1.554-2.167, 4.483-4.534, 15.404-
15.798, 0.931-0.975, 2.798-2.835 and 73.954-74.38% respectively
Shortening replacement with flaxseed oil in cookies production,The moisture,
protein, fat, fiber, ash and carbohydrate of cookies ranged from 3.7-4, 0.9-1.2,
21.5-23.1, 0.13-0.15,0.8-1 and 71.15-72.55% respectively
Sensory characteristics of cookies
Baking temperature for cookies from wheat and taro flour,The color, flavor,
crispness and overall acceptability value of cookies ranged from 6.47-7.194, 5.95-
6.14, 3.411-3.56 and 6.144-6.938 respectively
Shortening replacement with flaxseed oil in cookies production,The appearance,
texture, taste and overall acceptability value of cookies ranged from 7.6-8, 5.5-7.4,
5.6-8.2 and 5.7-8 respectively
• The pumpkin pomacce and carrot pomace powder used to enhance
dietary fiber content of cookies made from wheat flour
• Soybean and carrot powder used to increase protein, fat, ash and fiber
content of wheat cookies
• Oats, sorghum and amaranth flour increase protein, fat, carbohydrate,
ash content and energy value of wheat cookies
• Sweet potato flour improve the dietary fiber and mineral contents of
the product
Banana flour and sesame seeds improved functional characteristics cookies
Taro flour used to enhance carbohydrate, fiber and ash content of the
150°C baking temperature resulted in better physical characteristics and sensory
qualities of cookies made from wheat and taro flour
Baking time of14 min at 170 °C is optimum for the blueberry pomace enriched
gluten-free cookies production
Beyond 30 % shortening replacement with flaxseed oil in cookies adversely
affected the quality
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