Design Thinking - Assignment

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FAQ – the features of your annotated
What do you include in this portfolio?
As you work through the course content you are required to complete a number of activities marked “Assessment”
In each case you can download a template from the platform or you can come to the appropriate page in this document and complete the exercise here.
The intention is that the exercises (works) are organised, categorised and arranged in their presentation to have or illustrate a point, or several points, in order to
reveal or make clear something in the work you have done that you want to highlight and the nature of the contribution you have made.
In this case your works will ‘tell the story’ of the way that you arrived at your problem definition.
The works cannot speak for themselves. They must be annotated to show how they fit into a portfolio to demonstrate your SUBMITTING.
understanding of the way that design
thinking can be used as a process for understanding wicked problems and – most importantly – to address the assessment criteria.
For this reason the pages in this portfolio are not arranged in the order that you will work through them on the platform. information
You are here is
required to ‘return’ to complete
the executive summary.
Relationships between works provided for guidance only.
Annotations capture resemblances and relationships. Keep asking yourself: what did I learn about design thinking, innovation, my problem or my own learning as you
complete each step – and be prepared to move backwards and forwards to identify the extent to which you change your mind (or your understanding of the problem,
yourself or design thinking) as you complete each step.
Chart the similarities and differences between the work.
Annotations should link back to each of the CLOs and identify the particular issue or element that each example provided demonstrates (for example, linkages
to coursework, reflections on the work you have done, link back to your initial understanding of the problem and how to approach it or the overall reflection)

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
How you’ll be assessed


The unit learning objectives (ULOs) that are being assessed by
this assignment are: SUBMITTING
• ULO1: Work constructively and collaboratively with Replace this
stakeholders, business networks and peers to formulate a
design-thinking approach to innovation (GLOs 1 and 7)
• ULO2: Formulate and apply an integrated understanding of If you need to please add
design-thinking principles and applications to critically additional pages.
evaluate how different approaches impact innovation in
contemporary business practices (GLOs 1 and 4) Remember, you can signpost back
or forward to other pages if you’ve
Accordingly, use your executive summary to highlight and
signpost each of the learning criteria: covered this elsewhere (or if your
❑ Formulate a design-thinking approach
findings change your
mind/approach to another tool).
❑ Apply design-thinking tools
❑ Critical evaluation
❑ Teamwork

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Descriptive Table of Contents
(Example Text only) NB: This might take more than one slide/page

Page x Executive Summary

Page x Introduction
Artefact / Content Provide a brief description / highlight what your grader can expect to find when looking at this artefact.

Page x In-class Design Thinking Experience Exercise Because I attended class where we worked through the ‘XXX’ experience, I’ve included notes about that rather than the food
(Note: This could be done either as an in class experience in the Video. Initially I was very confused about the design thinking process as these messy notes will show. I have
experience or by following along with the included this so that you can see the progression following a deeper analysis of the tools.
videos on the platform)
Industry Problem
Page x Notes/plan for observing the industry problem [Enter text here]
in the real world using ethnographic
Page x Stakeholder Map [Enter text here]
N/a Plan for interview / Notes of interview using See page x. I have combined information about the interview in one section in order to provide a more meaningful narrative.
empathy techniques
Page x Notes / insights from interview [Enter text here]
Page x Empathy Map [Enter text here]
Page x Journey Map [Enter text here]
Page x User Persona [Enter text here]
Page x Initial design brief / Project scope + insights [Enter text here]
and revisions
Page x 5Y Tool applied to project [Enter text here]
Page x RBT tool applied to project [Enter text here]
Page x Write a letter to your problem [Enter text here]
Page x JTBD analysis - this is a good one to compare [Enter text here]
with RBT
Page x Establish POV [Enter text here]
Page x HMW exercise (5-10 questions) [Enter text here]
Page x Final Design Brief [Enter text here]
Page x Final Problem Definition [Enter text here]
page x Personal SWOB analysis + personal plan for Note – this is particularly important for the Teamwork criteria.
action in teams
Page x Team Charter etc. Note – this is particularly important for the Teamwork criteria.
Executive Summary

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Executive Summary [write this last] REMOVE THIS BOX BEFORE
Write this part last!!
[In no more than 500 words please summarise you’re the contents of this portfolio. When your grader has read this section they should be able to clearly identify:
1. What is your problem statement?
2. Who are you solving the problem for? (Your target user) ❑ Does it is clearly articulate your problem statement?
3. Why you’ve fallen in love with this problem. ❑ Is your problem statement human-centred?
❑ Does it make it clear who your key stakeholder is and why
4. The design thinking methods that you used to arrive at this deep understanding of the problem (signpost the artefacts that are most relevant).
you are solving the problem for them?
❑ Does it include a clear summary of the design criteria you
have landed on. Does it answer this question: What
features and benefits would a solution incorporate?
❑ Does it highlight to your reader what insights you derived
during the process?
❑ The problem
❑ Your own learning
❑ How you might use these tools in the future

❑ Have you articulated the connections and links between

the tools and how they work together to provide insights?

