CNS Stimulant
CNS Stimulant
CNS Stimulant
PHARM.D 2nd Year
• These are the drugs which increase the
muscular (motor) and the mental (sensory)
• Their effects vary from the increase in the
alertness and wakefulness (as with caffeine).
• To the production of convulsion (as with
strychnine) or death due to over stimulation.
MOA of CNS stimulant
A. Block neurotransmitters reuptake (Most reuptake
B. inhibitors affect either NE or 5-HT(Serotonin):
C. Promote neurotransmitters release:
D. Block Metabolism MAO inhibitors (monoamine
oxidase):ex. Phenelzine
E. antagonize the effect of inhibitory
neurotransmitter: Picrotoxin & Strychnine
• Strychnine was previously used as
• 1.Purgative
• 2.Appetite suppressant
• 3.Aphrodisiac
• 4.Constituent of nerve tonics.
• Today, this potent alkaloid is mainly used as a
rodenticide, and for killing stray dogs (Nux
vomica seeds are therefore sometimes referred
as "dog buttons")
Mechanism of Action
• Strychnine is a neurotoxin act as a antagonist
of glycine, which is a inhibitory
• Strychnine competitively and reversibly inhibit
neurotransmitter glycine at postsynaptic
neuronal sites in the spinal cord.
ANALEPTICS (Respiratory stimulants)
• These are drugs which stimulate respiration and can have
resuscitative value in coma or fainting.They do stimulate
respiration in subconvulsive doses, but the patient may get
convulsions while still in coma.
• Mechanical support to respiration and other measures to
improve circulation are more effective and safe.
• The role of analeptics in therapeutics is very limited.
• Situations in which they may be employed are:As an expedient
measure in hypnotic drug poisoning until mechanical
ventilation is instituted.
• Suffocation on drowning, acute respiratory insufficiency.Apnoea
in premature infant.Failure to ventilate spontaneously after
general anesthesia.However, the overall utility of analeptics is
• It acts by promoting excitation of central
• At low doses it is more selective for the
respiratory centre than other analeptics.
• Respiration is stimulated through carotid and
aortic body chemoreceptors as well.
• Falling BP rises. Continuous i.v. infusion of
doxapram may abolish episodes of apnoea in
premature infant not responding to theophylline.
Mechanism of action
Doxapram stimulates chemoreceptor