RTSconcallmin2011 09 27
RTSconcallmin2011 09 27
RTSconcallmin2011 09 27
• Use Extension 70431 in Hopkinton to contact the SSR Group. This number will
automatically route you to a SSR Specialist in Hopkinton, Cork, or Sydney depending
on the time of the day. This service is available approximately 24 hours 5 ½ days per
week. Calls outside hours will divert to a CST who will page the On-call SSR
• After dialing the main number press 1 to enter the Meeting ID: 72701005
EMC Engineering have changed the script step engine at Enginuity 5875.135.91 and any change in existing drive
attributes (model, speed, or capacity) WILL now cause data loss.
• Note that changes to the Physical Disk Group number are not allowed and the simulation/script will Red Box: Script
Exception Occurred Request to change disk type to non exiting type.
• You can change the Disk Group Name but not the Disk Group Number. The simulation should show as a Valid Online
change (no data loss). In this case the OnlUpg_Show_Confirm_Plan will show a VALID Add_Volumes_And_Disks step
with empty Volume Configuration Compare log (refer to emc191790). Otherwise DO NOT use the SymmWin Disk
Map utility to change the Disk Type of existing drives at 5875.
• If you have 2 Disk Groups of the same type of drive you can move one group to the other and combine them. There 2
ways to accomplish this:
• In the Disk Map highlight the drives you want to change and then change them to the Group (Letter) you want.
For example if you have Disk Group 2 (ID=B) FIB-0600GB-15 and Disk Group 4 (ID=D) FIB-0600GB-15 and you
want to combine them into one group change all the D's to B's apply the changes, save the bin, and run the
simulation. The simulation Online Configuration Change Plan should show the following Valid changes:
Remove_Spindles and Add_Volumes_And_Disks.
• Or in the Disk Map you can highlight the disks you want to change -> Right click on them and select Change
Disk Type. This will bring up the Disk Type pop-up menu. You need to select the correct drive Type and verify the
Disk Group Number shows the correct Group for that drive Type.
If customer insists changes to the Disk Type, they first need to backup or migrate the affected data. You can then separate
any other bin changes to allow the deletion of the affected drives and the re-addition of NEW drives with the updated
When the customer creates a Symmetrix volume using their software, SCSI-3 Persistent Reservation
Flag is 'Enabled' on the device by default in Enginuity 5875. This is how the code was designed. In
previous code levels, the default setting is 'Disabled'.
Update September 2011: There has been an issue seen with W2K hosts with multiple paths to ACLX
device with a PGR will hang during reboot (even without PP). It is recommended to not have the SCSI
PER bit set on the ACLX device. OPT 372953 has been opened and a fix is being written to modify the
Enginuity on which devices will automatically have the SCSI-PER bit set. The fix will do the following:
• Disable the SCSI3 PER (PGR) flag for the ACLX device by default for new installs only. We will not
block requests to enable this flag or disable it if it is already enabled .
• Logs an error and dials home when the SCSI3 PER (PGR) flag is set on the ACLX device. The
PSE Lab will have to work with the customer to clear the reservations.
Questions have been raised regarding why this has been changed. This was a decision made by
Development Engineering. The only way to change the setting to 'DISABLED' on a device would
be considered a change directors flags config change. This can be done by Symconfigure request or Bin
change through SymmWin. This is on a device range basis.
1. Verify the box can be taken offline and ensure there are no ongoing customer I/O and no Write
Pendings (WPs).
2. Take All directors offline.
3. Validate that the Vault completed successfully. Ensure that each DA has logged a FECB event.
4. Remove Power Supply B (power supply on right side front) from the enclosure.
5. Remove Power Supply A (power supply on left side front) from the enclosure.
6. Swap in replacement Engine: Remove I/O modules and directors and any other FRUs not provided
with new engine from the existing engine and place them into the new engine.
CAUTION! Do NOT install power supplies at this time.
7. Slide the engine into the rack. Try to minimize accidental cable movement.
8. Plug all the I/O cables back in. Verify all cables are properly connected and seated properly.
9. Connect the AC power cords to the rear of the new engine. Plug in both power supplies into the new
10. The system should now boot up and come up offline. Verify that no unexpected errors occur.
11. Call the PSE Lab to get the engine mid-plane stamped and then bring the system online.
When using SMC on the Service Processor, the GUI display does not show all of the screen options at
When using SMC on the Service Processor to configure the customer's environment, certain GUI screens
will not display all of the screen options. This is because if the Service Processor screen resolution is set
to 800 x 600 or less, then the full SMC screen will not display. For this reason, when executing certain
functions within SMC, the user cannot complete the functions because the user input control buttons will
not display for selection.
To correct this issue, set the Service Processor screen resolutions to 1024 x 768. This will re-size all of
the SMC windows and allow viewing of the SMC options. When you are done using SMC, reset the
screen resolution back to the default of 800 x 600 so that the SymmWin display will not be affected.
DDS.log is not generated when power vault drive loses spare coverage.
Power vault drive no longer has spare coverage, but drive replacement is deferred.
This is due to an Enginuity issue. The function to calculate the deferred maintenance criteria ignores
power vault drives.
Support Center: OPT 376312 has been opened for this issue and Fix 20011323 is in progress. The fix is
scheduled for the next Service Release of 5874 (Q4) and the Q1 Service Release for 5875.
The Celerra Thin data devices must be set as SERVER/CELERRA. However, the CELERRA Storage
Pool TDATs may be set as SERVER/CELERRA for easy recognition or regular SERVER type. The
CELERRA control volumes must still be Thick, 2-mirror protected, Fibre Channel devices.
High Memory (50M+) and/or Handle count (3,000+) for svchost.exe in 5773.155.107 and 5874.230.183
and lower
The RASSecuritydll leaks handles when SymmIP is enabled on 5773.155.107 and 5874.230.183 and
(For 5773.141.98 and 5773.155.107 only) Check version of c:\emc\slc\rassecurity.dll. Right-click on dll
and open Properties, if the version is less than 2.11, load the new version. If rassecurity.dll is version
2.11, then reboot the Service Processor as the new dll may not have been activated yet.
How to load rassecurity.dll version 2.11: Rename c:\emc\slc\rassecurity.dll. Copy down rassecurity.dll
version 2.11. Reboot Service Processor.
Products Supported:
• Symmetrix V-Max, DMX-3 & DMX-4, DMX-1 & DMX-2
• Symmetrix 5.x (From Q4’09, limited support. Testing using generic configurations only)
• Refer to emc220438 for full details
F.Y.I - The Symmetrix Configuration Forum can be accessed from the following link:
F.Y.I - For new installs and service processors replacements use the latest version of SP utility at
F.Y.I - For the latest Regulator versions, please refer to the following link on Symmipedia.
http://www.corkc4.isus.emc.com/wiki/index.php/Regulator. Anyone with dark sites should download it from
the SSR web.
F.Y.I - Reminder–Please reference the Enginuity Reference Database (NERD) before submitting any
activity to CCA.
F.Y.I - Customer Service Procedures (CSP’s): http://www.cs.isus.emc.com/ and search for Customer
Service Procedures.
F.Y.I - The latest version of Connect EMC is 3.02.06 for 5671, 5771, 5772. The latest version is 4.02.08 for
5773, 5874, 5875. Refer to information listed in Primus emc227604