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Maya Handayani Sinaga, SS, M.Pd


Tempat / Tgl Lahir : Perbaungan / 26 November 1973

Alamat : Jln. Bunga Rinte Raya Komp. Puri Zahara 2
Blok F No. 10 Medan

Hp : 085361638391

Pangkat / Golongan : Lektor / Penata TK. I / III D

Riwayat Pendidikan :

1. SMF Depkes RI Medan Tahun 1993

2. Sarjana Sastra Inggris Tahun 1998
3. Magister Teknologi Pendidikan Tahun 2008
4. Ahli Madya Farmasi 2017
 Staf SMF Depkes RI Medan 1994-2001
 Guru SMF Depkes RI Medan 1998-2001
 Dosen Akademi Farmasi Depkes Medan 1999-2000
 Dosen Poltekkes Medan 2001 – sekarang
 Sekretaris Jurusan Farmasi Poltekkes Medan 2010-2018
 Staf UP3K Poltekkes Medan 2018- Juni 2019
 Koord. Pengendali Gratifikasi Poltekkes Medan Juni 2019-
Februari 2023
 Sekretaris Jurusan Farmasi Poltekkes Medan Maret 2023-
Desember 2023
 Staf Pengembangan dan Pendidikan 2024-sekarang.
5 Basic Tenses
Simple Present Tense
Simple Past Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Simple Future Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Simple present tense is the tense used to
express an action or activity that takes
place / happening at the current time in a
simple form, activity or work performed
repeatedly, daily habits, events or actions
that have nothing to do with time, and to
express general truths.
Suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan,
atau kejadian yang terjadi pada saat ini.

eg : I wait for the bus every day

Sentence Formula Example
Positifve S + V-1 She likes eating out
(+) S +/- auxiliary (do/does) + bare infinitive The children are naughty.
Negative S + auxiliary (do/does) + not + bare infinitive She doesn’t like eating out
 Kalimat Rumus Simple Present Tense Contoh Simple Present Tense
positif The children aren’t naughty
+ be(am/is/are)
S + V-1 + not
S +/- auxiliary
Interogative Do/Does (do/does)
+ S + bare infinitive+ bare infinitive She likes
Does sheeating out out
like eating
Be(am/is/are) + S Are the children naughty

 Pada kalimat positif, normalnya auxiliary verb (do/does) tidak digunakan,
melainkan hanya digunakan jika perlu untuk memberi penekanan pada
keharusan melakukan aksi.
The Function Of Simple Present Tense
The Function Example
Habitual action She always drinks low fat milk
(kebiasaan) dimana sering digunakan (dia selalu minum susu rendah lemak)
adverb of frequency (always, often, She sends much money to her parents in the
usually, every day/week, month, all the village every month.
time, etc) (Dia mengirimkan banyak uang kepada
orangtuanya di desa setiap bulan.)
Factual The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
(kebenaran umum/fakta yang tak (Matahari terbit dari ufuk timur dan tenggelam
terbantahkan) di ufuk barat.)
Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius.
(Air mendidih pada suhu 100 derajat celcius.)

General Simple Statement I live in Medan.

(berlaku kapan saja) (Saya tinggal di Medan)
She is so beautiful.
(Dia sangat cantik.)
Stative verb She loves dancing
menyatakan perasaan (feeling), indera ( dia suka menari)
(sense), pikiran (mental state), I see tears in your eyes.
atau kepemilikan (possession). (Saya melihat air mata di matamu.)
My brother owns a new house.
(Saudaraku memiliki rumah baru.)

Schedule The ship leaves the harbour this night

membicarakan rencana atau jadwal di at 7 o’clock.
masa depan namun memiliki jangka (Kapal meninggalkan pelabuhan
waktu dekat dengan sekarang. malam ini jam 7.)
Umumnya membicarakan tentang He arrives from Jakarta at 1 pm.
transportasi atau event. Verb yang (Dia tiba dari Jakarta jam 1 siang.)
biasa digunakan antara lain: arrive, The ceremony starts at nine.
come, leave. (Upacara dimulai jam sembilan.)

Instruction You add a glass of coconut milk into a

memberikan instruksi atau serial aksi. pan and then boil it.
(Kamu tambah segelas santan ke
dalam panci lalu rebus.)
You go straight ahead then turn left.
(Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok
Simple past tense is used for past actions
that happened either at a specific time,
which can either be given by a time
phrase (yesterday, last year, etc.) or
understood from the context.
bentuk kata kerja sederhana untuk menunjukkan bahwa
suatu kejadian terjadi di masa lampau.

eg: I waited for the bus yesterday

Patterns of simple past tense


Positive (+) The teacher came
S + Verb-2 (past tense)
S + be(was/were)
I was a stamp collector
Negative (-) The teacher didn’t come
S + did + not + bare infinitive
S + be(was/were) + not I wasn’t a stamp
Interogative (?) Did the teacher come
Did + S + bare infinitive
be(was/were) + S
Was I a stamp collector
The function of Simple Past
Untuk membicarakan aksi yang terjadi dengan
durasi waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Preposition ” For “dapat digunakan untuk Vina and I went to the Ragunan zoo
menyatakan periode waktu kejadian three months ago.
(Saya dan Vina pergi Ragunan tiga
bulan lalu.)

