3 Modern Medicine
3 Modern Medicine
3 Modern Medicine
• Now New strategies have been developed for combating specific deficiencies as
for example, nutritional blindness and iodine deficiency disorders. The recognition
of the role of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients, and more recently
dietary fibre emphasize the nutrition component of preventive medicine.
Control of vectorborne diseases
• Another glorious chapter in the history of
preventive medicine is the discovery of
synthetic insecticides such as DDT, HCH,
malathion and others.
– in the control of vectorborne diseases (e.g.,
malaria, leishmaniasis, plague, rickettsial diseases)
which have been among the most important
world-wide health problems for many years.
Chemoproph'ylaxis and mass drug
• The discovery of sulpha drugs, anti-malarials,
antibiotics, anti-tubercular and anti-leprosy drugs
have all enriched preventive medicine.
• Chemoproph'ylaxis and mass drug treatment have
become important tools of preventive medicine.
• The pattern of disease in the community began to
change with improved control of infectious diseases
through both prevention and treatment, and people
are now living for longer years, especially those in
developing countries
Diseases elimination and Eradication
• A new concept - concept of disease
eradication - began to take shape. This
concept found ready application in the
eradication of smallpox. Eradication of certain
other diseases (e.g., measles, tetanus,
guineaworm and endemic goitre) are on the
Screening for disease
• Another notable development in the 20th century
is the development of "screening" for the
diagnosis of disease in its presymptomatic stage.
• In the 1930s, the two most commonly used tests
were the serologic blood test for syphilis, and the
chest X-ray for tuberculosis.
• As the number of screening tests increased, the
concept of screening for individual diseases
entered the multiphasic epoch in early 1950s.
• Screening for disease among apparently healthy
people has remained an important part of
preventive medicine.
– An offshoot of the screening is screening for "risk-
factors" of disease and identification of "high-risk
– Since we do not have specific weapons against chronic
diseases, screening and regular health-checkups have
acquired an important place in the early detection of
cancer, diabetes, rheumatism and cardiovascular
disease, the so-called "diseases of civilization".
Scope of preventive medicine
• Preventive medicine is currently faced with the problem of "population
explosion" in developing countries where population overgrowth is causing
social, economic, political and environmental problems.
• Advances in the field of treatment in no way has diminished the need for
preventive care nor its usefulness.
• Preventive measures are already being applied not only to the chronic,
degenerative and hereditary diseases but also to the special problems of old age
• As medical science advances, it will become more and more preventive medical
practice in nature.
• The emergence of 'preventive paediatrics, geriatrics and preventive cardiology
reflect newer trends in the scope of preventive medicine
• Modern preventive medicine has been defined as "the art and science of health
promotion, disease prevention, disability limitation and rehabilitation".
• It implies a more personal encounter between the individual and health
professional than public health.
Social medicine
• In 1911, the concept of social medicine was
revived by Alfred Grotjahn (1869-1931) of
Berlin who stressed the importance of social
factors in the aetiology of disease, which he
called "social pathology".
• Others called it geographical pathology and
population pathology.
• In 1912 Rene Sand had founded the Belgian
Social Medicine Association.
• Developments in the field of social sciences (e.g., sociology,
psychology, anthropology) rediscovered that man is not
only a biological animal, but also a social being, and disease
has social causes, social consequences and social therapy.
• The ideas of social medicine spread to other countries.
• John Ryle and his group in England were influenced by
these ideas and visualized social medicine as an evolution
of medicine.
– They promoted the concept of social medicine in England.
– A Chair of social medicine was set up at Oxford in 1942 followed
by similar others in other Universities in England.
• By derivation, social medicine is the study of man
as a social being in his total environment. Its
focus is on the health of the community as a
• Professor Crew had ably stated that social
medicine stands on two pillars - medicine and
• Others stated that the maiden sociology married
public health and became social medicine.
• McKeown has this to say: "In contemporary usage social
medicine has two meanings, one broad and ill-defined, the
other more restricted and precise.
– In the broad sense, social medicine is an expression of the
humanitarian tradition in medicine and people read into it any
interpretation consistent with their own aspirations and interests.
Thus it may be identified with care of patients, prevention of
disease, administration of medical services; indeed with almost
any subject in the extensive field of health and welfare.
– But in the more restricted sense, social medicine is concerned
with a body of knowledge embodied in epidemiology and the
study of the medical needs or medical care of society''.
• Social medicine is not a new branch of medicine but rather a new
orientation of medicine to the changing needs of man and society.
• It emphasizes the strong relationship between medicine and
social sciences.
• The pre-eminent concern of social medicine has unquestionably
been the development of epidemiological methods and their
application to the investigation of disease.
• It has entered into a productive relationship with social sciences
and statistics to be able to elucidate the role of social factors in
disease aetiology .