❑ Have you demonstrated critical evaluation by identifying

the potential use of the tools in other contexts? strengths
and weaknesses of each tool?

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Introduce your
wicked problem &
problem frame

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Your wicked problem
Your opportunity to share your insights. The industry
problem demonstrates the following features of a
wicked problem:
(1) The nature of the problem is understood
differently depending on how it is framed. If we DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE
discuss the problem of grafitti in terms of SUBMITTING
vandalism, the frame is quite different from Use this page to explain why/how
when we talk about it in terms of street art. the industry problem qualifies to
be a ‘wicked’ problem.
(2) Blah blah…
Don’t forget to reference.
(3) Continue on the following page if you need to

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Indicia of wicked problems
Indicia of wicked How/where we see this for the industry problem
No definitive formulation

No Stopping Rule

Solutions are not true or false, but good or bad

No immediate/ultimate test of a solution

Every solution is a one shot operation

No enumerable set of potential solutions

The problem is unique

The problem can be considered the symptom of

another problem

The existence of discrepancies

The planner has no right to be wrong

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Problem frame

What is your initial problem ‘frame’? Who’s eyes are looking at the problem through? Return to this slide when you’re almost done. Has your
problem frame changed? If so, why? How?
My initial problem frame is in Trivandrum, City in Kerala, the Students from Class 5 to 12 th is not adopting
Your response
Public transport or alternate environment friendly means of transport such as cycling instead relying on
dedicated transport system either parents dropping them or cabs, auto riksha, bikes are booked
dedicatedly to drop them and pick up.

This exponentially increases no of vehicles in road causing traffic congestion especially in office hours,
pollution and also in convenience to the all the citizen spent minimum of 1-2 hours where in actual
commute time is 15minutes- 20 minutes.

The problem is looked in through the eyes of a working parents, Kids and public transport authorities.
What other possible frames might there be for this problem?
 Carbon Emission caused by having dedicated vehicles to drop kids ( 2 Times a day, to drop and pick up, In
effectively 4 trips)
 Time spend by busy parents who are professionals to drop off and pickup kids
 Unhealthy habits trained on kids not to be self sufficient ,habit of adopting public transport and also not
self aware of the impact created in not using public transport.
 Challenges faces by Public Transport Authorities/City Authorities in reducing the traffic congestion and
developing a green initiative in the city.

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Problem framing reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
research plan

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Ethnographic research plan (1/2)

Explain to your reader how you approached creating an ethnographic research plan for the wicked problem.
Use it to answer the following questions:
What are the sites/people that you are planning to study?
• Interview 3 major stakeholders , Working Parents, Students, Public Transport Station Supervisor
• Working parents- To empathize and identify the pain points they currently undergo. Why they are not willing to encourage their kids not to use public transport. The
challenges they face since they have to be responsible to drop kids to kid while they being a working parent.
• Students to understand given a chance to use public transport will they use it, what will they enjoy or what will they miss, do they have any other alternative
How do the sites you have chosen (or have access to) impact your research questions?
• The site chosen are people who staying in the same apartment where in mostly working in a techno park are Software Engineers and I found them mostly hurring
to drop kids on time and pick up kids on time and also manage the day job. Also interaction with Kerala State Transport Corporation Station supervisor
What kind of relationship did you hope/plan to establish with your research subjects?
• I want to empathize with the stakeholders on the challenges they face and understand more deeply what are the pain points with out thinking any solution and
capture the biggest challenges. For this one of the stakeholder who is a working parent is a relative and I planned to stay with them for a day and observe the
entire journey by staying and travelling with them. ( Through this process I was able to observe closely the parent and child action and behavior on a daily life and
will be able construct the journey map as well )
What kind of relationship did you establish with your research subjects?
• By staying with them I was able to learn the behavior and actions of the stakeholders and was able to empathize the challenges they face.

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Ethnographic research plan (2/2)

Explain to your reader how you approached creating an ethnographic research plan for the wicked problem.
Use it to answer the following question (Continued….)

How did you plan to collect and organise data?

