Chapter 4 Session1

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Chapter 4.

Database Model


Understand the Database Design Process
Understand data modeling basing on entity
Design a suitable database adapted business
requirements in reality



Database design process

Entity relationship model
What are entity, entity set, attribute, relationship?
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Attributes on Relationships
Weak Entities


Data model - Overview


Database modeling and implementation

High-Level Database Relational
Design Schema DBMS

ER diagram Relational Database Schema

Figure 4.1: The database modeling and implementation process


Steps in Database Design
1. Requirements collection Analysis
- user needs; what must database do?
2. Conceptual Design
- high level description (Entity Relationship diagram)
3. Logical Design
- translate ERD into DBMS data model
4. Schema Refinement
- consistency, normalization
5. Physical Design
- indexes, disk layout
6. Security Design
- who accesses what, and how


Steps in Database Design


Requirements Collection and
Is a preliminary stage to database design.
The process of collecting and analyzing
information about the part of the organization that is
to be supported by the database system, and using
this information to identify the requirements for the
new system.
The outcome of this phase is a user
requirements specification.
High level design

Conceptual database design: is the process of

constructing a data model from the information
collected in the requirements analysis phase.
 It is independent of any particular DBMS at high level
 It construct an entity relationship model (ERM)
 ERM includes entities that are represented in the
database, attributes of the entities, the relationships
among the entities, and constraints on the entities
and relationships.
Low level design

The process of moving from an abstract data

model to the implementation of the database
proceeds in two final design phases:
 Logical design
 Physical design
Low level design

Logical design:
 We must choose a DBMS to implement our database
design, and map the high level conceptual data model in
the previous phase onto a logical data model of the
chosen DBMS (relational, network, hierarchical, object-
 We will only consider relational DBMS
 Convert an ER diagram from the conceptual model
into a relational schemas in normal form using
◦ Normalization is used to check the entity relationship model
and help eliminate redundancy and other anomalies in the
Low level design

Physical design:
 Describes how the database is to be implemented:
◦ Creating a set of relational tables and the constraints on
these tables from the information presented in the
logical data model;
◦ Identifying the specific storage structures and access
methods for the data to achieve an optimum
performance for the database system;
◦ Designing security protection for the system.
Entity Relationship Model
ERM is a high level data model used for developing the
conceptual design of the database.
The ER model also has an associated diagrammatic
representation, the ER diagram, which can express the
overall logical structure of a database graphically
Many various notations used with ERD—the original
Chen notation and the newer Crow’s Foot and UML
 The Chen notation favors conceptual modeling.
 The Crow’s Foot notation favors a more implementation-oriented
 The UML notation can be used for both conceptual and
implementation modeling.
Entity Relationship Model

ERM has 3 basic concepts:

 Entity
 Attributes
 Relationships

An entity is a person, a place, an object, an event, or a
concept in the user environment about which the
organization wishes to maintain data.
An entity has a noun name.
◦ Person: Student, teacher, employee, author,..
◦ Place: store, classroom, warehouse,…
◦ Object: Movie, product, car, book,..
◦ Event: Sale, Registration, Reservation
◦ Concept: Account, Course

An entity type (or entity set) is a collection of entities
that share the common properties, or characteristics.
 Example: the entity type student might represent the set of all
students in the university.

An entity instance is a single occurrence of an entity type.

 For example, there is one EMPLOYEE entity type in most
organizations, but there may be hundreds (or even thousands) of
instances of this entity type stored in the database.

