Refresher 18 Passive Income
Refresher 18 Passive Income
Refresher 18 Passive Income
Passive income
is money which flows in regular intervals without the need for putting in a considerable amount of effort to create it.
Royalties Earned within the Philippines are collected with Final Tax at its gross amount
Earned Outside= Returnable in1701 or 1702 of Res. Cit. /Domestic corp.
Prizes and
Expanded foreign transactions transacted with Expanded foreign transactions transacted with non
resident of the Philippines resident of the Philippines
Cash/property dividend declared by resident foreign Cash/property Dividend declared by resident foreign
corp, 50% or more business done in the Philippines corp., <50% business done in the Philippines
Royalty on properties exercised in the Philippines Royalty on properties exercised in foreign country
Royalty on chartered properties of non resident not Royalty on chartered properties of non resident not
doing business in the Philippines transacted with doing business in the Philippines transacted with non-
resident of the Philippines resident of the Philippines
Only passive income earned in the Philippines is subject to final tax
PASSIVE INCOME EXEMPT from Philippine Income Tax
P10,000 AND BELOW (TRAIN LAW) Lotto and PCSO from Philippine Charity Sweepstakes)
winnings P10,000 and below
Interest income from long-term ( 5 years or more) deposit or investment in the form
of savings, common or individual trust funds, deposit substitutes, investment management accounts
and other investments evidenced by certificates in such form prescribed by the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP)
non-residents, whether individuals or corporations, from transactions with
Any income of
depository banks (OBUs) under the expanded foreign currency system shall be exempt from income
Inter-corporate Dividends. - Dividends received by a domestic corporation/Resident
foreign corporation from another domestic corporation shall not be subject to tax.
Income Derived by Foreign Government. - Income derived from investments in the Philippines in
loans, stocks, bonds or other domestic securities, or from interest on deposits in banks in the Philippines by (i) foreign
governments, (ii) financing institutions owned, controlled, or enjoying refinancing from foreign governments, and (iii)
international or regional financial institutions established by foreign governments.
from Philippine Income Tax
• (d) Prizes and Awards in sports Competition. - All prizes and awards granted to athletes in local
and international sports competitions and tournaments whether held in the Philippines or abroad
and sanctioned by their national sports associations.
PRIZES P10,000 and below are returnable in ITR and subject to regular tax rate.
@Gross Amount
Earned Within the Philippines, Final Taxes
Cash/Property Dividend
Cash /property dividend payment by domestic corporation to citizens and resident aliens 10%
Cash /property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRAETB (non-res. alien engaged in business) 20%
Cash /property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRANET (non-res. alien not engaged in business) 25%
Cash on property dividend paid by a Real Estate Investment Trust 10%
Cash /property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRFCs (non resident foreign corp) whose
countries allowed tax deemed paid credit (w/reciprocity agreement) 15%
Cash /property dividend payment by domestic corporation to NRFCs whose countries
(w/o reciprocity agreement) 25%
STOCK Dividends are not taxable, unless followed with immediate redemption.
Distributive share of citizen/resident individual partners in a taxable partnership (General co. partnership),
association, joint account or joint venture or consortium
Share of NRAETB in the distributable net income after tax of commercial partnership 20%
Earned Within the Philippines, Final Taxes
Interest Income earned within the Philippines:
On short term peso deposit , < 3 years maturity (Form 1602) , 20%
On long term peso deposit, 3 years to less than 4 years maturity (individual) (Form 1602) , 12%
On long term peso deposit, 4 years to less than 5 years maturity (individual) (Form 1602) 5%
On long term peso deposit of individual, 5years & more than 5 yrs maturity , -0-
On peso deposit of corporation,
Interest on foreign loans payable to NRFCs, 20%
Final tax on interest or other payments upon tax-free (debtor shoulder the tax) covenant bonds, mortgages,
deeds of trust or other obligations under Sec. 57C of the NIRC of 1997, as amended 30%
Interest earned by residents (domestic corp) On foreign currency deposits with the OBUs
On interest income derived from foreign currency loans granted by depository banks under the expanded foreign
currency deposit systems ; earned by OBUs and FDCUs 10%
FINAL TAX ON PASSIVE Earned Within the Philippines
Royalty Income Within the Philippines:
Royalties paid to citizens, resident aliens and NRAETB on books,
other literary works and musical compositions 10%
All kinds of royalty payments to citizens, resident aliens and NRAETB ,
domestic and resident foreign corporations 20%
Royalties paid to NRA, NRFC on cinematographic films and similar works 25%
Payment of resident to foreign corporation not engaged in business in the Philippines
for aircraft and machineries chartered, 7.5%
Payment of resident to foreign corporation not engaged in business in the Philippines
for vessel chartered, 4.5%
W/I + W/O
Resident citizen of the Philippines Final tax 1701 ITR X graduated tax rate
Taxpayers other than Resident Citizen and domestic corp. are taxable only for income earned w/i the Philippines
NOTE :Foreign Income Tax paid could be claimed as a) item of deduction or b) tax credit
RELATED VIDEO, link below