I was planning to collect the data in two formats , one is to have the interview questions prepared upfront and seek their responses and probe them more with 5 WHY
and secondly also record the journey be seeing it first hand and derive important problems faced by the commuter which is not highlighted during the interview.
What did you learn from your ethnographic research?
Through research learned many insights in to the problem of avoiding public transportation by working parents:
• Challenges of on time dropping and attending offices
• Challenges of safety of kids to be alone send in public transport
• Amount of non productive time spend in traffic
• Each one has a mindset that these issues is not going to be addressed and hence focus on one self by using private transportation.
What do you need to be aware of when writing about your findings?
• Have an open mind , Focus on the bigger issues, eliminate non relevant information
What academic materials were relevant to this process?
[Your response – this might be secondary data about the problem or readings relating to ethnographic enquiry (or both)]
The following readings from Module 2 will help you articulate what ethnographic research is and to identify your plan:

Lapan, S. D., Quartaroli, M. T., & Riemer, F. J. (2012). ‘Qualitative research: an introduction to methods and designs.’ In: Research Methods for the Social Sciences,
Chapter 7, 1st Edition. Jossey-Bass, Deakin University Library's catalogue database (Link)

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
This section of the portfolio is
where you will share the work
that you did during this course
along with annotations and
reflections demonstrating that
you can apply and evaluate
design thinking tools in an
innovation context.

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Stakeholder identification & mapping

Who has influence? The key stakeholders are:

• Commutor ( working parents)
• Students
• Public Transport –Driver/Conductor
• City Corporation
• Transport Corporation
Who is subject to that influence? • Parents have influence on the students
• City Corporation/Transport corporation has influence on the commutor
(working parents) by providing solutions to their problem
• Public Transport Operators has influence on the commutor(working parents)
Who makes the ‘buy’ decision? • Public Transport Operators has influence on the commutor(working parents)

Who’s lives are most impacted? • Primarly Life of commutor is impacted as he spends lot of time in commuting
• Secondly this is impacting the kids from young age adopting public transport
and developing a culture
• Last but no least this impact environment by carbon emission by the sheer
number of vehicles on the road and also making the public transport less
efficient and effective

Who appears to have the In the current problem framing in the lens of Working parents /students and
most/least control? Public Transport Authority and City Corporation, Commutor has least control since
reliable public transport /infrastructure/associate technology solutions is
16 extended, adoption of public transport wouldn’t be possible for target commutor
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❑ Who are the main participants in the
❑ Who are the main participants in the problem? ❑ Who appears to be causing it
 Working parents in the city, Students,  Transport Authority not facilitiating enough transport
❑ Who is interested in this
 Transport Authority Employees system
❑ Who is affected by it?
 City Corporation  City Corporation not planning the infrastructure
❑ Who appears to be causing it?
❑ Who is interested in this problem? ❑ Internal vs External Stakeholders
❑ Internal vs external stakeholders
 City Corporation since they are interested to reduce ❑ Internal Stake holders are more direct stakeholder

traffic congestion in the city and make it more livanle Internal stakeholder are mainly

 Transport Authority, To run a successful profit making  City Corporation, Transport Corporation, Commuter,

transport system Employees in Piublic Transport

 Working Parents , To save time , conveniently, securely External Stakeholders

travel. • State Government

❑ Who is affected by it? • Offices

 Working Parents (Travel Time and commuting • Schools

 City Corporation(Traffic Congestion)
❑ What are the relevant processes or
❑ What are relevant processes or environments where the ❑ How are the stakeholders related to the
environments where the problem
problem arises process/environment
 The problem arises mainly working parents relying on The challenge faced on commutation of working parents and
❑ Which processes or parts of
themselves to drop the kids at school and commute to kids is linked to the steps taken by city corporation to
processes are connected?
work post that. While doing this they are forced to take facilitate alternate public transport system targeting the
❑ How are the stakeholders related to

the process / environment?

personal vehicle makes traffic congestions and more working parents and also student segment . In this process

❑ Degree of involvement and scope of the vehicle, the transport system employee also contribute a major role in

influence? ❑ Which process or parts of processes are connected adoption by running the system in adherence to envisaged

 Working parents commutation on individual vehicles target and time

including dropping off the kids in school and then to

work, is intern connected to the challenge faced by City

Corporation of excessive traffic during the peak , overall

slowing down traffic

❑ Compare expectations and interests
❑ Compare expectations and interest ❑ Who stand to make/lose money
of stakeholders
o Working parents is looking for reducing their time of travel to If the problem is addressed, it is a win win situation for all the
❑ Expectations of the stakeholders?
office and will easily adopt a system if existing to drop off and main stakeholders as each one is benefiting
❑ Stakeholder attitudes?
pick up their children - Working parents saves lot of time in commuting
❑ Who stands to make/lose money if
o City Corporation is keen in reducing the traffic congestion and - City corporation achieve smooth traffic across city any
the problem is solved / gets worse?
one way is to promote citizens to adopt public transport system point of time during the day and also reduce carbon

instead of their vehicle. footprint

• Transport corporate employee interest is to run the - Transport Corporation Management and Staff could run a

transportation corporation in profit to ensure they get to avoid profitable public transport system creating better

delayed salary payment, enjoy bonus etc experience

• Kids like to go independently to school along with their - Students to independently start going to school relying on

friends, enjoy the travel time back and forth from school along public transport infrastructure (dedicated bike/cycle

with their freinds tracks) etc or public transport system which is safe ,

secure and convenient

Evaluate and Analyze
Who are the stakeholders?