Example: Entity type versus Entity instance

An employee type Employee with 2 instances

There are two types of entities; weak and strong entity types.
 A strong entity type is one that exists independently of other entity
◦ Instances of a strong entity type always have a unique characteristic (called
an identifier)—that is, an attribute or a combination of attributes that
uniquely distinguish
each occurrence of that entity.
 A weak entity type is an entity type whose existence depends on
some other entity type
◦ The entity type on which the weak entity type depends is called the
identifying owner
◦ A weak entity type does not typically have its own identifier

Example: Weak entity in ERD
 Carries relationship is the identifying relationship
(indicated by the double line)
 The attribute Dependent Name serves as a partial
identifier (indicated by double underline)


Attributes are properties or characteristics of an

entity type.
An attribute has a noun name
 Example:
◦ Student: Student ID, Student Name, Home Address, Phone
Number, Major
◦ Automobile: Vehicle ID, Color, Weight
◦ Employee: Employee ID, Employee Name, Skill
Attributes may also associated with relationships.


Attributes have a domain which is the set of

possible values for a given attribute, or domain is the
set of permitted values for each attribute
 Example:
◦ for the gender attribute consists of only two possibilities: M
or F
◦ for grade is 0 to 10

Identifier Attribute

Attribute types:
 Identifier Attribute
 Required and Optional attribute
 Simple and Composite attribute
 Single-valued and Multivalued attribute
 Stored and Derived attribute

Identifier Attribute

Identifier (Key)–an attribute (or combination of

attributes) that uniquely identifies individual
instances of an entity type. That is, no two
instances of the entity type may have the same
value for the identifier attribute.
 Ex: Student ID is an identifier of Student entity type.
Candidate Identifier–an attribute that could be a
key…satisfies the requirements for being an
 Student Name is not a candidate identifier, because
many students may potentially have the same name.

Identifier Attribute

Simple versus Composite Identifier

 A composite identifier is an identifier that consists of
a composite attribute.

The identifier is boldfaced

and underlined

Identifier Attribute

Some entities may have more than one candidate

identifier. The following criteria for selecting
 Will not change in value
 Will not be null
 No intelligent identifiers (e.g., containing locations or
people that might change)
 Substitute new, simple keys for long, composite keys

Null values

In some cases, particular entity may not have an

applicable value for an attribute. Null can also
designate that an attribute value is unknown.
Two cases:
1. The attribute value is missing.
 Ex: Height attribute is NULL.
2. It is not known whether the attribute value exist.
 Ex: College degree – some people may have it and
some not

Simple & Composite Attribute

Required attribute is an attribute that must

have a value in it.
An optional attribute that may not have a
value in it and can be left blank.

Simple & Composite Attribute

Simple Attribute
 Attribute that have not been divided into subparts
 Simple (Atomic) attributes
◦ Ex: Age, City, Postal Code

Composite Attributes
 Can be divided into smaller subparts, which
represent more basic attributes with independent
◦ Ex: Name can broken down into component attributes:
first_name, middle_initial, last_name

Simple & Composite Attributes
 Composite attributes
 Example: name, address

 The decision about whether to subdivide an attribute

into its component parts depends on whether users will need to refer to those
individual components, and hence, they have organizational meaning.
 Most drawing tools do not have a notation for composite attributes, so you
simply list all the component parts

Simple & Composite Attributes
 Composite attributes
 Most drawing tools do not have a notation for composite
attributes, so you simply list all the component parts

Single valued & Multivalued
Single Valued Attributes
 Can only have one value for the particular entity.
 Ex: A student can have only one ID number
Multivalued Attributes
 Attributes that can have many values
 Ex: A student can have more than one phone number, one skill
Multivalued and composite are different concepts.
 A multivalued attribute, may occur multiple times
for each employee
 Composite attributes, each of which occurs once for each employee, but which
have component, more atomic attributes

Single valued & Multivalued
Multivalued Attributes
 Other E-R diagramming tools may use an asterisk (*)
after the attribute name, or
you may have to use supplemental documentation to
specify a multivalued attribute

Stored & Derived Attributes

Stored Attributes
 The date_of_birth is the stored attribute
Derived attributes
 Can be computed from other attributes
 Example: age is derived from date_of_birth.
 Age is called derived attribute

 E-R diagram with identifier, multivalued, and
derived attributes

 A relationship is an association among several
A relationship set is a set of relationships of the
same type.
A relationship has a verb phrase name
Two entities can have more than one type of
relationship between them (multiple relationships)

 Relationship type and relationship instance
 A relationship type is a meaningful association
between (or among) entity types
◦ The relationship type is modeled as lines between entity
 A relationship instance is an association between entity

Example Relationship type and
Relationship instances
a) Relationship type

b) Relationship instances

Attributes on relationship
 Relationships can have attributes which describe features
pertaining to the association between the entities in the
 Example: Date Completed is a property of the relationship
Completes, rather than a property of either Employee or
Course entity.

