Chapter 1 HRM
Chapter 1 HRM
Chapter 1 HRM
• Entrepreneurs
• The qualities that mark an entrepreneur are
numerous, Motivation and Persistence
however an entrepreneur has its own
Rewards and Motivation
• Employees
• It is important to know that people will always be one of
the company’s valuable assets. It is essential for
employees to understand HR management so they may
gain a better understanding of their rights and
privileges as thinking, feeling. And doing individuals in
an organization.
• Supervisors and Leaders
• HRM involves designing various productivity
improvement programs that could provide learning and
enhancement in the quality of life and level of
performance of employees.
• Studying HRM provides a competitive edge, especially
in the aspect of recruitment.
Best Features of HRM
• 1. it is prevalent in nature –
this means that HRM is present and
performed in all operational and
functional areas of management w/in an
organization on a continuous basis.
Best Features of HRM
• 2. It is dynamic –
• HRM moves! HRM acts! It does not
depend on written rules and policies to
solve problems.
Best Features of HRM
• 3. It is individually-oriented
each employee is considered a human
being that is worthy of respect and
Best Features of HRM
• 4. it is employee- oriented
employees are the doing individuals of
an organization.
Best Features of HRM
• 5. it is forward-looking
organizations HRM function to be
successful, it should effectively envision
and assess labor needs for a given
period of time
Best Features of HRM
• 6. it is growth-oriented
for an organization’s HRM process is
to yield success, it should constantly
enhance the conceptual and analytical
skills of its employees.
Differences Between Personnel Management and Human
Resource Management
Personnel Management (PM) Human Resource
Personnel refers to the people man- HRM is the effective supervision and
ning the organization. Managing management of employees’ capabili-
them is referred to as personnel ties and other attributes
PM is conventional and concentrates HRM is a non-stop function directed
on supervisory administration of at developing the knowledge and
people skills of employees
Pm is a separate purpose with sepa- HRM is an indispensable part of the
rate sub-function entire organization