Learning From Others and Reviewing The Literature

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Session 2:

Learning From Others and

Reviewing the Literature
SHS Mass Training of Teachers, Practical Research 2
Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
Standards and Competencies
Content Standards: The learner Performance Standards: The learner is
demonstrates understanding of: (1) able to: (1) select, cite, and synthesize
the criteria in selecting, citing, and judiciously related literature and use
synthesizing related literature; (2) sources according to ethical standards; (2)
the ethical standards in writing formulate clearly conceptual framework,
related; (3) the formulation of research hypotheses (if appropriate), and
conceptual framework; (4) the define terms used in the study; and (3)
research hypotheses (if present objectively written review of
appropriate); and (5) the definition related literature and conceptual
of terms as used in study. study. framework.

This slideshow presentation will be made available through the trainer’s website:
Download the document to use it as reference.
Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
Standards and Competencies
Learning Competencies 5. follows ethical standards in writing
The learner… related literature
1. selects relevant literature 6. illustrates and explains conceptual
2. cites related literature using standard framework
style 7. defines terms used in the study
3. synthesizes information from relevant8. lists research hypotheses (if appropriate)
literature 9. presents written review of related
4. writes coherent review of literature literature and conceptual framework

This slideshow presentation will be made available through the trainer’s website:
Download the document to use it as reference.
Chapter Content Chapter II
Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
Research Hypotheses
Definition of Terms
Your viewpoint. • Why do you need to review the
Knowing your perception of the literature for your research?
Review of Related Literature
• Where and how is the information
• What should be done with
information after it has been found?
ACTIVITY FOUR In the next fifteen minutes, critically examine the seven
excerpts taken from various research literature and
Stringing decide on how to frame a cohesive Literature Review
Stories Essay relative to the study:



Then, write a short but sufficient Review of Related

Literature using the list of excerpts provided for you.
Review of Related 1 to justify your choice of research question,
theoretical or conceptual framework, and
Literature method;
and the purpose it serves in
research 2 to establish the importance of the topic;
3 to provide background information needed to
This is a written summary understand the study;
of journal articles, books,
and other documents that 4 to show readers you are familiar with
significant and/or up-to-date research
describes the past and
relevant to the topic; and
current state of information
on the topic of your 5 to establish your study as one link in a chain
research study. of research that is developing knowledge in
your field.
Rolling out your RRL.
How to write the Review of
Related Literature
evaluate and Write a
Identify key select the literature
terms literature review

Locate Organize
literature the
In writing this section…

1 Use the statement of problem as guide to structure

and sequence of topics
2 Avoid ‘copy/cut and paste; all literature cited must
form a coherent whole
3 Last part highlights gaps in literature specifically
addressed by your study

4 Use appropriate format for citations and references

Review of Cited references should be congruent to bibliography
Related 5 entries
What are the commonly used citation and
reference styles?

 APA, American Psychological Association

– Social Sciences, www.apastyle.org
 MLA, Modern Language Association –
Literature & Humanities, www.mla.org
 Chicago Manual of Style – Humanities &
Social Sciences,
APA In-text Citation
If you use the name of the author(s) in your writing, place the year of publication of
the work in parentheses after the author ’s name.

Ex. Mullane (2006) conducted research into the effect of…

If you refer to a work in the text of your paper, place the author's last name and the
year of publication of the work in parentheses at the end of the sentence.

Ex. The research conclusively proved a correlation between the results (Mullane,
APA Referencing Style
Andreasen, N. C. (2001). Brave new brain: Conquering mental illness in the era of
the genome. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Potente, S., Anderson, C., & Karim, M. (2011). Environmental sun protection and
supportive policies and practices: An audit of outdoor recreational settings in
NSW coastal towns. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 22, 97- 101.

Satalkar, B. (2010, July 15). Water aerobics. Retrieved from http://www.buzzle.com
How do we incorporate or build in our research references
following the correct in-text citation and referencing format
through Microsoft Word?
ACTIVITY FIVE Write the given sources using APA Style of referencing

Writing Present and discuss your output to the class.

• Title, Author: Proposal Reports, Engr. Jose M. Cruz

References Publication Place, Date, Publisher:

Quezon City, 2017, Rex Bookstore

Right • Title of the Journal Article: Journal writing in the mathematics

classroom: A beginner’s Approach
Authors: Nancy S. Williams and Dante L. Wynne
Publication Date: 2016
Journal Publication: International Journal of Advancements in
Research & Technology, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 35-40
• Title of the Article: K-12 Curriculum
Date: August 27, 2016
URL: http://jetz.setonhill.edu/resources/FAq/TW.htm
Retrieval Date: May 1, 2017
Author: Filipinas B. Cruz
This research aims to determine the relationship between the availability of internet
ACTIVITY FIVE connection at home and the average sleeping time of Grade 11 students of Anonymous
National High School.

Connecting Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the Grade 11 student-respondents in terms

Concepts of:
1.1. sex?
1.2. availability of internet connection at home?
1.3. average sleeping time?
2. Is there a significant relationship between the Grade 11 student-respondents’ sex
and their average sleeping time?
3. Is there a significant relationship between the Grade 11 student-respondents’
availability of internet connection at home and their average sleeping time?

Based on the given Statement of the Problem, construct a Conceptual

Framework appropriate for the research it is part of.
This is a diagram that connects variables of the study
with lines (correlations) or arrows (cause-effect
In writing this section,
 start with text and clearly cite the diagram
 Include in the diagram the variables which may have values
or sub-variables
 use the diagram to explain research framework. Justify each
variable (and sub-variable) and each line or arrow using logic
and synthesized studies.
Conceptual  ensure congruence with research questions (most important).
Framework Rule of thumb: number of research questions is at least equal
to the number of lines /arrows in conceptual framework
A hypothesis is a prediction of the possible outcomes of
a study (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009).
Hypotheses are statements in quantitative research in
which the investigator makes a prediction or a
conjecture about the outcome of a relationship among
attributes or characteristics (Creswell, 2012)

Question: Is there a significant relationship between the Grade 11

student-respondents’ availability of internet connection at home
and their average sleeping time?
Research Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between the
Grade 11 student-respondents’ availability of internet connection
Hypotheses at home and their average sleeping time?
The research hypotheses of the study are: (stated with
expected direction)
Example (Compare with expected answer to research
The mean attitude of female millennials is significantly
lower than that of the males.
Significant or significantly – implies that results are not
Research due to chance alone.
Variables and sub-variables or values in conceptual framework are
defined, except very common variables like grade level, gender,
school type where the values are indicated in the framework itself.

The following terms are defined as used in the study: (followed
by list of terms with conceptual and operational definitions, if
Conceptual definition – original author’s qualitative definition.
Terms defined operationally are variables measured using
instruments, e.g., test or rating scale.
Definition of Example: Millennials’ attitude – total rating in a rating scale.

Review of the Literature and

Conceptual Framework
Related Literature (relevant headings)
Conceptual Framework (diagram and 1-2 explanatory text)
Research Hypotheses (only if applicable)
Definition of Terms (based on the Conceptual Framework)

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