Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
(3rd Edition)
Chapter 3: Processes
1 / 47
• Threads
• Virtualization
• Clients
• Servers
• Code migration
2 / 47
Discussion Points
• What is Processor?
• What is Thread?
• What is Process?
3 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Introduction to threads
Basic idea
• To execute a program , an operating system creates a number of
virtual processors ,each one for running a different program:
• To keep track of these virtual processors, the OS has a process
• The process table, containing entries to store CPU register
values, memory maps, open files, accounting information,
privileges, etc. Jointly, these entries form process context
• A process context can be viewed as the software analog of the
hardware’s processor context
• Hardware processor context consists of the minimal information
that is automatically stored by the hardware to handle an
interrupt, and to later return to where the CPU left off.
44/ /47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Introduction to threads
Basic idea …
Context switching
► Processor context: The minimal collection of values stored in the
registers of a processor used for the execution of a series of
instructions (e.g., stack pointer, addressing registers, program
63/ /47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Context switching
► Processor context: The minimal collection of values stored in the
registers of a processor used for the execution of a series of
instructions (e.g., stack pointer, addressing registers, program
► Thread context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a series of
instructions (i.e., processor context, state).
73/ /47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Context switching
► Processor context: The minimal collection of values stored in the
registers of a processor used for the execution of a series of
instructions (e.g., stack pointer, addressing registers, program
► Thread context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a series of
instructions (i.e., processor context, state).
► Process context: The minimal collection of values stored in
registers and memory, used for the execution of a thread (i.e.,
thread context, but now also at least MMU register values).
83/ /47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Context switching
1. Threads share the same address space. Thread context switching
can be done entirely independent of the operating system.
2. Process switching is generally (somewhat) more expensive as it
involves getting the OS in the loop, i.e., trapping to the kernel.
3. Creating and destroying threads is much cheaper than doing so
for processes.
94/ /47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Context switching
4 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Process A Process B
Operating system
► Threads use the same address space: more prone to errors
► No support from OS/HW to protect threads using each other’s
► Thread context switching may be faster than process context
Thread usage in no nd si tr b
i u ted systems
s w ti c h n
i g 12
6 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Thread implementation 8 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Main issue
Should an OS kernel provide threads, or should they be implemented
as user-level packages?
Thread implementation 8 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Thread implementation 8 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Kernel solution
The whole idea is to have the kernel contain the implementation of a
thread package. This means that all operations return as system calls:
► Operations that block a thread are no longer a problem: the kernel
schedules another available thread within the same process.
► handling external events is simple: the kernel (which catches all
events) schedules the thread associated with the event.
► The problem is (or used to be) the loss of efficiency due to the
fact that each thread operation requires a trap to the kernel.
Conclusion – but
Try to mix user-level and kernel-level threads into a single concept,
however, performance gain has not turned out to outweigh the
increased complexity.
Require many-to-many threading model
Thread implementation 9 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Basic idea
Introduce a two-level threading approach: lightweight processes that
can execute user-level threads.
Thread state
User space
Lightweight process
Kernel space
Thread implementation 10 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Principle operation
Thread implementation 19 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Principle operation
► User-level thread does system call ⇒ the LWP that is executing
that thread, blocks. The thread remains bound to the LWP.
Thread implementation 20 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Principle operation
► User-level thread does system call ⇒ the LWP that is executing
that thread, blocks. The thread remains bound to the LWP.
► The kernel can schedule another LWP having a runnable thread
bound to it. Note: this thread can switch to any other runnable
thread currently in user space.
Thread implementation 21 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Principle operation
► User-level thread does system call ⇒ the LWP that is executing
that thread, blocks. The thread remains bound to the LWP.
► The kernel can schedule another LWP having a runnable thread
bound to it. Note: this thread can switch to any other runnable
thread currently in user space.
► A thread calls a blocking user-level operation ⇒ do context switch
to a runnable thread, (then bound to the same LWP).
Thread implementation 22 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Principle operation
► User-level thread does system call ⇒ the LWP that is executing
that thread, blocks. The thread remains bound to the LWP.
► The kernel can schedule another LWP having a runnable thread
bound to it. Note: this thread can switch to any other runnable
thread currently in user space.
► A thread calls a blocking user-level operation ⇒ do context switch
to a runnable thread, (then bound to the same LWP).
► When there are no threads to schedule, an LWP may remain idle,
and may even be removed (destroyed) by the kernel.
Thread implementation 23 / 47
Processes: Threads Introduction to threads
Lightweight processes
Principle operation
► User-level thread does system call ⇒ the LWP that is executing
that thread, blocks. The thread remains bound to the LWP.