Parents /Kids




City Corporation authorities


Public Transport authority (Management/

Stakeholder identification and
Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
Stakeholder identification and mapping tool is first to list down who has the influence on the problem discussed and also whose life is impacted. This tool will help to
identify the key internal and external stakeholders by approaching it from the influence point of view and will eliminate non core stakeholders to the problems
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
Stakeholder identification will help to connect each stakeholders to various process in the problem and also will be able to clearly understand whether the stakeholder
degree of involvement and scope of influence. Based on that it is easy to empathize with stakeholder during the interview and observation and also understand the
pain points and aha moment
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
This tool will be used for conducting the design thinking before empathy and journey map to correctly identify the stakeholders and then subsequently the persona for
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
The challenge to using the tool is connect the stakeholders with the process in the problem at the initial stage. Here there needs to be a bit of assumptions to be made
and later the interview and towards end of the research you will be able to
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
The biggest advantage is to identify early the key stakeholders so that subsequent design thinking process can be planned inline with identified stakeholder persona.
Also it is beneficial to differentiate the core stakeholders who are influential , who are impacted and also who are beneficiary and also disadvantageous.

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Interview Plan
The Empathetic Interviewing Checklist on the platform will help you plan your interview
1. Preparation:
Who did you interview and why?: Ensure your reader understands their background, role, and any other relevant information so that they can see their connection to
the industry problem
Below stakeholders where interviewed:
1) Working parent : Working parent is interviewed to understand from their stand point the pain points they face in managing the transportation of their kids and also
their commute to office and back
2) Student: To understand their journey to school and what would they enjoy ,whether they will be more proud going themselves to school along with their friends or
they prefer to go with their parents
3) City Corporation Senior Official; to understand their motivation politically and citizen perspective to resolve the traffic congestion. Also the challenges and pain points
they face in making the city traffic congestion lesser, more convenient and their priorities

Clarify Intent: The intent for the interview is to understand the barriers for not adopting public transport by working parents and their kids and instead relying on their
own private transportation DEL
2. Building Rapport: For building rapport, I will first and foremost listen empathetically to the discussion. I will encourage them to speak more and positively ON
encourage them on their accomplishment and how well with the limited infrastructure ethn
3. Asking Questions:
• "Tell me about..." By t
• "How did you feel when..." 1.
• "What was your experience with..." 2.
• "Can you describe a time when..." 3.
• "In what ways..." 4.
• "Why do you think..."
22 5.
• "What's your perspective on..."
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Interview Plan
The Empathetic Interviewing Checklist on the platform will help you plan your interview
3. Asking Questions:

Working parent Interview Student

• Tell me about your morning • Why do you think it is not safe • Tell me what do you hate the • If given a choice to commute
routine , I understand you being and reliable to send kids in most in the morning?. dad/mum yourself to school, what would
a working parent, it will be really public transport instead of you pushing you to get up from bed be your most preferred way to
hectic dropping and picking them up. early.. ? Other wise all of you travel to school ( is it in a cycle,
And also for yourself what will will be late.!!. Tell me the thing public transport)
• How did you feel especially make you commute on the you enjoy and thing you hate
when you are late to start from public transport especially when you travel with • How do you think your parent
home and you are stuck at the you dad/mum anxiety can be reduced if you
traffic signals with long waits • What is your perspective on kids travel to school alone.. Can you
going to school using bi cycle • Do you ever wished you wanted think of some technology which
• What was your experience when along with their friends..what to go to school along with bunch you are currently using which
your kids are having vacation would you be your of your friends who is staying will help for that
and they are home. Did you felt apprehension. In your view what near by
you were bit more in control only mode of public transportation
managing your travel to office would be more suitable in the • What was your experience when
city such a buses, metro rail, a mum/dad where late to pick
• Can you describe a time when mini buses, public shared taxis.. up and you convinced them that
you were stuck at office and you Have you though about.. Let me you and your friend will come in
couldn’t pick up your kids on know your views a public transport and your
time. What was the feeling and parents reluctantly agree
what alternative do you think • What will make you at ease if
during that time your kids are using public
transport to go to school
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Interview learnings

