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Criminology is
Derives from the Latin word "crimen" means crime and the Greek
word "logos" doctrine, science or study.
The interdisciplinary field in behavioural sciences, which primarily based
upon the research of sociologist and psychologist.

Can be defined as the study of human behaviour in different social and

psychological aspects which can violates law or against the society

In simple words, criminology can be study of crime and criminal

Have you ever asked yourself why people commit
crime? Who is most likely to be a victim of crime in
terms of demographics? What role does mental health
and addiction play in crime and victimization?
Criminology is the study of who commits crimes and why
they felt the need to commit them. It determines root
causes of criminality such as inequality, unemployment,
poverty, addiction, and racism. It also focuses on
interventions and strategies that could address the basic
factors and ideally preventing criminal activity, thereby
reducing relapse rates and the harm caused by crime.
Criminologists are interested in
the rehabilitation and
management of incarcerated
populations as well as to assist
and reintegrate offenders safely
back into society.
Criminology is not to be confused with
criminalistics (also known as forensic
science), which is the application of
scientific principles and techniques relating
to the collection, examination, and analysis
of physical evidence, according to Merriam-
Forensic scientists can work in a laboratory
environment examining evidence or as a crime
scene investigator.
Criminology leans towards preventive
components while criminalistics takes effect after
a crime has taken place.
Criminology can help improve crime responses, criminal justice
systems, and how victims and criminals are treated.

What Jobs Can I Get with Criminology?

Criminologists determine why a crime was committed, and the

effects they have on society.
Where did Criminology
came From?
He is considered Cesare Lombroso
the founder of
An Italian eugenicist,
modern criminal
anthropology by criminologist,
changing the phrenologist, physician,
Western notions of and founder of the Italian
school of criminology
Lombroso rejected the established classical school, which
held that crime was a characteristic trait of human nature.
Instead, using concepts drawn from physiognomy,
degeneration theory, psychiatry, and Social Darwinism,
Lombroso's theory of anthropological criminology
essentially stated that criminality was inherited, and that
someone "born criminal" could be identified by physical
(congenital) defects, which confirmed a criminal as savage
or atavistic
The term criminology
was coined in 1885 by
Italian law professor
Raffaele Garofalo as

Raffaele Garofalo was an

Italian criminologist and jurist.
His major contribution was the formulation of a
theory of "natural crime." The theory embraces
crimes of two types: those of violence and those
against property. His Criminologia (1885) was
translated by R. W. Millar (1914).
Later, the French anthropologist Paul Topinard used the
analogous term Criminologie [en].

Paul Topinard was a French physician

and anthropologist who was a student
of Paul Broca and whose views
influenced the methodology adopted
by Herbert Hope Risley
Criminal Etiology
Three Divisions of Criminology
Criminal Etiology- it is an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes
of the crime.
Sociology of Law- which is an attempt at scientific analysis of
the conditions which penal/criminal laws has developed as a
process of formal and social control.
Penology- which is concerned with the control and prevention of crime and
the treatment of offenders.
Makings of Law

Law is passed because of the consensus of the will of the public. In the
Philippines, we have bicameral system of legislation. It is called
bicameral because it is composed of two houses; the Senate and the
House of Representatives. We have three major divisions or branches in
the government; the executive, vested on the office of the president; the
legislative, cited and explained above; and the judiciary vested on the
Supreme Court. We are being represented by the legislative branch in
making laws.
Early laws worldwide setting:
1. Code of Hammurabi- Babylon (1700 B.C.)
2. Mosaic Code- Israelites (1200 В.С.)
3. Draconian Code- Greece (17th century
4. Hindu Code of Manu- India
5. Koran- Islamic Society
6. Law of twelve tables- Romans (451-450 В.С.)
7. Sumerian Code- Summer (3500 BC.)
8. Law of Moses (1500 B.C.-1900 В.С.)
Early laws in the Philippines:

1. Maragtas Code (1215) -

the oldest law of Panay Island.
2. Kalantiaw Code (1433) -
2nd code of criminal justice.
All violations of laws are violations of the will of the
majority in the society.The Violation of the provisions of
the criminal laws created by the public thru representation
is called CRIME.

Crime is an act or omission in violation of criminal law.

Act is outward movement tending to produce effect.

Reaction of the society towards
the breaking of laws
Society either reacts positively or negatively when someone
commits crime.However, seldom has the society reacted
positively; it reacts negatively by imposing punishment on
the law-breaker.

Phenomenon- observable; something which can be observed; any fact,

circumstances, or experiences which can be explained scientifically
Criminology Distinguished from
Other Related Disciplines
Criminology: An Interdisciplinary Science

It involves two or more academic fields, namely:

1. Sociology
2. Criminal justice,
3. Political science,
4. Psychology,
5. Economics,
6. Natural Sciences
Criminology Distinguished from
Other Related Disciplines
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Criminology explains the Criminal justice refers to
origin, extent, and nature agencies of social control
of crime in society

Criminologist Criminal Justice Scholars

-identify the nature, extent seek more effective methods of
and cause of crime. crime00 control and offender
Is Criminology
a Science?
There is at present a continuing argument
whether criminology is a science or not.
Edwin H. Sutherland and Donald Cressy
both American Criminologist argued
criminology is not a science but it has
becoming a science.
His differential association theory
considers crime a way of life derived
from a person's attachment to groups
for whom criminal acts are a measure
of success and a way of life. He is
known for applying this theory to
criminal behavior within occupational
groups (white-collar crime).
Cressey published a model
called the “fraud triangle.”
The fraud triangle outlines
the three conditions that lead
to higher instances of
occupational fraud:
motivation, opportunity, and
However, George L. Wilker said that
criminology cannot possibly become a science
due to lack of universal proposition of crime
and scientific studies of criminal behavior is
According to George
Wilker, Criminology
cannot become a
Science because it
has not yet acquired
universal validity.
So How Criminology
become a Science?
Criminology is a sojence in use when
applied enforcement and prevention
Ceres under the following nature:
1. It is an applied science in the study of the causes of
crimes, anthropology, zoology, psychology, sociology
and other natural sciences may be applied. While in
crime detection, chemistry, medicine, physics,
mathematics, ballistics, photography, legal medicine,
question documents examination may be utilized. This
is called Instrumentation
2.it is a social science - in as much as crime is a
social creation and that it exists in a society
being a social phenomenon, its study must be
considered a part of social science.
3. It is dynami criminology
changes as social conditions
changes. It is concomitant with the
advancement of other sciences that
have been applied to it.
4. It is nationalistic the study of crimes -
must be in relation with existing
criminal law within a territory or
country. Finally, the question as to
whether an act is a crime is dependent
on the criminal law of a country.
Criminologists are interested as how
criminal laws are created, who has the
power to create them, what are the
purpose of such laws, how they are
enforced and violated.
The criminologists study the kinds of
sanctions or incentives that can best
protect the environment. The
criminologists study the relationship
between ideology and power in the
making, enforcing, and breaking of
Criminology is an important aspect of
law and social structure within society
because it studies why volatile criminal
behaviour is apparent in lawful countries.
It helps us understand culpability and
how morality is tackled within the eyes of
criminals and the law.
Submitted to: Ken Paul Baniago
Submitted by: Jasmine Falla


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