• These developments represent a forceful bid for the expanding
concept of medicine
Sanitary awakening and rise of public
• The Industrial revolution of the 18th century sparked off
numerous problems –
– creation of slums,
– overcrowding with all its ill-effects,
– accumulation of filth in cities and towns,
– high sickness and death rates especially among women and
– infectious diseases like tuberculosis, industrial and social problems
- which deteriorated the health of the people to the lowest ebb.
• The mean age at death in London was reported to be 44
years for the gentry and professionals, and 22 years for the
working class, in 1842.
• The great cholera epidemic of 1832 led Edwin
Chadwick (1800-1890), a lawyer in England to
investigate the health of the inhabitants of the
large towns with a view to improve the conditions
under which they lived .
• Chadwick's report on "The Sanitary Conditions of
the Laboring Population in Great Britain", a
landmark in the history of public health, set London
and other cities slowly on the way to improve
housing and working conditions.
• Cholera which is often called the "father of
public health" appeared time and again in
the western world during the 19th century.
• An English epidemiologist, John Snow,
studied the epidemiology of cholera in
London from 1848 to 1854 and established
the role of polluted drinking water in the
spread of cholera
WHO definition of Public Health
• Public Health [WHO] : “The science and art of preventing
disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and
efficiency through organized community efforts for the
sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable
infections, the education of the individual in personal
hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing services
for early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and
the development of social machinery to ensure for every
individual a standard of living adequate for the
maintenance of health, so organizing these benefits as to
enable every citizen to realize his birthright of health and
• Disease control phase (1880-1920)
aimed at the control of man’s physical
eg: Water supply ,sewage disposal, etc
• Family medicine:
– The emergence of family medicine has been hailed as a rediscovery of the
human, social and cultural aspects of health and disease, and of the
recognition of family as a focal point of health care and the right place for
integrating preventive, promotive and curative services.
– Family medicine has been defined as "a field of specialization in medicine
which is neither disease nor organ oriented. It is family oriented medicine
or health care centred on the family as the unit - from first contact to the
ongoing care of chronic problems (from prevention to rehabilitation).
– When family medicine is applied to the care of patients and their families,
it becomes the speciality of family practice. Family practice is a horizontal
speciality, which, like paediatrics and internal medicine, shares large areas
of content with other clinical disciplines. The speciality of family practice is
specially designed to deliver "primary care"
Community medicine
• Like family medicine, community medicine is a newcomer.
• It is the successor of what was previously known as public health,
community health, preventive and social medicine.
• The Faculty of Community Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians has
defined community medicine as "that speciality which deals with
populations and comprises those doctors who try to measure the needs of
the population, both sick and well, who plan and administer services to
meet those
• a WHO study group stated that since health problems vary from country to
country, each country should formulate its own definition of community
medicine in the light of its traditions, geography and resources.
• There is still confusion and conflict about roles, tasks and professional
identities in the service as well as the academic worlds of community
• A very high proportion of the population in many developing countries,
and especially in rural areas does not have ready access to health services.
• The health services favoured only the privileged few and urban dwellers.
• Although there was the recognition that health is a fundamental human
right, there is a denial of this right to millions of people who are caught in
the vicious circle of poverty and illhealth.
• There are marked differences in health status between people in different
countries as well as between different groups in the same country;
• the cost of health care is rising without much improvement in their
• There has been a growing dissatisfaction with the existing health services
and a clear demand for better health care
• Health for All
• Primary health care :
– With increasing recognition of the failure of existing health services to
provide health care, alternative ideas and methods to provide health care
have been considered and tried .
– Discussing these issues at the Joint WHOUNICEF international conference
in 1978 at Alma-Ata (USSR), the governments of 134 countries and many
voluntary agencies called for a revolutionary approach to health care.
– Declaring that "The existing gross inequality in the health status of people
particularly between developed and developing countries as well as
within countries is politically, socially and economically unacceptable",
the Alma-Ata conference called for acceptance of the WHO goal of Health
for All by 2000 A.D. and proclaimed primary health care as way to
achieving "Health for All“
– Primary health care is available to all people at the first level
of health care. It is based on principles of equity, wider
coverage, individual and community involvement and
intersectoral coordination.
– Viewed in these terms, primary health care is a radical
departure from the conventional health care systems of the
– While it integrates promotive, preventive and curative
services, it is also conceived as an integral part of the
country's plan for socio-economic development
• Millennium development goals
• Sustainable development goals
• Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human
species by selectively mating people with specific desirable
hereditary traits.
• It aims to reduce human suffering by “breeding out” disease,
disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the
human population.
• Early supporters of eugenics believed people inherited mental
illness, criminal tendencies and even poverty, and that these
conditions could be bred out of the gene pool.
• Historically, eugenics encouraged people of so-called healthy,
superior stock to reproduce and discouraged reproduction of the
mentally challenged or anyone who fell outside the social norm.