1. What did you learn about the stakeholder you interviewed?

• Stakeholder (working parent is really struggling to manage their time in morning and evening , especially dropping their kids. They are not comfortable in sending kids by
themselves to school due to lack of safe public transport infrastructure and also they themselves were not comfortable to rely on public transport due its reliability and
also the huge crowd.
• Students like to go in companion with their friends instead of their parents. They are capable of independently travelling especially being in the class 5 and Class 12.
2. What did you learn about the problem?
• The problem framed is a genuine pain point for working parents.
• They are keen to adopt/switch to a reasonable alternative to the paint points.
• Student are well informed and have clear view on the expected solution
• City corporation authority is keen to reduce the trafffic congestion and hence good buy in can be expected from them for any realistic solutions designed
3. What did you learn about interviewing with empathy?
• Stakeholders were more open when the questions where raised with empathy and they were keen to share the challenges
• Empathetical
4. What was difficult?
• Although the questions where prepared upfront, many times stakeholders speaks more about out of context about other challenges they face at home and office. And
needs to nudge them back to the subject
• Many time working parent is not very hopeful of a recent solution will come up to tackle the challenges. So not very keen to look at it from the angle of public transport
as an alternate solution provided it meets and mitigate their current challenges
5. What was easy?
• More easy was understand the kids perspective as they were very keen with more ideas and enthusiasm. They were asking back questions and also citing
other foreign countries example of having dedicate cycle path for commuters which is very safe and convenient
6. What would you do differently next time?
• I would prefer to have also a colleague or team member of mine together so that communication can be seamless , while one discuss other can note and
also can influence the conversation in case if it is not in the correct path . This will really help to
7. When might you use these techniques in the future?
• As im working in the financial services industry, on all our banking and financial apps, any new functionality or service addition , I would prefer to apply design thinking. Also
any new product launches for any new segment, design thinking will be very helpful.
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Empathy mapping


Either replace the image on this page w
canvas or annotate this image to show u
empathy canvas process to at least one
Annotate the canvas to show what you
Think about the ways this tool ‘fits’ with
after. Make sure it’s clear how you colle
interviews, observation, or both? Again
research readings will help you identify
explaining your methods. Link et al and
with understanding how best to use the
On the next page set out your reflection
your reflection and looked at this artifac
1. How you used this tool and what yo
using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool –
learning and how you might use thi
3. How you relate to this tool – and ho
material in this course.

If you need to please add additional pag

25 Remember, you can signpost back or for

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
covered this elsewhere (or if your findin
another tool).
Empathy MAP for “working parent”

• I wish the taffic is less on street today • I was thinking if the kids got some alternate
• Im afraid that my kid has exam in first hour and safe and convenient transport , my travel time 1. Time wasted during commute
we don’t get stuck in traffic would have cut to half and I would be more
• I spend double the time as I drop my kid , Some relaxed at work. 2. Anxious and stressful until reach back home.
times Im anxious that whether I could finish my • I think a city transportation system with out any 3. Productivity loss and less family time
work on time and pick up my kids from school traffic signals will really help within the city.
on time. It is mentally stressful while working • I think if we don’t train our kids to be 4. Kids more dependent on parents
thinking about it independent from young age, they will always
5. Financial burden of relying on private vehicle in commuting
depend on parents


DO FEEL 1. Time saved during commute

• Kids some time eat break fast in car • I feel always stressed and wished I have started 15
• I revise their lesson in the car if they ave exams minutes early from home to school and office, 2. Kids become independent, adopt public transportation habits and
• If schools are off , it is less traffic on the road and I though it never happened.
used to listen some music and enjoy the ride • Frustrated with the thought that, we are having adopt healthy mode of transport (Cycling , walking etc)
20th century vehicles and 19th century
transportation system and infrastructure. 3. Health Benefits being less stressful and anxious
• Im worried about my kids keeps depending on
us ,however currently we don’t want to take risk on 4. Cost saving with reliable public transport.
sending them their own to school.

Empathy Canvas reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
The tool helps to empathize the customer journey in 4 distinct levels such as 1) What do they SAY 2) What do they THINK 3) What do they DO 4) What do they FEEL
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
By doing the Empathy Canvas, it helps to distill the key challenges either through they own words, actions , behavior and also we closely observing them. This is very
powerful tool to crystalize the problem instead of assuming the problems. Empathy Canvas help to bring out what is echoed by the stakeholder and at the same time if
we accompany the stakeholder, it will also help to empathize in real world the challenges faced by stakeholder which is not mentioned during the interview.
Using the tool , it was able to understand the challenges faced by working parent is mostly on the time consumed by commuting and also another dimension has been
un earthed during the interaction that, many parents drop their kids to school and which will further consume time, effort, stress and anxiety to working parents to
keep things on time.
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
The tool will be used for my research work of new product launches and accurately capture the problems.
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
The biggest challenge was restricting ourself to discuss on the solution directly with the stakeholder or stakeholder going to a solution before articulating or discussing
deep enough on the problem
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
The tool helps to empathize the stakeholders in their perspective and help to validate the problem in real life, which is the biggest advantage. After this exercise It is
no more a theoretical assumption, it is facts we have observed in the ground.

