Halogen Leak Testing
Halogen Leak Testing
Halogen Leak Testing
Prepared By
Amit Kaushik
Atomic number 9
Atomic mass 18.998403 g.mol -1
Density 1.8*10-3 g.cm-3 at 20°C
Melting point -219.6 °C
Boiling point -188 °C
Isotopes 2
Warm Up
The detector is allowed to warm up for minimum time specified
by the manufacture prior to calibration.
Scanning rate
Instrument shall be calibrated by passing the probe across the orifice
of leak standard by keeping the same within the scanning distance;
the scanning rate shall not exceed that which can detect the leakages
(Probe should be moved at a speed of 1inch per second along the
seam/joints suspected of leaking)
Response time
Time taken by the probe to detect the leakage from orifice of
standard leak during the calibration. It is desirable to keep this time
as short as possible.
Scanning distance
It is the distance of probe from the surface to be checked. It should not
be more than 3.2mm
Scanning direction
The scanning should commence at the upper most portion of the
system while progressing downward.
Test temperature
The leak test shall be carried out at room temperature unless
specified otherwise.
Acceptance criteria
Leak rate obtained shall be compared with the permissible leak rate
as described in the drawing / specification. When a leak rate of more
than acceptable limit is revealed, the location of leak shall be
identified by local leak detection method and marked for repair
Pre-Requisites Of Halogen Leakage Testing
The object under test is totally closed by sealing all openings with
flanges, covers, plugs and silicon vacuum grease. Sealing material
shall be tracer gas free.
Prior to Halogen leak testing, the vessel / test object shall be subjected
to any other simple leak test (air or halogen) to ascertain gross leaks, if
The areas to be tested shall be free of oil, grease, paint and other
contaminations, which might mask a leak.
External & Internal surfaces shall be thoroughly and carefully cleaned
with suitable halogen free volatile solvents such as acetone or triple
solvent mixture of ethyl alcohol, benzene and acetone in equal
proportions & thoroughly dried.
Types of halogen leak test
Alkali-ion diode method Electron leak capture halogen
(heated anode) leak detectors
1. Tube examination:-
To detect leakage through the tube walls when testing a tubular
heat exchanger. The test should commence from the top most
tubes & progressively scanning downward.
Parts Details
Power supply A power input cable connected to control unit through a chord.
Control unit Power switch, plug in sensor, air pump, power transformer, and a
speaker & Calibrate reference
Probe nozzle It consist of transparent tip, air flow ball, filter & neon signal
lamp connected to control unit with a flexible tubing