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How to say "reforma da previdência" and

"reforma trabalhista" in English

• Welfare reform is not only cruel but chaotic. [A reforma da previdência não é
somente cruel, mas caótica.]
• Most Brazilians are agaisnt the welfare reform by president Michel Temer. [A maioria
dos brasileiros é contra a reforma da previdência do presidente Michel Temer.

• This Brazilian labor reform is bad for almost everyone in the country. [Esta reforma
trabalhista brasileira é ruim para quase todo mundo no país.]
• The labor reform proposed by Michel Temer is unfair. [A reforma trabalhista proposta
por Michel Temer é injusta.]
1) I’ll give you a precious tip about how study really hard.
2) I never bought anything secondhand because...
1) Billy’s address is on the tip of my tongue

3) Means that I know by heart the address.

4) Todd and Rita got her father to buy some candies for they.
5) I never bought anything secondhand. Because it depending what you
buy, it can have some problem more fast than a new thing. However,
the prices are very good and it depending on the product, the quality is
also good.
6) I think these people are weaks, as she don’t have a perspective, so
she give up when a situation stay hard. For example, imagine you did’nt
study for a test, but if you don’t try to do the test, you will never know
waht you can do.
7) You have no idea how answer the question.
8) Some companies only contract people who know how to speak
english. Then, everybody need learn english, because it’s the language
of the world.
9) Only who have a pet know that they do a lot of work. They’re
affectionares, dociles and buddies. Thet adore tease. Sometimes they
catch something like sandals or towels. Independent what pet you
have, it needs some cares cause they’re like childrens, need attention.
10) I do not like boxing. I know about this sport. Not assisted why I act
violent not any kind of fight definetely not pleased.
11) Because in a interview, I may be asked to talk in English. To learn
English is importante to get good Works, to increase my salary. To learn
English is a world necessity for all today.
12) There are a bunch of irregular verbs sometimes I forget how use
13) 50 years ago, the human race have only postmail and telefones to
communicate each other. Today, by whatsapp and Skype and internet,
the people talking each other eith more speed, may see each other. It’s
a progress.
14) I’m a very organized person. I try make something indeed the more
faster than I can. I write in my work schedule all things I have do, and I
create alarms to remember when I have to do it.
These verbs can be followed by either the gerund
or the infinitive with a change in meaning.
Remember + gerund
Remember + to + infinitive
This is when you remember something that has
happened in the past. You have a memory of it,
This is when you think of something
like being able to see a movie of it in your head. that you need to do. (And usually, you
then do the thing).
• I remember going to the beach when I was a • I remembered to buy milk. (= I was
child. (= I have a memory of going to the walking home and the idea that I
needed milk came into my head, so I
bought some).
• He remembers closing the door. (= He has a
memory of closing the door). • She remembered to send a card to
her grandmother.
Forget + gerund Forget + to + infinitive
This is the opposite of remember + This is the opposite of remember + to +
gerund. It's when you forget about a infinitive. It's when you want to do
memory, something that you've done something, but you forget about it.
in the past. • I forgot to call my mother. (= I wanted to
call my mother, but when it was a good
• Have we really studied this topic time to call her, I forgot. I was thinking
before? I forget reading about it. about something else, and the idea to call
• I told my brother that we'd spent my mother didn't come into my head).
Christmas at Granny's house in 1985, • She keeps forgetting to bring his book
but he'd forgotten going there. back.
Try + gerund Try + to + infinitive

This is when you do something as an This is when the thing you do itself is
experiment. The thing you do is not difficult, difficult. In the present tense or future
but you want to see if doing it will have the
result that you want.
tense, this means you might not
succeed in doing it. In the past tense, it
• I wanted to stop smoking, so I tried using
nicotine patches. (= Using nicotine patches means that you made an effort to do
was easy, but I wanted to know if it would the thing, but you did not succeed.
help me stop smoking). • I'll try to carry the suitcase, but it
• She tried giving up chocolate, but it didn't looks too heavy for me.
help her lose weight. (It was easy for her to
give up chocolate. She gave it up to see if it • She tried to catch the bus, but she
would help her lose weight, but it didn't). couldn't run fast enough.
Look at the difference:
• I tried giving up chocolate (it was no problem to stop eating
chocolate. It was an experiment.) but it didn't make me feel more
• I tried to give up chocolate, but it was too hard. I always ate some
when my friends offered it to me.
• It was too hot in the room. I tried opening the window (it was easy to
open the window. It was an experiment.). It didn't help though,
because it was very hot outside too.
• I tried to open the window, but I couldn't because it was stuck.
Stop + gerund Stop + to + infinitive

When we stop doing something it means the In this case, we stop something else in
verb in the gerund is the thing that we stop. It
can mean 'stop forever' or 'stop at that moment'.
order to do the verb in the infinitive.
• I stopped working when I was expecting a • I stopped to eat lunch. (I stopped
baby. (Working is the thing I stopped). something else, maybe working or
• My grandmother stopped driving when she studying, because I wanted to eat
was 85. (Driving is the thing she stopped). lunch).
• My boss came into the room, so I stopped
browsing the internet. • She was shopping and she stopped to
• There was a fire alarm, so I stopped eating and get a cup of coffee. (She stopped
went outside. shopping because she wanted to get
a cup of coffee).
Look at the difference:
• I stopped smoking. (I gave up cigarettes OR I threw away my cigarette
at that moment).

• I stopped to smoke. (I stopped doing something else because I

wanted to have a cigarette).
Regret + gerund Regret + to + infinitive

This is when you are sorry about We use this construction when we are
something you did in the past and you giving someone bad news, in quite a
wish you hadn't done it. formal way. The verb is almost always
• I regret going to bed so late. I'm something like 'say' or 'tell' or 'inform'.
really tired today. • I regret to tell you that the train has
been delayed.
• She regrets leaving school when she
was sixteen. She wishes that she had • The company regrets to inform
studied more and then gone to employees that the London office will
university. close next year.

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