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Journey mapping
Replace the image on this page with a picture of your own journey
map. Make it very clear who’s journey you’re mapping and articulate
any insights you had.
Annotate the tool to show what you learned and any insights you had.
Think about the ways this tool ‘fits’ with other tools you used before
or after.
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your grader has
read your reflection and looked at this artifact they should understand:
1. How you used this tool and what you learned about the problem
by using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned about your
own learning and how you might use this tool in the future
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its use to the
academic material in this course.

If you need to please add additional pages.

Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other pages if you’ve
covered this elsewhere (or if your findings change your mind/approach
to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Journey map reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
User persona
Replace the image on this page with a picture of your user persona.
Make it very clear why you have chosen this persona and articulate
any insights you had.
Annotate the tool to show what you learned and any insights you had.
Think about the ways this tool ‘fits’ with other tools you used before
Picture or after.
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your grader has
read your reflection and looked at this artifact they should understand:
1. How you used this tool and what you learned about the problem
by using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned about your
own learning and how you might use this tool in the future

Age: 3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its use to the
academic material in this course.

Job: If you need to please add additional pages.

Personality: Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other pages if you’ve
covered this elsewhere (or if your findings change your mind/approach
to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
User persona reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Initial project scope
Replace the image on this page with a picture of your project scope.
Link the reasons, barriers and opportunities to insights found in the
research you’ve done so far.
Annotate the tool to show what you learned and any insights you had.
Think about the ways this tool ‘fits’ with other tools you used before
or after.
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your grader has
read your reflection and looked at this artifact they should understand:
1. How you used this tool and what you learned about the problem
by using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned about your
own learning and how you might use this tool in the future
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its use to the
academic material in this course.

If you need to please add additional pages.

Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other pages if you’ve
covered this elsewhere (or if your findings change your mind/approach
to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Initial project scope reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Project purpose: [What’s your initial understanding of the problem that needs solving? ]
Use the headings here and the prompts to create an initial design brief
Target users: [Describe who will benefit from the success of this project? ] based on the work you’ve done so far.
Annotations or text can identify where you have more questions or
Project goals: [If your project is successful, what will you have achieved? ]
what you need to follow up on.
Success criteria: [How are you going to measure success? What metrics will you use? ] When completing this tool you should ensure that you incorporate
details of what you’ve learned so far, what questions you know you
Project scope: [This is where you can clearly set out the boundaries of your project. What is included and what isn’t.?]
need to follow up with and any insights you’ve already had. Think
Resources: [What do you need to make ta solution happen? People? Materials? Budget? This closely linkedabout the ways this tool
to constraints – in‘fits’
real other
this you used
is very before or ]after.
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your grader has
Constraints: [Set out any obstacles or pressures you anticipate. What will you do to work around them?]
read your reflection and looked at this artifact they should understand:
Assumptions: [What assumptions will need to test or validate during this project? What needs to be true for your
1. How you understanding of what
used this tool and the problem to beabout
you learned correct
theand how will you
test this?] by using it;
2. any
Risks: [List any risks you can foresee that could have an impact on the project process or outcomes. Do How yourequire
risks felt about using
action thisthe
from toolproject
– whator
you learnedteam?
sponsor aboutConsider
your and
include how you might mitigate each one.] own learning and how you might use this tool in the future
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its use to the
academic material in this course.

If you need to please add additional pages.

Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other pages if you’ve
covered this elsewhere (or if your findings change your mind/approach
to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Initial design brief reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Why [do you do…/ does x happen / are you [having x feeling / etc]?
What did you learn? [Reason/event 1] Either replace the image on this page with a
picture of your own 5Why’s analysis or update and
Why [Reason/event 1]? annotate to show us that you have applied the
5Why process to at least one aspect of the problem
What did you learn? [Reason/event 2] by discussing it with a stakeholder or interviewee.
Why [Reason/event 2]? On the next page set out your reflections. By the
time your grader has read your reflection and
What did you learn? [Reason/event 3] looked at this artifact they should understand:

Why [Reason/event 3]? 1. How you used this tool and what you learned
about the problem by using it;
What did you learn? [Reason/event 4] 2. How you felt about using this tool – what you
learned about your own learning and how you
Why [Reason/event 4]? might use this tool in the future
What did you learn? [Reason/event 5] 3. How you relate to this tool – and how you
relate its use to the academic material in this
Why [Reason/event 5]? course;

What did you learn? [Is this the underlying cause?]

