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MR 21 April

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CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Planning Planning Planning

Diagnosis Diagnosis Therapy monitoring

Mr. J/ 38 y.o 1. AFI day 2 + 1.1 UTI Rontgen Non Pharmacology: Plan Monitoring:
- Febris since 2 days ago. improved with paracetamol High Calories High Protein Diet • VAS
- Left lower back pain, intermitten,worsen when patient leukositosis + complicata Thorax
was inhaling, low back pain sometimes spreads to the • Vital sign: TD,HR, RR
left front of the stomach, history of abdominal trauma eritrosituria Pharmacology:
(-) 1.2 other ECG - Inf. Ciprofloxacin 2x400 mg • Urin output and fluid
- Skin rash (-), dyspneu (-), cough (-), nausea et vomitus infection - Inj. Antrain 1 amp if needed balance
- Painful urination (-), reddish urine (-), blocked urination - IVFD NS 1.500 cc/24 hour
(+) gritty urine (-) Plan Education:
• Cause of the diseases
• Prognosis of the disease
Objective Laboratory results:
GCS : E4V5M6 Lab 21/04/24 RSUD Ulin
TD : 143/99 mmHg Leukosit 10.700
HR : 85 x/m Neu 54.8%
RR : 22 x/m limfosit 36%
T : 36,7 C
SpO2 : 97% on RA Urinalysis 21/04/2024
VAS 2/10 Protein albumin +1
Glucose (-)
Abdomen: flank pain (-) Bilirubin (-)
Extermity: Edema (-/-) Blood +3
Bacteria (-)

Urine Sediment 21/03/2024

Leucocute 2-3
Eritrocyte 35-40
Epithel +1
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Planning Planning Planning
Diagnosis Diagnosis Therapy monitoring

Mr. J/ 38 y.o 2. Bladder stone Non Pharmacology: Plan Monitoring:

- History of bladder stone since 7 years ago High Calories High Protein Diet • VAS
- History of ESWL 2x in 2022 with severe
- Previously, an abdominal ultrasound was performed at Hydronephrosis • Vital sign: TD,HR, RR
Barabai Hospital and it was said to be severe Pharmacology:
hydronephrosis sinistra + - Inj. Antrain 1 amp if needed • Urin output and fluid
- Painful urination (-), reddish urine (-), blocked urination
Hydroureter sinistra - IVFD NS 1.500 cc/24 hour balance
(+) gritty urine (-)
Consult to urology division Plan Education:
• Cause of the diseases
• Prognosis of the disease
Objective Laboratory results:
GCS : E4V5M6 Lab 21/04/24 RSUD Ulin
TD : 143/99 mmHg Ur 34
HR : 85 x/m Cr 0.99
RR : 22 x/m
T : 36,7 C Urinalysis 21/04/2024
SpO2 : 97% on RA Protein albumin +1
VAS 2/10 Glucose (-)
Bilirubin (-)
Abdomen: flank pain (-) Blood +3
Extermity: Edema (-/-)
Urine Sediment 21/03/2024
Leucocute 2-3
Eritrocyte 35-40
Epithel +1

Abdominal USG 19/4/24 RS

Left severe HN and proximal left
HU due to ureteral obstruction
stone measuring 2.2 x 0.6 cm
(current distance +/- 1.6 cm
from the tip of the left renal
CUE AND CLUE Problem List Initial Planning Planning Planning
Diagnosis Diagnosis Therapy monitoring

Mr. J/ 38 y.o 3. Elevated liver 3.1 Reactive Check for Non Pharmacology: Plan Monitoring:
- Febris since 2 days ago. improved with paracetamol High Calories High Protein Diet • VAS
- nausea et vomitus (-) enzym HbsAg and
- Jaundice (-) 3.2 Hepatitis Anti HCV • Vital sign: TD,HR, RR
Po. Curcuma 3x1 tab • Check for SGOT/SGPT/ 72

Plan Education:
• Cause of the diseases
• Prognosis of the disease
Objective Laboratory results: Planning diagnosis
GCS : E4V5M6 Lab 21/04/24 RSUD Ulin •
TD : 143/99 mmHg SGOT 74
HR : 85 x/m SGPT 195
RR : 22 x/m PT 11.1
T : 36,7 C APTT 25
SpO2 : 97% on RA INR 1.03
VAS 2/10

Skin: Jaundice (-)

Eyes: Sclera icteric (-)
Abdomen: hepar and lien cannot
be palpated
Extermity: Edema (-/-)

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