Did he come on time yesterday ?

(Apakah di datang tepat waktu
kemarin ?)

The party started at 10.00 pm

(pesta di mulai pukul 10.00 pagi)
3. Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense is used to
express a continued or ongoing action at
present time. It expresses an action which
is in progress at the time of speaking.
Merupakan tense bentuk yang menunjuk pada tindakan yang sedang
berlangsung sekarang atau ketika pembicaraan itu sedang berlangsung. Jadi
tindakan itu sudah dimulai, dan belum berakhir ketika pembicaraan itu
eg : I am waiting for bus now
Sentence Formula Example

+ Subject + am/is/are + V ing They are playing football.

- Subject + am/is/are + not + V They are not playing

ing football.
? Am/Is/Are + Subject + V ing Are they playing football?
The Function of Present continuous

Present continuous Tense is also called Present

Progressive Tense. We use the present continuous
tense to show we are in the middle of an activity
that is in progress at this moment. The activity
started in the past and will go on in the future.
So when we use the present continuous tense we
are talking about something that is still not yet
finished or complete at the time of speaking.
The future tense expresses a future
event or a future state of being.
Bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, secara spontan atau

eg : I will wait for the bus later

The Function Of Future Tense
Used to describe an action or event that will be done in the future.
 The example:
- I shall visit my friend tomorrow
- She will come there tomorrow morning.

Used to indicate conditions.

 The example:
- I shall give him money if he come to meet me.
- He will help me if I teach him English

Used to ask someone to do something.

 The example:
- Will you please open the door.
- Will you give to know where is the near hotel.

Used to describe an event that will happen soon.

 The example:
- The match is going to begin and the player walk to the field
- The train is going to arrive the station.
The Pattern of Future Tense
(+) Subject + shall/will + verb base + complement

(-) Subject + shall/will + not + verb base + complement

(?) Shall/will + Subject + verb base ?

The Example:
(+) I shall go to Surabaya tomorrow.
(-) I shall not go to Surabaya tomorrow.
(?) Shall I go to Surabaya tomorrow?
(+) We shall learn English next week.
(-) We shall not learn English next week.
(?) Shall we learn English next week?

(+) Doni will speak English well soon.

(-) Doni will not speak English well soon.
(?) Will Doni speak English well soon?
Perfect tense is used to expressed an
action which happened or completed in
past but usually the action which
happened or completed at a short time
before now (near past) not a very long
time before now.
bentuk waktu untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang sudah
terjadi atau dikerjakan pada masa lalu dan masih berhubungan dengan
masa sekarang.
Function of The Perfect Tense
Declare activity has happened
Declare the repetition activity
Using Since/For to declare the duration
Pattern of Present Perfecet Tense
Sentence Formula Example
+ S + has/have + V3 + O I has believed you everytime
I have read the book
- S + has/have + not + V3 + O I hasn’t believed you everytime
I haven’t read the book

? has/have + S + V3 + O Have they believed you everytime

Have I read the book
Exercise :
1. My match teacher ... always kind to every student.
a. Was
b. Is
c. Are
d. Am

2. Budi, Agus and Yudi ... my best friend.

a. Are
b. Am
c. Is
d. Was

3. One of my friends always ... to Yogyakarta every year.

a. Going
b. Goes
c. Go
d. To go

4. My father doesn’t ... coffee every morning.

a. Drinking
b. Drink
c. To drink
d. Drinks

5. Our English teacher always ... our homework every week.

a. Checks
b. Checked
c. Check
d. Checking
6. The train always ... on time.
a. Arrived
b. To arrive
c. Arrive
d. Arrives
7. ……... you have enough time to attend the party?
a. Do
b. Did
c. Does
d. Didn’t

8. Does the coach of Football club ... the team regularly?

a. Training
b. Trains
c. Train
d. Trained

9. ……….... your Uncle come here every year?

a. Will
b. Does
c. Do
d. Did

10. I don’t ... time to swim on monday.

a. Have
b. Had
c. Having
d. Has
11. Jane ... a very thick book about Indonesian History.
a. Hid
b. Have
c. Has
d. Had
12. I ... at 5 am
a. got up
b. gets up
c. get up
d. getting up

13. Our English teacher ... check the attendance list every day.
a. Not doing
b. Does not
c. Do not
d. Did not

14. Mr. And Mrs. Susanto often ... late.

a. Come
b. Coming
c. Comes
d. Came

15. I ... a letter for my mom

a. writes
b. writing
c. write
d. wrote
16. I ... a delicious food for you
a. cook
b. cooks
c. cooking
d. cooked

17. He ... a homemade cake

a. making
b. make
c. made
d. makes

18. We ... this food here

a. eating
b. eat
c. ate
d. eaten

19. It most ... . all the time

a. hapen
b. happening
c. happen
d. happens

20. Johan often….to my gym

a. comes
b. came
c. come
d. coming

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