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
5Whys reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Rose bud thorn (RBT)


Replace the image on this page with a picture of your own RBT
analysis and annotate the image to show us how you collected
and clustered your findings.
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your
grader has read your reflection and looked at this artifact they
should understand:
1. How you used this tool and what you learned about the
problem by using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned about
your own learning and how you might use this tool in the
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its use to the
academic material in this course;

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
RBT reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Love Letter / Break-up Letter exercise
What are the Dear problem,

Dear problem, insights? We needEitherto break

replace up.
the text on thisIt’s not
page with a picture
of your own letters, or replace the text to write

What I love about you you, it’syourme. No,andactually,

own letters, it’s
then annotate to show us
that you have attempted to use this process to
you! more deeply understand the problem. Look for
is… What are the insights about the must have ‘features’ and

features that Blah, blah, blah, insights

‘benefits’ that a solution will need to have.
Blah, blah, blah, insights On the next page set out your reflections. By the
matter? about what you
time your grader really don’t
has read your reflection and
about what’ awesome looked at this artifact they should understand:
like about the problem
1. How you used this tool and what you learned
List the features that you about the problem by using it;
List the2.features that you
love What are the How you felt about using this tool – what you
benefits you detest learned about your own learning and how you
might use this tool in the future
Focus on the benefits need? Focus on theyoustuff
3. How relate tothat
this toolyou doyou
– and how
relate its use to the academic material in this
Affectionately, not like course;
You... I’m unfriending you on
Draw You...
Love letter/ break up letter exercise
Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Jobs to be done (JTBD) analysis
What does your [persona/stakeholder/end user] ‘hire’ the product to do?
[Your answer here]
What are the social and emotional jobs? DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE SUBMITTING

[Your answer here] Either add a picture of your own JBTD analysis or use the template to
collate your thoughts in order to show us that you have applied the
What are the functional jobs? JTBD process to at least one aspect of the problem, stakeholder or
interviewee. Use annotations to show your insights.
[Your answer here] On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your grader has
read your reflection and looked at this artifact they should understand:
[Explain how you arrived at these conclusions? What data did you use – this might mean signposting back to one of the tools you’ve used earlier if
1. How(or
that’s how you had the insight – or it may require referencing secondary research youboth)]
used this tool and what you learned about the problem
by using it;
What did you learn that you might otherwise have missed using this tool?2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned about your
own learning and how you might use this tool in the future
[Your answer here]
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its use to the
academic material in this course;

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
JTBD reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Establish a point of view (POV)


[Describe your persona/end user / key

Complete the point of view madlib based on data and
insights collected so far. Include any relevant
annotations. You may have multiple points of view –

repeat this page as often as you need – but if you do have
more than one POV make sure your grader understands
what you’re prioritising and why or how the multiple
POVs ‘fit’ together.

needs to On the next page set out your reflections. By the time
your grader has read your reflection and looked at this
artifact they should understand:

[describe the need]

1. How you used this tool and what you learned about
the problem by using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned
about your own learning and how you might use this

tool in the future
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its
use to the academic material in this course;

[surprising insight]

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
POV reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Create 5-10 ‘how might we’ questions


Add your 10 HMW questions to the slide – or replace the
‘smartart’ with your own image or text showing us your
HMW questions. Annotate as required to identify those
that are most intriguing to you. Which of these problems
can you fall in love with?
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time
your grader has read your reflection and looked at this
artifact they should understand:
1. How you used this tool and what you learned about
the problem by using it;
2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned
about your own learning and how you might use this
tool in the future
3. How you relate to this tool – and how you relate its
use to the academic material in this course;


Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
POV reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Final problem
statement and design

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Final design brief
Project purpose: [What’s the real problem that needs solving? Think about the process you went through to define your challenge BOX BEFORE
and explain SUBMITTING
how you got there. Why is it
important right now/to these users?] Use the headings on this page to set out your final design
Target users: [Describe who will benefit from the success of this project? Who are your customers? Who are your end users?brief.
] Depending on the outcomes of your research it’s
likely to be quite different from your initial thoughts. Use
Project goals: [If your project is successful, what will you have achieved? What benefits will this work bring to your customers and wider to stakeholders?]
demonstrate key differences between this
final design brief and your earlier initial design brief.
Success criteria: [How are you going to measure success? What metrics will you use? What will be the features/benefits that a successful
Explain design
the insights thatwill
to the changes.
On the
Project scope: [This is where you can clearly set out the boundaries of your project. What is included and what isn’t? You don’t next
need to page setall
set out outyour
reflections. By the time
instead useyour
this space to define the outer limits of your project.] grader has read your reflection and looked at this artifact
they should understand:
Resources: [What do you need to make this work happen? Consider all the people who need to be involved, including their skills, experience and roles where possible. What other
1. How
things will you need? Materials? Budget? High level only for the purposes of an assignment – this is closely linked to constraints – inyou
real this
very you learned]about the
problem by using it;
Constraints: [Set out any obstacles or pressures you anticipate. What will you do to work around them?] 2. How you felt about using this tool – what you learned
Assumptions: [What assumptions will need to test or validate during this project?] about your own learning and how you might use this
tool in the future
Risks: [List any risks you can foresee that could have an impact on the project process or outcomes. Do any risks require action fromyou
3. How therelate
to or
thissponsor team?
tool – and howConsider
you relateand
its use
include how you might mitigate each one.] to the academic material in this course.

