AR and VR

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Augmented Reality

AR is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated

content. The content can span multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory,
haptic, somatosensory and olfactory (Sense of Smell).

It is an experience where designers enhance parts of users’ physical world with computer-
generated input. Designers create inputs—ranging from sound to video, to graphics to GPS
overlays and more—in digital content which responds in real-time to changes in the user’s
environment, typically movement.

Three basic features of AR-

-A combination of real and virtual worlds

-Real-time interaction
-Accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.
Devices used in Augmented Reality-
Heads Up Display (HUDs)
Holographic Displays
Smart Glasses
Handheld Devices – Smartphones, Tablets, etc.
Applications of Augmented Reality
AR is still in an emerging phase and in the coming
years we will be witnessing AR in multiple
domains, but currently, AR is being used in the
following verticals.
Repair & Maintenance
Tourism Industry
Field Service
Virtual reality

VR is a simulated experience that employs pose tracking and 3D near-eye displays to give the user an immersive
feel of a virtual world. Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can occur anywhere in the world.

Applications of virtual reality

-Entertainment (particularly video games)
-Education (such as medical or military training)
-Business (such as virtual meetings)
Other distinct types of VR-style technology include augmented reality
and mixed reality, sometimes referred to as XR, although definitions
are currently changing due to the nascence of the industry.
Devices used in Virtual Reality-
-Virtual reality headset (or VR headset)
-Organic light-emitting diode (OLED)
-Liquid-crystal display (LCD)
-3D audio effects
-Motion controller
-Haptic technology
(also kinaesthetic communication or 3D touch)
Applications of Virtual Reality-

The most important way VR is modernizing healthcare is through training. VR facilitates an environment to learn
and grow outside in real-world situations. With VR, practitioners who need to get familiar with the hospital
environment can do so without the extra stress involved.

The technology is also being used in cognitive behavior therapy where patients with phobias and anxieties work
through their problems in a controlled environment.

VR helps car manufacturers in analyzing road scenarios and the behavior of cars. The simulated situations allow
them to analyze and make changes to the prototypes before developing a new model.

Virtual reality is widely used in the development of smart cars that will flood the market in the future. Cars learn
how to drive, turn, and stop using artificial intelligence (AR) and virtual reality.
Digital Marketing
While most people don’t like commercials, experiencing the use of a product close-up can actually be an
entertaining and enlightening experience. There are a variety of applications of VR in digital marketing.

For example, retailers can show potential customers how a product will look in their home. Or nonprofits can
create more empathetic messaging for political issues.

Space & Military

Given that these two industries have to operate in rather dangerous environments that can’t be easily accessed,
VR provides conditions for making things as close to reality as possible for training.

VR enables trainees to go through preparation with minimal risks and even helps soldiers suffering from
battlefield trauma to overcome these conditions and prepare for new or unexpected situations.

One pointed virtual reality application is tourism.

You can go on guided virtual tours of hotels, landmarks, restaurants, and whatever else you may want to visit on
your next vacation. And then when you do go, you know you won't be disappointed.
Don’t Confuse

Augmented reality is largely synonymous with MR (mixed reality). There is also overlap in terminology
with ER(extended reality) and C-MR (computer-mediated reality).

Mixed reality (MR)-It is a term used to describe the

merging of a real-world environment and a computer-
generated one. Physical and virtual objects may co-exist in
mixed reality environments and interact in real time.

Extended reality (XR)-It is a catch-all term to refer to AR,VR,

and MR. The technology is intended to combine or mirror
the physical world with a "digital twin world" able to
interact with it, giving users an immersive experience by
being in a virtual or augmented environment.
Computer-mediated reality-It refers to the ability to add to,
subtract information from, or otherwise manipulate one's
perception of reality through the use of a wearable
computer or hand-held device such as a smartphone.

Mediated reality is a proper superset of MR,AR, and VR, as

it also includes, for example, diminished reality.
Impact of AR and VR-
These technologies are increasingly being used across industries, becoming a leading higher education solution and a
workforce learning solution. According to a report, the global market for AR and VR technology is projected to grow at a
strong CAGR of 55.7% until 2028.
These immersive technologies offer myriad possibilities for learning, particularly in the higher education industry.
AR and VR technologies have recently become more affordable and easier to use, allowing them to be successfully
implemented in higher education.
The global extended reality (XR) market, including AR, VR, and mixed reality (MR), reached $29.26 billion in 2022 and is
projected to rise to over $100 billion by 2026.

The various benefits and impacts that AR and VR bring to higher education are given below.

1. Improved Interactivity
2. Improved Accessibility
3. Applied Learning
4. A Safe Learning Environment
5. Better Knowledge Retention
6. Better Collaboration

Since AR content is digital, it is easy to share. A collaborative learning environment increases student motivation because
it encourages active learning.
The future of augmented reality-

As technology continues to advance at an exponential pace, so does the potential of augmented reality (AR). In this
section, we will explore the exciting future trends that are shaping the landscape of AR. From spatial computing to the
integration of 3D elements, AR is fast becoming a pervasive technology that will revolutionize the way we experience the
world around us.

We will delve into the advancements in AR glasses and how they are transforming the way we interact with digital
content. Furthermore, we will examine the powerful combination of AR and artificial intelligence (AI), opening up endless
possibilities for enhanced experiences and seamless integration in various industries. Prepare to embark on a visionary
journey into the possibilities and potential of augmented reality’s future.

-3D & AR product models to replace static 2D imagery

-The future of AR is glasses
-Real Life Virtual meetings
-Transforming industries and creating new opportunities
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