► The kernel can schedule another LWP having a runnable thread
bound to it. Note: this thread can switch to any other runnable
thread currently in user space.
► A thread calls a blocking user-level operation ⇒ do context switch
to a runnable thread, (then bound to the same LWP).
► When there are no threads to schedule, an LWP may remain idle,
and may even be removed (destroyed) by the kernel.
This concept has been virtually abandoned – it’s just either user-level
or kernel-level threads.
Thread implementation 24 / 47
Processes: Threads Threads in distributed systems
Multithreaded clients 12 / 47
Processes: Threads Threads in distributed systems
N i· i
TLP = ∑ i = 1
1 −cc0
with N the maximum number of threads that (can) execute at the same
Multithreaded clients 27 / 47
Processes: Threads Threads in distributed systems
N i· i
TLP = ∑ i = 1
1 −cc0
with N the maximum number of threads that (can) execute at the same
Practical measurements
A typical Web browser has a TLP value between 1.5 and 2.5 ⇒
threads are primarily used for logically organizing browsers.
Multithreaded clients 28 / 47
Processes: Threads Threads in distributed systems
Improve performance
► Starting a thread is cheaper than starting a new process.
► Having a single-threaded server prohibits simple scale-up to a
multiprocessor system.
► As with clients: hide network latency by reacting to next
while previous one is being replied.
Better structure
► Most servers have high I/O demands. Using simple,
well-understood blocking calls simplifies the overall structure.
► Multithreaded programs tend to be smaller and easier to
understand due to simplified flow of control.
Multithreaded servers 14 / 47
Processes: Threads Threads in distributed systems
Worker thread
Request coming in
from the network
Operating system
Model Characteristics
Multithreading Parallelism, blocking system calls
Single-threaded process No parallelism, blocking system calls
Finite-state machine Parallelism, nonblocking system calls
Multithreaded servers 15 / 47
Processes: Threads Threads in distributed systems
Multithreaded servers 15 / 47
Processes: Virtualization Principle of virtualization
Virtualization is important:
► Hardware changes
faster than software
► Ease of portability
and code migration
► Isolation of failing or
attacked components
Principle: mimicking
interfaces Interface A
Program Implementation of
mimicking A on B
Interface A Interface B
16 / 47
Processes: Virtualization Principle of virtualization
Mimicking interfaces
Four different types of interfaces at three different levels
1. Instruction set architecture (ISA): an interface between the
hardware and software , with two subsets:
► Privileged instructions: allowed to be executed only by the
operating system.
► General instructions: can be executed by any program.
2. System calls as offered by an operating system.
3. Library calls, known as an application programming interface
Types of virtualization 17 / 47
Processes: Virtualization Principle of virtualization
Ways of virtualization
(a) Process VM, (b) Native VMM, (c) Hosted VMM
(a) Separate set of instructions, an interpreter/emulator, running atop
an OS.
(b) Low-level instructions, along with bare-bones minimal operating
Types of v(ri cu
t )azil Laitoonw-level instructions, but delegating most work to a full-fledged 35 / 47
Processes: Virtualization Principle of virtualization
Special instructions
► Control-sensitive instruction: may affect configuration of a
machine (e.g., one affecting relocation register or interrupt table).
► Behavior-sensitive instruction: effect is partially determined by
context (e.g., POPF sets an interrupt-enabled flag, but only in
system mode).
Types of virtualization 19 / 47
Processes: Virtualization Principle of virtualization
► Emulate all instructions
► Wrap nonprivileged sensitive instructions to divert control to
► Paravirtualization: modify guest OS, either by preventing
nonprivileged sensitive instructions, or making them nonsensitive
(i.e., changing the context).
Types of virtualization 20 / 47
Processes: Virtualization Application of virtual machines to distributed systems
Instead of renting out a physical machine, a cloud provider will rent out
a VM (or VMM) that may possibly be sharing a physical machine with
other customers ⇒ almost complete isolation between customers
(although performance isolation may not be reached).
21 / 47
Processes: Clients Networked user interfaces
Client-server interaction
Network Network
22 / 47
Processes: Clients Networked user interfaces
Xlib Xlib
X kernel
Device drivers
Xlib Xlib
X kernel
Device drivers
Improving X
Practical observations
► There is often no clear separation between application logic and
user-interface commands
► Applications tend to operate in a tightly synchronous manner with
an X kernel
Alternative approaches
► Let applications control the display completely, up to the pixel
level (e.g., VNC)
► Provide only a few high-level display operations (dependent on
local video drivers), allowing more efficient display operations.