If you need to please add additional pages.

Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other
pages if you’ve covered this elsewhere (or if your findings
change your mind/approach to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Final design brief reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about the problem using this tool?
[Your response]
When or how do you imagine using this tool in the future?
[Your response]
What is the biggest difficulty with using this tool?
[Your response]
What is the biggest advantage of using this tool?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

This is where you bring it all together
Keep it brief
Highlight the key points that you want us to see. These points will help your teammates in the next course
Be strategic
Check against the rubric
Use signposts
Do not forget to add references
Don’t forget to return to the beginning to write your executive summary

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Reference List (Problem
Incorporate all references using Australian Harvard

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Personal Strengths, Worries, Opportunities & DELETE THIS BOX BEFORE SUBMITTING
Complete the ‘SmartArt’ or delete it and replace with an

Barriers (SWOB): Teamwork image of your own SWOB analysis.

Incorporate annotations to address your personal plans in
response to identifying strengths, worries, opportunities
•What do you bring to •What are you worried
and barriers.
the team? about when it comes When annotating your individual SWOB analysis, ensure
to teamwork? that your work is presented so that it is clear and can be
shared with your future team members (this means, for
example, that any barriers identified are actually barriers)
and is relevant, concise and appropriate for the task.
On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your
My strengths My worries grader has read your reflection and looked at this artifact
they should understand:
1. How you used this tool and what you learned about
yourself by using it;
2. Your thoughts about the requirements for establishing
a functional and productive team in the circumstances
where creativity and problem solving are required.
The barriers
opportunities 3. Clearly articulate your personal commitment to your
teams success.
•What opportunities •What could get in your
are you hoping to way and prevent you
If you need to please add additional pages.
achieve from working making a valuable
with your peers on this contribution? Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other
pages if you’ve covered this elsewhere (or if your findings
change your mind/approach to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Personal SWOB reflection

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about yourself using this tool?
[Your response]
What, in your opinion, are the benefits of collaboration in the context of design thinking and innovation developments?
[Your response – hint: draw on the literature and theory]
Clearly outline what you will and won’t do to contribute to your team’s success in the next course?
[Your response – refer to the theory and your own SWOB analysis]

Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

Your team charter Include a picture of your Charter here. The expectation is
that all members of the team will upload the same image,
however, each of you will annotate your charter
Team name:
Each charter should include:
Motto: - A team name/logo – something that tells us who you
Mission Statement: are as a group;
[Drawing on the exercises you’ve been asked to do, agree your team mission]
Dos: On the next page set out your reflections. By the time your
grader has read your reflection and looked at this artifact
[Based on the yes, no, would like exercise what have you as a team agreed that you will do as a team?] they should understand:
Don’ts: 1. The extent to which your preparation work (the
[Based on the yes, no, would like exercise what have you as a team agreed is unacceptable behaviour for your team?] readings and your SWOB exercise) influenced your
participation in the development of the Team Charter;
Would like:
2. Any concerns you have about the team or its likely
[Based on the yes, no, would like exercise what have you as a team agreed as a team are the standards you would like to achieve working together and afterwards?]
Team coordination details 3. The extent to which any of your worries about
teamwork have been increased/decreased following
[Articulate any relevant information or commitments here not already addressed] the making of the charter;
4. Any additional relevant insights about the problem or
design thinking arising because of your initial

If you need to please add additional pages.

Remember, you can signpost back or forward to other
pages if you’ve covered this elsewhere (or if your findings
change your mind/approach to another tool).

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
Reflection: Team Charter

Describe the tool and the way that you used it:
[Your response]
What did you learn about yourself during or after meeting with your team for the first time?
[Your response]
To what extent did your preparation work (the readings and your SWOB exercise) influence your participation in the development of the Team Charter?
[Your response]
Do you have any concerns you have about the team or its likely progress? How do you plan to address these concerns (or to ensure that your team continues to
work so well together?)
[Your response]
To what extent did any of your worries about teamwork increase or decrease following the making of the charter?
[Your response]
Don’t be a slave to the template – include additional headings and text to ensure that your graders understand everything that matters here
Don’t forget to reference!

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
References (Teamwork)

Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

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