Law and Social Change
Law and Social Change
Law and Social Change
Roscoe Pound stated, “Laws must be stable and yet cannot stand still.”
The relation between law and social change can be described in
1. Historical context
2. Inseparability
3. Common goals and aspirations
Two schools of thought
Special provisions under Article 371A of the Constitution have been made for the State of
Nagaland to safeguard the cultural identity of the Nagas
Kesavananda Bharti v. State of Kerala, the Supreme Court observed that, “no generation
has monopoly of wisdom nor has it a right to place fetters on future generations to mould
the machinery of Government according to their requirements. If no provisions were made
for the amendment of the Constitution, the people would have recourse to extra
Constitutional method like revolution to the change of the Constitution.”
Law is a dynamic concept; it must be changed according to the needs of the society