Client-side software
Generally tailored for distribution transparency
► Access transparency: client-side stubs for RPCs
► Location/migration transparency: let client-side software keep
track of actual location
► Replication transparency: multiple invocations handled by
Client machine Server 1 Server 2
Client Server Server
Server 3 Server
appl appl appl appl
25 / 47
Processes: Servers General design issues
Basic model
A process implementing a specific service on behalf of a collection of
clients. It waits for an incoming request from a client and subsequently
ensures that the request is taken care of, after which it waits for the
next incoming request.
26 / 47
Processes: Servers General design issues
Concurrent servers
Concurrent servers are the norm: they can easily handle multiple
requests, notably in the presence of blocking operations (to disks or
other servers).
Contacting a server
Observation: most services are tied to a specific port
ftp-data 20 File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp 21 File Transfer [Control]
telnet 23 Telnet
smtp 25 Simple Mail Transfer
www 80 Web (HTTP)
Out-of-band communication
Is it possible to interrupt a server once it has accepted (or is in the
process of accepting) a service request?
Interrupting a server 47 / 47
Processes: Servers General design issues
Out-of-band communication
Is it possible to interrupt a server once it has accepted (or is in the
process of accepting) a service request?
Interrupting a server 48 / 47
Processes: Servers General design issues
Out-of-band communication
Is it possible to interrupt a server once it has accepted (or is in the
process of accepting) a service request?
► Clients and servers are completely independent
► State inconsistencies due to client or server crashes are
► Possible loss of performance because, e.g., a server cannot
anticipate client behavior (think of prefetching file blocks)
► Clients and servers are completely independent
► State inconsistencies due to client or server crashes are
► Possible loss of performance because, e.g., a server cannot
anticipate client behavior (think of prefetching file blocks)
Does connection-oriented communication fit into a stateless
Stateless versus stateful servers 52 / 47
Processes: Servers General design issues
Stateful servers
Keeps track of the status of its clients:
► Record that a file has been opened, so that prefetching can be
► Knows which data a client has cached, and allows clients to keep
local copies of shared data
Stateful servers
Keeps track of the status of its clients:
► Record that a file has been opened, so that prefetching can be
► Knows which data a client has cached, and allows clients to keep
local copies of shared data
The performance of stateful servers can be extremely high, provided
clients are allowed to keep local copies. As it turns out, reliability is
often not a major problem.
Client requests
Crucial element
The first tier is generally responsible for passing requests to an
appropriate server: request dispatching
Local-area clusters 32 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Request Handling
Having the first tier handle all communication from/to the cluster may
lead to a bottleneck.
Request (handed off)
Client Switch
Local-area clusters 33 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Server clusters
The front end may easily get overloaded: special
measures may be needed
► Transport-layer switching: Front end simply passes the TCP
request to one of the servers, taking some performance metric
into account.
► Content-aware distribution: Front end reads the content of the
request and then selects the best server.
Other messages
Client Switch 4. Inform patcher
Setup request
1. Pass setup request Distributor 2. Dispatcher selects
to a distributor server
Local-area clusters 57 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Client transparency
To keep client unaware of distribution, let DNS resolver act on behalf of
client. Problem is that the resolver may actually be far from local to the
actual client.
Wide-area clusters 35 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Wide-area clusters 36 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Wide-area clusters 60 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Wide-area clusters 61 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
Example: PlanetLab
Different organizations contribute machines, which they subsequently
share for various experiments.
We need to ensure that different distributed applications do not get into
each other’s way ⇒ virtualization
Vserver Vserver Vserver Vserver Vserver
Independent and protected environment with its own libraries, server
versions, and so on. Distributed applications are assigned a collection
of vservers distributed across multiple machines
Case study: PlanetLab 39 / 47
Processes: Servers Server clusters
code code
CS exec exec*
resource resource
code code
REV − exec − exec*
→ resource → resource
42 / 47
Processes: Code migration Reasons for migrating code
code code
exec* ←
CoD exec
resource −
code code
MA exec − − exec*
resource → resource resource → resource
43 / 47
Processes: Code migration Reasons for migrating code
Main problem
► The target machine may not be suitable to execute the migrated
► The definition of process/thread/processor context is highly
dependent on local hardware, operating system and runtime
45 / 47
Processes: Code migration Migration in heterogeneous systems
46 / 47
Processes: Code migration Migration in heterogeneous systems
Response time
47 / 47