Associative Entity
 Associative entity is an entity type that associates
the instances of one or more entity types and contains
attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between
those entity instances.
 Associative entities are sometimes referred to as gerunds,
because the relationship name (a verb) is usually converted
to an entity name that is a noun.

Associative Entity
 Example: An associative entity Certificate

◦ Note that there are no relationship names on the lines between an associative
entity and a strong entity
 An associative entity Certificate using Visio

Degree of a Relationship set
 The degree of the relationship set is the number of entity
types that participate in a relationship.
 Unary relationship, are also called Recursive relationship,
which exists when association is maintained within a single entit
(degree 1)
 Binary relationship: exists when two entities are associated
(degree 2)
◦ Most relationship sets in a database system are binary.
 Ternary relationship: exists when three entities are associated
(degree 3)
Relationships between more than three-entity types are rare

Degree of a Relationship set

One entity Entities of two

related to different types
another of the related to each other Entities of three
same entity type different types related
to each other
Cardinality constraints

 Cardinality constraint, or cardinality ratios, express the

number of entities to which another entity can be
associated via a relationship type.
Mapping cardinalities are most useful in describing binary
relationship set
For a binary relationship set the mapping cardinality must
be one of the following types:
 One to one
 One to many
 Many to many

Cardinality constraints

One to

An entity in A is associated with at most one entity in B, and

an entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A.
Cardinality constraints

One to

An entity in A is associated with any number (zero or more) of

entities in B. An entity in B, however, can be associated with at
most one entity in A.
Cardinality constraints

Many to

An entity in A is associated with any number (zero or more) of

entities in B, and an entity in B is associated with any number
(zero or more) of entities in A.
Cardinality constraints

Minimum Cardinality
 is the minimum number of instances of entity B that
may be associated with each instance of entity A
Maximum Cardinality
 is the maximum number of instances of entity B that
may be associated with each instance of entity A

Example of Cardinality
One-to-One relationship
 one department chair—a professor—can chair only
one department, and one department can have only
one department chair.

One-to-Many relationship
 Each painting is painted by one and only one painter,
but each painter could have many paintings.

Example of Mapping Cardinalities

Many-to-Many relationship
 Each CLASS can have many STUDENTs, and each
STUDENT can take many CLASSES.

Optional and Mandatory
Participation determines whether all or only some
entity occurrences participate in a relationship.
Participation in a relationship can be optional (or
Partial) or mandatory (or Total) participation.
Mandatory participation:
◦ all entity occurrences are involved in a particular
◦ Minimum cardinality is one
Optional participation:
◦ only some entities may not participate in a particular
◦ Minimum cardinality is zero
Optional and Mandatory

A patient history is A patient must have recorded

recorded for one and at least one history, and can
only one patient have many

Optional and Mandatory

A project must be An employee can be assigned to

assigned to at least one any number of projects, or may
employee, and may be not be assigned to any at all
assigned to many

Optional and Mandatory

A person is
married to at most
one other person,
or may not be
married at all

Optional and Mandatory
Another examples
 An optional CLASS entity in the relationship “PROFESSOR teaches CLASS”:

 CLASS is optional to COURSE

 COURSE and CLASS in a mandatory relationship:

Optional and Mandatory
Example: Identifying relationship, cardinality between
4. Customer and Order
5. Product and Category
6. Employee and Dependent
7. Employee and Department
8. Instructor and Class
Multiple Relationships Between
Entity Types
There may be more than one relationship between the
same entity types in a given organization
Ex: Employees and departments
 One relationship associates employees with the
department in which they work.
 The second relationship associates each department with
the employee who manages that department.

