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. A girl cannot propose marriage to a boy.
Girl dress in pink, boys dress in blue The management of the household shall be the right and duty of the wife It is the responsibility of the wife to discipline their children The husband will make the major decision in the family IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WHETHER IT IS TRUE OR MYTH
. A girl cannot propose marriage to a boy.
Girl dress in pink, boys dress in blue The management of the household shall be the right and duty of the wife Men should not cry It is the responsibility of the wife to discipline their children The husband will make the major decision in the family ARE MEN AND WOMEN EQUAL? SEX AND GENDER How do they differ? SEX AND GENDER SEX GENDER Categorized as male or Masculinity and female femininity Biological Socially, culturally and Fixed at birth historically determines Learned through Does not change across time and space socialization Varies over time and space FACTORS THAT SHAPED GENDER 1. Family- parents as socializers 2. School- teachers as socializers 3. Mass Media – the mass media is more than entertainers: they teach, persuade and shape people’s lives 4. Politics- has usually been a men–only pursuit. Today women are a powerful force in politics • PRODUCTIVE TASK/ROLES AT WORK – works undertaken by either men or women to produce goods and services as well as the processing of primary products. • REPRODUCTIVE ACTIVITIES/ROLES AT HOME – child rearing and the different activities carried out in what is called today “care economy” namely the many hours spent caring for the household members, food preparation, child care, education, health care and • care for the elderly. COMMUNITY SERVICE –
As a husband, what is the
most difficult role to perform? As a wife, what particular role do you need more effort from your husband? What contribution should we make as an advocator for change? Gender and Development (GAD)
It is an approach focusing on the socially
constructed basis of differences between men and women and emphasizes the need to challenge existing gender roles and relations GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT • is one of the government’s priority program focusing on development. • focus on gender relations (unequal relations of men and women. • commits to the goal of gender equality and women empowerment • design programs and projects that respond to gender issue. • Role diversity (kung kaya ng lalaki kaya din ng babae) Women’s Empowerment This is the effort towards improving the condition and position and status of women in the society. This involves the dimension of welfare, participation in development efforts and women over their time and destiny
- Promote a high level of society
- Having a vision, a choice,
releasing their power
- Women are accorded with equal
opportunities for appointment, admission, training and promotion Gender Mainstreaming R Refers to conscious interventions made by there refers It refers to conscious interventions made by the government and organized groups in society to promote the partnership of men and women in development efforts and access to various forms of affirmative action for women.
e.g. include gender in curriculum
of all levels, urgent attention must be given to women’s health, nutrition and family planning WOMEN IN DEVELOPMENT AND NATION BUILDING ACT Among its provisions: the right of women regardless of sex, age, civil status, to act and enter into contracts; equal to that of men in similar circumstances, equal membership in clubs, admission in Military schools and shall have the capacity to borrow and obtain loan. R A 9710 which is the Magna Carta for Women
Among its provisions: a
comprehensive women’s rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination against women by recognizing respecting, fulfilling and promoting the rights of Filipino women, especially those in marginalized sectors. REPUBLIC ACT 9262 Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004. Recognizing the need to protect the family and its members particularly women and children from violence and threat to their personal safety and security.
REPUBLIC ACT 7610- Special Protection of Children
Against Child Abuse Exploitation and Discrimination Act.
REPUBLIC ACT 7877-The Anti-Sexual Harrassment Act of
1995 LEGAL BASIS: Philippine Constitution Article XV. THE FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES ARTICLE 68 The husband and wife are obliged to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity and render mutual help and support. ARTICLE 69 The husband and wife shall fix the family domicile ARTICLE 70 The spouses are jointly responsible for the support of the family ARTICLE 71 The management of the household shall be the right and duty of both spouses ARTICLE 73
Either spouse may
exercise a legitimate profession, business, or occupation without the husband’s consent unless there are valid serious, and moral grounds WAYS TO PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY IN THE FAMILY
SHARED PARENTING Taking care of the baby Helping the children with their homework Disciplining children WAYS TO PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY IN THE FAMILY
Fixing and cleaning the house Doing laundry Going to market Cooking, prepping the table and washing dishes WAYS TO PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY IN THE FAMILY
Family Council Giving permission to children Deciding on affairs of children ROLE PLAYING:
Role-play the problems experienced by
husband and wife in home management, parenting, and decision-making and your course of action as an agent of change A great Indian mystic says this about himself: I was a Revolutionary when I was young And all my prayer to god was: “Lord give me energy to change the world “.
As I approached middle age
I realized that half my life was gone without changing a single soul, I change my prayer to : “Lord give me the grace to change all those who come in contact with me. Just my friends, family, and I shall be satisfied.”
Now that I am old man and my days are numbered, I
have begun to see how foolish I have been. My one prayer now is “Lord give me energy to change myself”. If I have prayed this right from the start, I should have not wasted my life. CONCLUSION
Everybody has dream in life , we dream that our
children will live in peace and harmony environment. The children can roam around safely without fear of being molested by satanic elements. Generally, our present society needs values regeneration (change ) our fundamental problem. Let us accept that the enemy is not only outside us, the enemy is also within us. AS WOMEN:
* Know your rights and assert your views
• Get together with other women to help you break your barriers such as family pressures, social expectation and tradition that constrain you from pursuing your full potentials • Develop new skills to help you attain your self development • Get involved in projects that can widen your horizon AS MEN:
You can advocate for change. Start by sharing in
family responsibilities, domestic chores including childcare. Treat women equally respect for their rights and dignity
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