United Nation's Stance Over Kashmir Dispute

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AMMAR ANSAR (18311515-042)
AMAD AFZAL (19011515-036)

 Introduction
 Kashmir dispute
 Failure of united nations
 Possibilities to bring peace
 conclusion

 United Nations is an international organization and because of its unique charter United Nations take
action on different issues of the world.
 it was founded by 51 countries after the Second World War. United Nations best known for
peacebuilding and peacekeeping. United Nations and its specialized agencies and funds transferring
programs make effects our lives and try to make the world a better place.
 This organization works for broad range of issues like; sustainable development, environmental
protection, human rights, nuclear non- proliferation etc. The main purpose of UN was to keep the
world a better place, develop friendly relations between the countries, to encourage freedom and help
the nations to fight with illiteracy, hunger, diseases etc.

 Kashmir has been a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947, in January and June 2002 India
was assured to attack Pakistan because of its military actions in Kashmir. Rise of religious radicalism
in both of the countries, Pakistani military support to terrorist groups in Kashmir. Many analysts
observes that president Pervez Musharraf have limited power to curb this action. At the same time BJP
in India proliferate Hindutva ideology among Indians.
 Three states India, Pakistan and china controls the different parts of Kashmir, yet Kashmir has
paralyzed region from over 12 years India and Pakistan both shows the rights of possession. The issue
of Kashmir was started since 1930’s that it was either ruled by Indians, Pakistanis, or by secular
parties, but with the method to partition in 1947, Kashmir became entangled in the catastrophes of the
subcontinent as a whole. A plebiscite called for by the United Nations to distinguish Kashmiri wishes
about their political status, was never held. With a new accomplished generation approaching to age in
the 1980s, stresses for Kashmiri autonomy increased but were faced with strong dominance by the
Indian army and police.

 The Indian independence act of 1947, left the states lawfully independent when the
dominion of his majesty over the Indian state’s breaks. But in exercise, such
independence was governed out when the Secretary of the State for India, Lord
Listwell acknowledged: “We don’t, of course, purpose to recognize any state as
separate international entity”. On October 1947 Pashtuns from Pakistan's Afghani
blizzard Kashmir Maharaja of Kashmir asks India for help. The war between India
and Pakistan was started in 1947 over Kashmir conflict

 In January 1948 India bring the matter in UN security council on behalf of UK and
alleged Pakistan of using aggressive measures in Kashmir, it was a difficult matter for
international community, but it was a test for UN security council to keep peace at
disputed area.
 On 2 January 1948 Security Council passed a resolution 39 creating a three member
United Nations commission on India and Pakistan, United states and United Nations
made a decision to solve this problem through mediation. Austin candidly told
Security Council that the underlying problem is still there it can only solved through
the state department to conduct a plebiscite
 The Commission made perseverance on 5 January, 1949. The Commission advised both countries to
receive the principle of “the question of the concurrence of the state of Jammu and Kashmir to India or
Pakistan would be decided through democratic method of a free plebiscite.”
 In September 4, 1965 the Security Council approved another Purpose. The Resolution calls upon both
the countries; to take immediately all steps for an abrupt cease-fire, on 6 September, 1965, Another
Resolution was approved too by the Security Council, which calls upon the parties. To stop conflicts in
the entire area of fight immediately.
 But many think that the UN is unquestionably failure to put the Kashmir problem to an end. It is also
equally true that the role of the UN cannot be overlooked to stop the parties from the nuclear war. It is
also creating pressure as well as reassuring the parties to reach an effective and fruitful concession

 The late Indian prime minister put the Kashmir matter in a nutshell at Tashkent meeting in January 1996 following
were the possibilities.
 In term to decrease violent insurgency, all educational institutions have to break their ties from religion
 Increase accountability, and people to people interaction.
 Plebiscite
 Line of control as international border or neutral area
 Independent Kashmir
 Exercise of cultural diplomacy

 Kashmir has been a dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947, in January and June 2002 India
was assured to attack Pakistan because of its military actions in Kashmir. Kashmir has been paralyzed
region from over 12 years India and Pakistan both shows the rights of possession. Generation
approaching to age in the 1980s, stresses for Kashmiri autonomy increased but were faced with strong
dominance by the Indian army and police
 Problem of Kashmir is still there and it can be only solved through plebiscite, which would be
conducted by UN itself for transparency and fairness.

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