Weak Entity

A weak entity set is an entity which is existence-

dependent; that is, it cannot exist without the entity
with which it has a relationship.
An entity set that is not a weak entity set is
termed a strong entity set.
The weak entity has a primary key that is partially
or totally derived from the parent entity (or strong
entity) in the relationship.

Weak Entity


Constructing an ER model

Before beginning to draw the ER model, read the

requirements specification carefully.
1. Identify entities
 List all entity types (These are the object of interest in
the system)
 Remove duplicate entities (Also do not include the
system as an entity type)
2. List the attributes of each entity
3. Mark the primary keys
 Which attributes uniquely identify instances of that entity
 This may not be possible for some weak entities.
Constructing an ER model

4. Define the relationships

 Examine each entity type to see its relationship to the
5. Describe the cardinality and optionality of the
 Examine the constraints between participating entities.
6. Remove redundant relationships
 Examine the ER model for redundant relationships.
ER modelling is iterative, so expect to draw several
versions. Note that there is no one right answer to the
problem, but some solutions are better than others!

Ex1: Company organized into DEPARTMENT.
 An university has several departments. Each department
employs many employees, but each employee works in one
department only.
An employee can supervise many other employees, but an
employee may have only one supervisor.
Each department offers many courses. A course can be a pre-
requisite of many other courses, but a course may have only
one pre-requisite.
Ex2: Company organized into DEPARTMENT.
 Each department has unique name and a particular employee who
manages the department. Start date for the manager is recorded.
Department may have several locations.
 A department controls a number of PROJECT. Projects have a unique
name, number and a single location.
 Company’s EMPLOYEE name, ssno, address, salary, sex and birth
date are recorded. An employee is assigned to one department, but may
work for several projects (not necessarily controlled by her dept).
Number of hours/week an employee works on each project is recorded;
The immediate supervisor for the employee.
Employee’s DEPENDENT are tracked for health insurance purposes
(dependent name, birthdate, relationship to employee).
The Enhanced Entity Relationship
Model (EERM)
The term enhanced entity relationship (EER) model (or the
Extended entity relationship model) is used to identify the
model that has resulted from extending the original E-R model
with these new modeling constructs.
 A Diagram using this model is called an EER diagram (EERD)
The most important modeling construct incorporated in the EER
model is supertype/subtype relationships

The Enhanced Entity Relationship
Model (EERM)
An entity supertype is a generic entity type that is
related to one or more entity subtypes.
The entity supertype contains common
characteristics, and the entity subtypes each contain
their own unique characteristics.

Supertype/Subtype relationship

An example: Suppose that an organization has three

basic types of employees: hourly employees, salaried
employees, and contract consultants.
 Hourly employees Employee Number, Employee
Name, Address, Date Hired, Hourly Rate
 Salaried employees Employee Number, Employee
Name, Address, Date Hired, Annual Salary, Stock Option
 Contract consultants Employee Number, Employee
Name, Address, Date Hired, Contract Number, Billing

Supertype/Subtype relationship

All employee subtypes will

have emp_number, name,
address, and date hired

Each employee subtype

will also have its own

Supertype/Subtype relationship

The property of inheritance enables an entity subtype to

inherit the attributes and relationships of the supertype.
Relationships at the supertype level indicate that all subtypes
will participate in the relationship.
The instances of a subtype may participate in a relationship
unique to that subtype. In this situation, the relationship is
shown at the subtype level.

