Design Principles

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College of Science and Technology

CST Royal University of Bhutan

Design Methods

24/08/2023: Ugyen Thinley

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

College of Science and Technology
CST Royal University of Bhutan

Working Stress Method (WSM)

 Also termed as allowable stress method (or Working stress method),
is a conventional method of design based on the elastic properties of
 The elastic design does not take into account the strength of the
material beyond the elastic stress.
The stresses due to working loads do not exceed the specified
allowable stresses, which is obtained by applying an adequate factor of
safety to the yield stress of steel.
Therefore the structure designed according to this method will be
heavier than that designed by plastic methods.

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

College of Science and Technology
CST Royal University of Bhutan

Ultimate Load Method (ULM)

 also known as method of load factor design or ultimate load design.
 the ultimate load rather than the yield stress is regarded as the design
The strength of steel beyond the yield stress is fully utilized in this
This method is rapid and provides a rational approach for the analysis
of the structure.
This method also provides striking economy as regards the weight of
steel, since the sections designed by this method are smaller in size
than those designed by the method of elastic design.

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

College of Science and Technology
CST Royal University of Bhutan

Limit State Method (LSM)

 Takes into account the ultimate strength of the structure and also
checks for serviceability requirements.
 consider the probable maximum load and the probable minimum

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

College of Science and Technology
CST Royal University of Bhutan

I. Limit State of Strength - associated with failures under unfavourable

combination of loads.
Strength (yield, buckling, collapse as a mechanism)
Stability against overturning and sway.
Fracture due to fatigue.
Plastic collapse.

II. Limit State of Serviceability.

Deflection, vibration, durability, corrosion, fire, repairable damage

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

College of Science and Technology
CST Royal University of Bhutan

Partial factor of safety

 The factor used in the design of the structure so that the value of
stresses coming on the structure due to applied load does not exceed
the design strength of the materials used in the structure.

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

College of Science and Technology
CST Royal University of Bhutan

A centre of excellence in science and technology enriched with GNH values

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