Example: Supertype/subtype relationships in
a hospital

Both outpatients and resident

patients are cared for by a
responsible physician
Only resident patients are
assigned to a bed

Generalization and Specialization

 The process of defining a more general entity type from a set of more
specialized entity types.
 BOTTOM-UP process
 Based on grouping common characteristics and relationships of the
 The process of defining one or more subtypes of the supertype and forming
supertype/subtype relationships.
 TOP-DOWN process
 Based on grouping unique characteristics and relationships of the subtypes

Example of generalization

a) Three entity types: CAR, TRUCK, and MOTORCYCLE

All these types of vehicles have common attributes

Example of generalization(cont.)
b) Generalization to VEHICLE supertype

So we put the
shared attributes
in a supertype

Note: no subtype for motorcycle, since it has no unique attributes

Example of specialization
a) Entity type PART

Only applies to
manufactured parts

Applies only to purchased parts

Example of specialization (cont.)

Created 2 subtypes

Note: multivalued attribute was replaced by an associative entity relationship

to another entity
Completeness Constraint

The completeness constraint specifies whether each entity

supertype occurrence must also be a member of at least one
The completeness constraint can be partial or total.
 Partial completeness
◦ Symbolized by a circle over a single line
◦ Some supertype occurrences are not members
 Total completeness
◦ Symbolized by a circle over a double line
◦ Every supertype occurrence must be member of at least one subtype

Examples of completeness constraints
a) Total specialization rule

A patient must be
either an outpatient or
a resident patient

Examples of completeness constraints (cont.)
b) Partial specialization rule

A vehicle
could be a
car, a truck,
or neither

Subtype Discriminator

An attribute in supertype entity whose value

determines the target supertype(s)
Default comparison condition for subtype
discriminator attribute is equality comparison
Subtype discriminator may be based on other
comparison condition

Disjoint and Overlapping
Disjoint subtypes
 Also called nonoverlapping subtypes
 Subtypes that contain unique subset of supertype entity set, in
other words, each entity instance of the supertype can appear in
only one of the subtypes
 In an ERD, disjoint subtypes are indicated by the letter d inside
the category shape
Overlapping subtypes
 Subtypes that contain nonunique subsets of supertype entity set,
that is, each entity instance of the supertype may appear in more
than one subtype.
 In an ERD, illustrates overlapping subtypes with the letter o inside
the category shape.

Example: a subtype discriminator
(disjoint rule)

Employee_Type is called
the subtype discriminator
Example: Subtype discriminator (overlap rule)

Example: Subtype discriminator
(overlap rule)
A new attribute named Part Type has been added
to PART. Part Type is a composite attribute with
components Manufactured? and Purchased?
Each of these attributes is a Boolean variable (i.e.,
it takes on only the values yes, “Y,” and no, “N”).
When a new instance is added to PART, these
components are coded as follows:

Example of supertype/subtype hierarchy

Entity Clusters

EER diagrams are difficult to read when

there are too many entities and relationships
=>Solution: Group entities and relationships
into entity clusters
Entity cluster: Set of one or more entity
types and associated relationships grouped
into a single abstract entity type

Possible entity
clusters for Pine
Valley Furniture
in Microsoft

groups of
EER diagram of PVF entity clusters

More readable,
isn’t it?

Manufacturing entity cluster

Detail for a single

cluster 86

The database keeps track of three types of persons:

employees, alumni, and students. A person can belong
to one, two, or all three of these types. Each person has
a name, SSN, sex, address, and birth date.
Every employee has a salary, and there are three
types of employees: faculty, staff, and student
assistants. Each employee belongs to exactly one of
these types. For each alumnus, a record of the degree
or degrees that he or she earned at the university is
kept, including the name of the degree, the year
granted, and the major department. Each student has a
major department.

Each faculty has a rank, whereas each staff member

has a staff position. Student assistants are classified
further as either research assistants or teaching
assistants, and the percent of time that they work is
recorded in the database. Research assistants have
their research project stored, whereas teaching
assistants have the current course they work on.
Students are further classified as either graduate or
undergraduate, with the specific attributes degree
program (M.S., Ph.D., M.B.A., and so on) for graduate
students and class (freshman, sophomore, and so on)
for under- graduates.

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